import './team.scss'; import React from 'react'; import ImageRoland from 'images/roland-bernard.jpg'; import ImageDaniel from 'images/daniel-planoetscher.jpg'; import Tag from 'components/ui/Tag'; export default function Team() { return ( <section className="team-section content-container"> <header className="heading-container"> <h2>Our Team</h2> <p className="heading-lead"> People are what makes a project great, and here are the people that make us great. </p> </header> <div className="team-list"> <div className="team-member"> <img className="team-member-image" src={ImageDaniel} width="200" height="200" alt="" /> <div className="team-member-info"> <Tag label="Web Developer" color="purple" /> <h3 className="team-member-name">Daniel Planötscher</h3> <div className="team-member-description"> Besides studying Computer Science, Daniel also enjoys taking photos and designing user interfaces for hobby projects, which is why he focuses on the FrontEnd of ryoko. Furthermore, he brings significant industry experience working as a web developer using state of the art tools and programming techniques. He is involved in the creation of modern websites for dozens of clients with advanced requirements. </div> </div> </div> <div className="team-member"> <img className="team-member-image" src={ImageRoland} width="200" height="200" alt="" /> <div className="team-member-info"> <Tag label="Software Engineer" color="purple" /> <h3 className="team-member-name">Roland Bernard</h3> <div className="team-member-description"> Studying Computer Science and participating in Competitive Programming Competitions, Roland constitutes a integral part of our development team at ryoko. Like all members of our team he also has experience in the industry, mainly working on business management systems and software for the financial sector. He is also experienced in the implementation of development tools and infrastructure components. </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> ) }