/// <reference lib="webworker" /> /* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */ import {clientsClaim} from 'workbox-core'; import {ExpirationPlugin} from 'workbox-expiration'; import {precacheAndRoute, createHandlerBoundToURL} from 'workbox-precaching'; import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing'; import {StaleWhileRevalidate} from 'workbox-strategies'; declare const self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; clientsClaim(); // Precache all of the assets generated by the build process. // Their URLs are injected into the manifest variable below. // This variable must be present somewhere in the service worker file, // even if you decide not to use precaching. precacheAndRoute(self.__WB_MANIFEST); // Set up App Shell-style routing, so that all navigation requests // are fulfilled with the index.html shell. const fileExtensionRegexp = new RegExp('/[^/?]+\\.[^/]+$'); registerRoute( // Return false to exempt requests from being fulfilled by index.html. ({request, url}: {request: Request; url: URL}) => { // If this isn't a navigation, skip. if (request.mode !== 'navigate') { return false; } // If this is a URL that starts with /_, skip. if (url.pathname.startsWith('/_')) { return false; } // If this looks like a URL for a resource, because it contains // a file extension, skip. if (url.pathname.match(fileExtensionRegexp)) { return false; } // Return true to signal that we want to use the handler. return true; }, createHandlerBoundToURL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/index.html') ); // An example runtime caching route for requests that aren't handled by the // precache, in this case same-origin .png requests like those from in public/ registerRoute( // Add in any other file extensions or routing criteria as needed. ({url}) => url.origin === self.location.origin && url.pathname.endsWith('.png'), // Customize this strategy as needed, e.g., by changing to CacheFirst. new StaleWhileRevalidate({ cacheName: 'images', plugins: [ // Ensure that once this runtime cache reaches a maximum size the // least-recently used images are removed. new ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries: 50}), ], }) ); // This allows the web app to trigger skipWaiting via // registration.waiting.postMessage({type: 'SKIP_WAITING'}) self.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if (event.data && event.data.type === 'SKIP_WAITING') { self.skipWaiting(); } });