diff --git a/man/hydromod.Rd b/man/hydromod.Rd
index eae341a836db684498cee54343f7263bc26dfb1a..12af5e445543f101f59e3123d1125e41836e4658 100755
--- a/man/hydromod.Rd
+++ b/man/hydromod.Rd
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
-hydromod - Definition and execution of the model to be calibrated
+hydromod - Definition and execution of the model to be calibrated/optimised
-Run a user-defined model to be calibrated, obtaining a goodness-of-fit value as measure of model performance by comparing observations against simulated equivalents
+It runs the user-defined model to be calibrated/optimised and returns a goodness-of-fit value as measure of model performance, by comparing observations against simulated equivalents
 hydromod(param.values, param.files = "ParamFiles.txt", model.drty = getwd(), 
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ hydromod(param.values, param.files = "ParamFiles.txt", model.drty = getwd(),
 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
-numeric vector, parameter values that will be used in the model
+numeric vector, parameter values used to run the model specified in \code{exe.fname}
 character, file name (full path) storing location and names of the files that have to be modified for each parameter 
-character, path storing the executable file of the model and ALL the input files required for the simulation
+character, path to the executable file of the model specified in \code{exe.fname}. ALL the input files required to run the model have to be located within this directory
-character, name and extension of the file executing the model
+character, name and extension of the file used to run the model specified in \code{exe.fname}
   \item{stdout, stderr}{
 where output to \sQuote{stdout} or \sQuote{stderr} should be sent. Possible values are \code{FALSE} (discard output, the default), \code{""}, to the R console. See \code{\link[base]{system2}}
@@ -44,16 +44,19 @@ logical; if TRUE, progress messages are printed to the screen \cr
 If \code{verbose=TRUE}, the following messages will appear: i) parameter values for each particle; (ii) model execution; iii) extraction of simulated values; and iv) computation of the goodness-of-fit measure
-character, name of a valid R function to read the model outputs and transform them into a zoo object
+character, name of a valid R function to read the model outputs and transform them into a (zoo) object to be compared against \code{obs} (e.g., see \code{\link[base]{read.table}}, \code{\link[base]{read.csv}}
 list, arguments to be passed to \code{out.FUN}
-character, name of a valid (goodness-of-fit) R function to obtain model performance
+character, name of a valid (goodness-of-fit) R function to obtain model performance (e.g., see \code{\link[hydroGOF]{NSE}}, \code{\link[hydroGOF]{rmse}}, etc).\cr
+It MUST HAVE the following two arguments in its definition:\cr
+-) \kbd{sim}: numeric with the value(s) simulated by the model specified in \code{exe.fname}\cr
+-) \kbd{obs}: numeric with the observation(s) used to be compared against \kbd{sim} in order to compute model's performance
-list, arguments to be passed to \code{gof.FUN}
+list, arguments additional to \kbd{sim} and \kbd{obs} that need to be passed to \code{gof.FUN} (e.g., see \kbd{j} argument in \code{\link[hydroGOF]{mNSE}}
 OPTIONAL. Character with the starting date used in the goodness-of-fit function \cr
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ It is used to subset \code{obs} (if necessary), AND to define the time period to
 character, format in which the dates are stored in \code{Sim.Ini}, \code{Sim.Fin}, \code{gof.Ini}, \code{gof.Fin}, e.g. \kbd{\%Y-\%m-\%d}. See \code{format} in \code{\link[base]{as.Date}}
-zoo object with the observed values
+(zoo) object with the observed values
 logical indicating if a png image with the results of the \code{ggof.FUN} function has to be produced %RRM WHAT IS 'ggof'
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ See \code{\link[hydroGOF]{ggof}}
 A list of two elements: 
 \item{sim}{numeric, with the simulated values obtained by running the model}
-\item{GoF}{numeric, goodness-of-fit value representing how close each onbe of the simulated values in \code{sim} are to their observed counterparts, by using the USER-DEFINED \code{gof.FUN} function}
+\item{GoF}{numeric, goodness-of-fit value representing how close each one of the simulated values in \code{sim} are to their observed counterparts, by using the USER-DEFINED \code{gof.FUN} function}
 %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~