import express from 'express'; import { v4 as uuid, validate } from 'uuid'; import database from '../database'; import { requireVerification, Token } from './auth'; import { isOfType } from '../util'; const task = express(); task.use(requireVerification); task.get('/:uuid', async (req, res) => { try { const id = req.params.uuid; if (validate(id)) { const task = await database('users') .innerJoin('team_members', '', 'team_members.user_id') .innerJoin('team_projects', 'team_members.team_id', 'team_projects.team_id') .innerJoin('tasks', 'team_projects.project_id', 'tasks.project_id') .select({ id: '', project: 'tasks.project_id', name: '', text: 'tasks.text', status: 'tasks.status', priority: 'tasks.priority', created: 'tasks.created', edited: 'tasks.edited', }) .where({ '':, '': id, }); if (task.length >= 1) { const assigned = await database('task_assignees') .select({ id: 'task_assignees.user_id', }) .where({ 'task_assignees.task_id': id, }); const dependentcies = await database('task_dependencies') .select({ id: 'task_dependencies.requires_id', }) .where({ 'task_dependencies.task_id': id, }); const requirements = await database('task_requirements') .select({ role: 'task_requirements.role_id', time: 'task_requirements.time' }) .where({ 'task_requirements.task_id': id, }); res.status(200).json({ status: 'success', task: { ...task[0], assigned: =>, dependentcies: =>, requirements: => ({ role: row.role, time: row.time, })), }, }); } else { res.status(404).json({ status: 'error', message: 'task not found', }); } } else { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'malformed uuid', }); } } catch (e) { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'failed get task', }); } }); interface TaskRequirement { role: string; time: number; } interface AddTaskBody { project: string; name: string; text: string; icon: string; priority: string; dependentcies: Array<string>; requirements: Array<TaskRequirement>; assigned: Array<string>; token: Token; }'/', async (req, res) => { if (isOfType<AddTaskBody>(req.body, [ ['project', 'string'], ['name', 'string'], ['text', 'string'], ['icon', 'string'], ['priority', 'string'], ['dependentcies', 'object'], ['requirements', 'object'], ])) { try { const project_id = req.body.project; const dependentcy_ids = req.body.dependentcies; const assigned_ids = req.body.assigned; const requirements = req.body.requirements; const requirement_ids = => req.role); for (const team_id of [ ...dependentcy_ids, ...requirement_ids, ...assigned_ids, project_id ]) { if (!validate(team_id)) { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'malformed uuid', }); return; } } const task_id = uuid(); const project = await database('users') .innerJoin('team_members', '', 'team_members.user_id') .innerJoin('team_projects', 'team_members.team_id', 'team_projects.team_id') .innerJoin('projects', 'team_projects.project_id', '') .select({ id: '' }) .where({ '':, '': project_id, }); if (project.length >= 1) { await database.transaction(async transaction => { await transaction('tasks').insert({ id: task_id, project_id: project_id, name:, text: req.body.text, icon: req.body.icon, priority: req.body.priority, status: 'open', created: new Date(), edited: new Date(), }); if (requirements.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_requirements').insert( => ({ task_id: task_id, role_id: requirement.role, time: requirement.time, })) ); } if (dependentcy_ids.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_dependencies').insert( => ({ task_id: task_id, requires_id: dependentcy_id, })) ); } if (assigned_ids.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_assignees').insert( => ({ task_id: task_id, user_id: user_id, })) ); } }); res.status(200).json({ status: 'success', id: task_id, }); } else { res.status(404).json({ status: 'error', message: 'project not found', }); } } catch (e) { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'failed to create task', }); } } else { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'missing request fields', }); } }); interface UpdateTaskBody { name?: string; text?: string; icon?: string; priority?: string; status?: string; remove_dependentcies?: Array<string>; remove_requirements?: Array<string>; remove_assigned?: Array<string>; add_dependentcies?: Array<string>; add_requirements?: Array<TaskRequirement>; add_assigned?: Array<string>; token: Token; } task.put('/:uuid', async (req, res) => { if (isOfType<UpdateTaskBody>(req.body, [])) { try { const task_id = req.params.uuid; const remove_dependentcy_ids = req.body.remove_dependentcies ?? []; const remove_assigned_ids = req.body.remove_assigned ?? []; const remove_requirement_ids = req.body.remove_requirements ?? []; const add_dependentcy_ids = req.body.add_dependentcies ?? []; const add_assigned_ids = req.body.add_assigned ?? []; const add_requirements = req.body.add_requirements ?? []; const add_requirement_ids = => req.role); const all_ids = [ ...remove_requirement_ids, ...remove_assigned_ids, ...remove_dependentcy_ids, ...add_requirement_ids, ...add_assigned_ids, ...add_dependentcy_ids, task_id, ]; for (const team_id of all_ids) { if (!validate(team_id)) { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'malformed uuid', }); return; } } const task = await database('users') .innerJoin('team_members', '', 'team_members.user_id') .innerJoin('team_projects', 'team_members.team_id', 'team_projects.team_id') .innerJoin('tasks', 'team_projects.project_id', 'tasks.project_id') .select({ id: '' }) .where({ '':, '': task_id, }); if (task.length >= 1) { await database.transaction(async transaction => { await transaction('tasks') .update({ name:, text: req.body.text, icon: req.body.icon, priority: req.body.priority, status: req.body.status, edited: new Date(), }) .where({ '': task_id, }); if (remove_requirement_ids.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_requirements') .delete() .where({ 'task_id': task_id, }) .whereIn('role_id', remove_requirement_ids); } if (remove_dependentcy_ids.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_dependencies') .delete() .where({ 'task_id': task_id, }) .whereIn('requires_id', remove_dependentcy_ids); } if (remove_assigned_ids.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_assignees') .delete() .where({ 'task_id': task_id, }) .whereIn('user_id', remove_assigned_ids); } if (add_requirements.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_requirements').insert( => ({ task_id: task_id, role_id: requirement.role, time: requirement.time, })) ); } if (add_dependentcy_ids.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_dependencies').insert( => ({ task_id: task_id, requires_id: dependentcy_id, })) ); } if (add_assigned_ids.length !== 0) { await transaction('task_assignees').insert( => ({ task_id: task_id, user_id: user_id, })) ); } }); res.status(200).json({ status: 'success', }); } else { res.status(404).json({ status: 'error', message: 'task not found', }); } } catch (e) { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'failed to update task', }); } } else { res.status(400).json({ status: 'error', message: 'missing request fields', }); } }); export default task;