index 85ae92d43d3ea77ba6541300778e5170458ac2ce..2837494004c6ca03130503b7780681b6f0175837 100755
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: hydroPSO
 Type: Package
 Title: Model-Independent Particle Swarm Optimisation for Environmental Models
-Version: 0.1-58-24
-Date: 2012-11-15
+Version: 0.1-58-25
+Date: 2012-11-19
 Authors@R: c(person("Mauricio", "Zambrano-Bigiarini", email="mzb.devel@gmail.com", role=c("aut","cre")), person("Rodrigo", "Rojas", email="Rodrigo.RojasMujica@gmail.com", role=c("ctb")) )
 Maintainer: Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini <mzb.devel@gmail.com>
 Description: This package implements a state-of-the-art version of the Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm (SPSO-2011 and SPSO-2007 capable), with a special focus on the calibration of environmental models. hydroPSO is model-independent, allowing the user to easily interface any model code with the calibration engine (PSO). It includes a series of controlling options and PSO variants to fine-tune the performance of the calibration engine to different calibration problems. An advanced sensitivity analysis function together with user-friendly plotting summaries facilitate the interpretation and assessment of the calibration results. Bugs reports/comments/questions are very welcomed.
diff --git a/R/params2ecdf.R b/R/params2ecdf.R
index 4a3594b10ac8877535d7060d1f720f1805a8881a..9693d8733d02d0345902617e658cfc5751d55216 100755
--- a/R/params2ecdf.R
+++ b/R/params2ecdf.R
@@ -32,15 +32,13 @@ params2ecdf <- function(params, ...) UseMethod("params2ecdf")
 # Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
 # Started: 12-Oct-2011                                                         #        
-# Updates: 15-Feb-2012 ; 21-Feb-2012                                           #
+# Updates: 15-Feb-2012 ; 21-Feb-2012 ; 19-Nov-2012                             #
 params2ecdf.default <- function(params, 
-                                gofs,
+                                gofs=NULL,
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ params2ecdf.default <- function(params,
  if ( !is.na(beh.thr) ) {
    if ( is.null(MinMax) )
      stop("Missing argument: 'MinMax' has to be provided before using 'beh.thr' !!")        
-   if ( missing(gofs) ) {
+   if ( is.null(gofs) ) {
      stop("Missing argument: 'gofs' has to be provided before using 'beh.thr' !!")
    } else if (length(gofs) != n)
        stop("Invalid argument: 'length(gofs) != nrow(params)' (", length(gofs), "!=", n, ") !!" ) 
@@ -283,13 +281,16 @@ params2ecdf.default <- function(params,
 } # END 'params2ecdf.default'
-################################################################################                                                                              #  
 # Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
 # Started: 12-Oct-2011                                                         #        
-# Updates: 12-Oct-2011                                                         #
+# Updates: 12-Oct-2011 ; 19-Nov-2012                                           #
 params2ecdf.matrix <- function(params, 
+                               gofs=NULL,
+                               MinMax=NULL, 
+                               beh.thr=NA, 
@@ -314,6 +315,9 @@ params2ecdf.matrix <- function(params,
                                ) {
+                     gofs=gofs,
+                     MinMax=MinMax, 
+                     beh.thr=beh.thr, 
@@ -338,13 +342,16 @@ params2ecdf.matrix <- function(params,
 } # END 'params2ecdf.data.frame'
-################################################################################                                                                              #  
 # Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
 # Started: 12-Oct-2011                                                         #        
-# Updates: 12-Oct-2011                                                         #
+# Updates: 12-Oct-2011 ; 19-Nov-2012                                           #
 params2ecdf.data.frame <- function(params, 
+                                   gofs=NULL,
+                                   MinMax=NULL, 
+                                   beh.thr=NA, 
@@ -371,6 +378,9 @@ params2ecdf.data.frame <- function(params,
+                     gofs=gofs,
+                     MinMax=MinMax, 
+                     beh.thr=beh.thr, 
diff --git a/man/ReadPlot_particles.Rd b/man/ReadPlot_particles.Rd
index 62fc1e6d9291a3181679aa1efbdd68e30b6b464a..dcd4b1392c81601c9780a1804b1705902fac5a1f 100755
--- a/man/ReadPlot_particles.Rd
+++ b/man/ReadPlot_particles.Rd
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ OPTIONAL. character, indicates if the optimum value in \code{params} corresponds
 Valid values are in: \code{c('min', 'max')}
-numeric, used for selecting only the behavioural parameter sets, i.e., those with a goodness-of-fit value larger/lowervalue than \code{beh.th}, depending on the value of \code{MinMax}. \cr
-It is only used for drawing a horizontal line used for separating behavioural from non behavioural parameter sets.
