diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 26fbed6f245b5b9c25fcfed88f39de7fd3cc1ede..e305e88830a072c1d0b002ef50cfbf6d1a0bf39a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ Do you want to boost your productivity and agility of your development? With Ryo
 effectively plan your tasks and manage your projects. It is build with developers in mind and
 facilitates effective collaboration.
+## Documentation
+* [Accessibility Report](docs/accessibility.md)
 ## Getting Started
 A version of this project is hosted at https://ryoko-planning.herokuapp.com/ and you can access it
@@ -41,11 +45,11 @@ Note:
  * The server can use a public and private key pair to sign the authentication web token. They can
 either be placed into the directory `server/keys/` with the name `cert.pem` (public key) and
 `cert.key` (private key), or they can be given using the `JWT_PUBLIC_KEY` and `JWT_PRIVATE_KEY`
-envirenvironment variables. In any case the keys must be suitable for ES384 signatures. If these
+environment variables. In any case the keys must be suitable for ES384 signatures. If these
 keys are not given it will use a simple password to sign the tokens.
  * If your `PORT` environment variable is set that will be used as the port to host the webserver in stead of port 8000.
  * If your `NODE_ENV` environment variable is set to `production` (with SSL) or `staging` (without SSL) the server will try
-to connect to a postgres database using the connection url inside `DATABASE_URL` or
+to connect to a PostgreSQL database using the connection url inside `DATABASE_URL` or
 `postgresql://postgres@localhost/ryoko` if no such variable is present in the environment.
 ### Details
@@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ simultaneously.
 To build a production build enter the respective directory (either `server` or `client`) and execute
 `yarn build` (or `npm run build`). The build output will be created inside a directory named `build`
-and can then be executed using node for the server, or served staticaly for the client.
+and can then be executed using node for the server, or served statically for the client.
 #### How to Use
diff --git a/docs/accessibility.md b/docs/accessibility.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b6d54b6450c7d53b9fd820f0a586c06f6fe1969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/accessibility.md
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Accessibility
+## Introduction
+This report aims to identify and solve accessibility problems with the project website. It will
+start by listing all the problems that were identified and then explain how we were able to solve
+## Methodology
+The accessibility issues were found primarily using the [WAVE](https://wave.webaim.org/) tool. We
+also used the Lighthouse tool build into Google Chrome's
+[DevTools](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/) to detect further issues and suggestions.
+Some accessibility problems were also noticed by ourselves and not reported by the tools.
+## Problems
+### Colour contrast
+The most common accessibility issues were that, according to WAVE, the contrast of the colour theme.
+Since the users can change the colour theme of a project, some colours like yellow were considerably
+more problematic than others.
+### Selected vs. non-selected
+Another related issue is the contrast between selected and non-selected filters in the task view.
+The only change between selected and not selected was only a decreased opacity, which is not
+directly obvious in some circumstances. Similarly, this problem also existed in the colour selection
+for the projects.
+### Redundant `alt`-texts
+WAVE called attention to redundant alternative texts on avatar images of users. This was caused by
+the fact that the nearby text was identical to the value of the `alt` attribute. In some areas, we
+were also missing the `alt` text for images.
+### Missing labels
+Some input fields, e.g. search fields and comment fields, did not have any labels describing them.
+They did, however, include a placeholder text that reasonably described their purpose.
+### Heading-Tag order
+One page of the application had a wrong order of heading tags. WAVE detected that we had a `h1` tag
+and a `h4` tag but none of the tags in between, i.e. no `h1` and `h2`. This constitutes a problem
+because it can be confusing to understand the site's structure without knowing the context.
+### Too small texts
+On some pages, we used relatively small and therefore hard to read text. Both WAVE and Lighthouse
+alerted us of this problem.
+### False warnings
+WAVE also gave us some false warnings. For example, WAVE complains about the `noscript` element.
+Since we are not using the `noscript` element for anything other than showing an error, this is not
+a problem. Another thing WAVE highlight is a contrast error on the side navigation. This is not an
+issue but caused by the fact that WAVE does not know that the text in the bar chart is displayed
+outside the bar using CSS. Similarly, WAVE does not correctly understand linear gradients as
+background for text.
+## Solutions
+### Colour contrast
+To fix the errors concerning the contrast of text, the yellow colour theme was changed to a light
+brown tone. Additionally, the other colour themes were also darkened, to increase the readability of
+text and improve the user experience.
+### Selected vs. not selected
+To better show the difference between selected and non-selected items in the task status filter and
+project colour selection, we supplemented the decreased opacity with a smaller size. We also lowered
+the saturation of deselected items.
+### Redundant `alt`-texts
+To address the concerns with the `alt`-texts, we followed the recommendation of WAVE and changed the
+alternative texts to an empty string. This signals that the `alt` attribute was intentionally
+omitted. In other places where we missed the `alt`-text, we simply added an appropriate test.
+### Missing labels
+Even though we already have a placeholder text, we decided to add labels for the offending input
+elements. This will increase the web site's accessibility to screen readers.
+### Heading-Tag order
+To solve the issue with the order of heading tags, we decided to remove the heading tag completely
+and remove it with a `div` element and a custom CSS class. We did this since it did not represent a
+heading at all and was mainly used for styling purposes.
+### Too small texts
+To fix the issues with the small text sizes, the design was changed to fit a larger text size. This
+greatly improves the readability of the text, especially for users with visual impairment.
+## Conclusions
+In conclusion, we can say that we fixed most issues that we were alerted to by WAVE. Since the tool
+only inspects the HTML and can not see the rendered results, however, some recommendations were not