diff --git a/client/src/components/forms/TaskForm/index.tsx b/client/src/components/forms/TaskForm/index.tsx
index a487c60324207bab8c8654c4f3af8f2f71fe85fe..1bebf83703a8dcd4036ebf0f72bd987837eac2df 100644
--- a/client/src/components/forms/TaskForm/index.tsx
+++ b/client/src/components/forms/TaskForm/index.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Priority, Task } from 'adapters/task';
+import { Priority, Task, TaskAssignment, TaskRequirement } from 'adapters/task';
 import { FormEvent, useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import './task-form.scss';
 import Callout from 'components/ui/Callout';
@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ import TextInput from 'components/ui/TextInput';
 import Picker from 'emoji-picker-react';
 import { getProjectTasks, Project } from 'adapters/project';
 import CheckboxGroup from 'components/ui/CheckboxGroup';
-import { getTeam, getTeamMembers, getTeamRoles, TeamMember } from 'adapters/team';
+import { getTeam, getTeamMembers, getTeamRoles } from 'adapters/team';
 import RequirementsForm from './RequirementsForm';
 import AssgineesForm from './AssigneesForm';
+import Button from 'components/ui/Button';
 interface Props {
     task?: Task;
-    onSubmit: (name: string, text: string, icon: string, priority: string) => void;
+    onSubmit: (name: string, text: string, icon: string, priority: Priority, dependencies: string[], requirements: TaskRequirement[], assignees: TaskAssignment[]) => void;
     project: Project;
@@ -101,16 +102,18 @@ export default function TaskForm({ task, onSubmit, project }: Props) {
     const handleSubmit = useCallback(async (e: FormEvent) => {
+        console.log(priority);
         if (validateName(name ?? '') === null &&
             validateText(text ?? '') === null &&
             validateIcon(icon ?? '') === null &&
             validatePriority(priority ?? '') === null
         ) {
-            onSubmit?.(name ?? '', text ?? '', icon ?? '', priority ?? '');
+            onSubmit?.(name ?? '', text ?? '', icon ?? '', priority ?? Priority.LOW, tasks ?? [], requirements, assignees);
         } else {
             setError('Please fill in the mandatory fields.');
-    }, [onSubmit, setError, name, text, priority, icon]);
+    }, [onSubmit, setError, name, text, priority, icon, tasks, assignees, requirements]);
     return (
         <form className="task-form" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
@@ -159,7 +162,9 @@ export default function TaskForm({ task, onSubmit, project }: Props) {
                     <AssgineesForm members={allMembers} setAssignees={setAssignees} assignees={assignees} />
+            <Button type="submit">
+                Create Task
+            </Button>
diff --git a/client/src/pages/Tasks/TaskCreate/index.tsx b/client/src/pages/Tasks/TaskCreate/index.tsx
index ab1aa6c48ca1aca88294f9ba4b8fc1cea6c87117..1f6fd0a13751216d7ca6966f80b86445b95656f3 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/Tasks/TaskCreate/index.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/Tasks/TaskCreate/index.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { useHistory, useParams } from "react-router";
 import TaskForm from 'components/forms/TaskForm';
 import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
-import { createTask } from "adapters/task";
+import { createTask, Priority, TaskAssignment, TaskRequirement } from "adapters/task";
 import Callout from "components/ui/Callout";
 import { getProject, Project } from "adapters/project";
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ export default function TaskCreate() {
         getProject(projectId).then((project) => setProject(project));
     }, []);
-    const handleSubmit = useCallback(async (name: string, text: string, icon: string, priority: string) => {
+    const handleSubmit = useCallback(async (name: string, text: string, icon: string, priority: Priority, dependencies: string[], requirements: TaskRequirement[], assignees: TaskAssignment[]) => {
         try {
-            //if (await createTask({ project: projectId name, text, icon, priority })) {
+            if (await createTask({ project: projectId, name, text, icon, priority, dependencies, requirements, assigned: assignees  })) {
             history.push('/projects/' + projectId);
-            //} else {
+            } else {
             setError('There was an error with creating your project. Please try again!');
-            //}
+            }
         } catch (e) { }
     }, [history, projectId]);
     return (
diff --git a/server/src/v1/task.ts b/server/src/v1/task.ts
index e00c3ce06c063c8e6985112d914f2ef0ce389fd6..3d9259e505f4cf8cd28355ed2f55ade01450aa7b 100644
--- a/server/src/v1/task.ts
+++ b/server/src/v1/task.ts
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ interface AddTaskBody {
     text: string;
     icon: string;
     priority: string;
-    dependentcies: Array<string>;
+    dependencies: Array<string>;
     requirements: Array<TaskRequirement>;
     assigned: Array<TaskAssignment>;
     token: Token;
@@ -399,11 +399,11 @@ interface AddTaskBody {
 task.post('/', async (req, res) => {
     if (isOfType<AddTaskBody>(req.body, [
         ['project', 'string'], ['name', 'string'], ['text', 'string'], ['icon', 'string'],
-        ['priority', 'string'], ['dependentcies', 'object'], ['requirements', 'object'],
+        ['priority', 'string'], ['dependencies', 'object'], ['requirements', 'object'],
     ])) {
         try {
             const project_id = req.body.project;
-            const dependentcy_ids = req.body.dependentcies;
+            const dependentcy_ids = req.body.dependencies;
             const assigned = req.body.assigned;
             const assigned_ids = assigned.map(asg => asg.user);
             const requirements = req.body.requirements;
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ interface UpdateTaskBody {
     remove_dependentcies?: Array<string>;
     remove_requirements?: Array<string>;
     remove_assigned?: Array<string>;
-    add_dependentcies?: Array<string>;
+    add_dependencies?: Array<string>;
     add_requirements?: Array<TaskRequirement>;
     add_assigned?: Array<TaskAssignment>;
     token: Token;
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ task.put('/:uuid', async (req, res) => {
             const remove_dependentcy_ids = req.body.remove_dependentcies ?? [];
             const remove_assigned_ids = req.body.remove_assigned ?? [];
             const remove_requirement_ids = req.body.remove_requirements ?? [];
-            const add_dependentcy_ids = req.body.add_dependentcies ?? [];
+            const add_dependentcy_ids = req.body.add_dependencies ?? [];
             const add_assigned = req.body.add_assigned ?? [];
             const add_assigned_ids = add_assigned.map(asg => asg.user);
             const add_requirements = req.body.add_requirements ?? [];