+numeric, used for selecting only the behavioural parameter sets, i.e. those with a goodness-of-fit value greater/less than or equal to \code{beh.thr}, depending on the value of \code{MinMax}\cr
+By default \code{beh.thr=NA} and all the parameter sets are considered for the subsequent anlysis
 OPTIONAL. Only used when \code{plot=TRUE} \cr
diff --git a/man/params2ecdf.Rd b/man/params2ecdf.Rd
index 9af8b0e4211fe214a3f772e99b2ad41c8951643a..73510c65b3756daedfdc419e0576155c3724864f 100755
--- a/man/params2ecdf.Rd
+++ b/man/params2ecdf.Rd
@@ -20,26 +20,26 @@ This function computes (weighted) empirical CDFs (ECDFs) for each calibrated par
 params2ecdf(params, ...)
-\method{params2ecdf}{default}(params, param.names=NULL, weights=NULL, 
-        byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, main=NULL, nrows="auto", 
-        ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, leg.pos="topleft", 
-        cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, verbose=TRUE, ..., 
-        do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, 
-        png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png")
+\method{params2ecdf}{default}(params, param.names=NULL, gofs=NULL, MinMax=NULL, 
+        beh.thr=NA, weights=NULL, byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, main=NULL, 
+        nrows="auto", ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, 
+        leg.pos="topleft", cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, 
+        verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, 
+        png.res=90, png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png")
-\method{params2ecdf}{matrix}(params, param.names=colnames(params), weights, 
-        byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, main=NULL, nrows="auto", 
-        ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, leg.pos="topleft", 
-        cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, verbose=TRUE, ..., 
-        do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, 
-        png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png")
+\method{params2ecdf}{matrix}(params, param.names=colnames(params), gofs=NULL, 
+        MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA, weights, byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, 
+        main=NULL, nrows="auto", ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, 
+        leg.pos="topleft", cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, 
+        verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, 
+        png.res=90, png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png")
-\method{params2ecdf}{data.frame}(params, param.names=colnames(params), weights, 
-        byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, main=NULL, nrows="auto", 
-        ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, leg.pos="topleft", 
-        cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, verbose=TRUE, ..., 
-        do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, png.res=90, 
-        png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png")
+\method{params2ecdf}{data.frame}(params, param.names=colnames(params), gofs=NULL, 
+        MinMax=NULL, beh.thr=NA, weights, byrow=FALSE, plot=TRUE, obs=NULL, 
+        main=NULL, nrows="auto", ylab="Probability", col="blue", leg.cex=1.2, 
+        leg.pos="topleft", cex.axis=1.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, 
+        verbose=TRUE, ..., do.png=FALSE, png.width=1500, png.height=900, 
+        png.res=90, png.fname="Params_ECDFs.png")
 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -48,6 +48,17 @@ matrix or data.frame with the parameter values, where each row represent a diffe
 character vector, names to be used for each parameter in \code{params} (by default its column names)
+  \item{gofs}{
+OPTIONAL. numeric with the values of goodness-of-fit values for each parameter in \code{params} (in the same order!)
+  \item{MinMax}{
+OPTIONAL. character, indicates if the optimum value in \code{params} corresponds to the minimum or maximum of the the objective function. Only used to identify the optimum in the plot \cr
+Valid values are in: \code{c('min', 'max')}
+  \item{beh.thr}{
+numeric, used for selecting only the behavioural parameter sets, i.e. those with a goodness-of-fit value (as given in \code{gofs}) greater/less than or equal to \code{beh.thr}, depending on the value of \code{MinMax}\cr
+By default \code{beh.thr=NA} and all the parameter sets are considered for the subsequent anlysis
 numeric vector, values of the weights to be used for computing the empirical CDFs \cr