From 997bb90223ace59d97adecee06e7b731946cd991 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 00:28:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] plot\_particles.R: aarguments 'beh.thr', 'MinMax' and 'gofs'
 are now passed to 'params2ecdf'

 NEWS               |  1 +
 R/params2ecdf.R    | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/plot_params.R    |  2 +-
 R/plot_particles.R |  5 ++++-
 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index c58ff79..2c313f5 100755
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ NEWS/ChangeLog for hydroPSO
         o 'plot_particles'  : -) new argument 'do.pairs' (by default 'do.pairs=FALSE'), to control if the correlation matrix among parameters has to be plotted or not
                                  (up to hydroPSO <=0.1.58 it was always plotted)
                               -) arguments 'MinMax' and 'beh.thr' are now passed to 'plot_NparOF'
+                              -) arguments 'gofs', 'MinMax' and 'beh.thr' are now passed to 'params2ecdf'
         o 'plot_results'    : -) new argument 'do.pairs' (by default 'do.pairs=FALSE'), to control if the correlation matrix among parameters has to be plotted or not
                                  (up to hydroPSO <=0.1.58 it was always plotted)
diff --git a/R/params2ecdf.R b/R/params2ecdf.R
index c7791a1..4a3594b 100755
--- a/R/params2ecdf.R
+++ b/R/params2ecdf.R
@@ -68,17 +68,34 @@ params2ecdf.default <- function(params,
  # number of parameters
  nparam <- NCOL(params)
- if (nparam==1) params <- matrix(params, ncol=1)
+ # Number of parameter sets
+ n <- NROW(params) 
  # Checking 'param.names'
  if (length(param.names) != nparam)
    stop("Invalid argument: 'length(param.names) = ", length(param.names), " != ", nparam, " = nparam'")
+ # Checking 'beh.thr'
+ if ( ! ) {
+   if ( is.null(MinMax) )
+     stop("Missing argument: 'MinMax' has to be provided before using 'beh.thr' !!")        
+   if ( missing(gofs) ) {
+     stop("Missing argument: 'gofs' has to be provided before using 'beh.thr' !!")
+   } else if (length(gofs) != n)
+       stop("Invalid argument: 'length(gofs) != nrow(params)' (", length(gofs), "!=", n, ") !!" ) 
+ } # IF end
+ # Checking 'MinMax'
+ if ( !is.null(MinMax) ) {
+   if ( !(MinMax %in% c("min", "max")) )
+     stop("Invalid argument: 'MinMax' must be in c('min', 'max')")
+ } # IF end
  # checking that the user provided 1 weight for each behavioural parameter set
  if ( !is.null(weights) ) {
-   if (length(weights) != NROW(params) )
-     stop("Invalid argument: 'length(w) != nrow(params)' (", length(weights), "!=", nrow(params), ")" )
+   if (length(weights) != n )
+     stop("Invalid argument: 'length(w) != nrow(params)' (", length(weights), "!=", n, ")" )
  } # IF end
  # creating the final output, a list with the ECDFs 
@@ -87,6 +104,28 @@ params2ecdf.default <- function(params,
  # Checking 'do.png' and 'plot'
  if (do.png==TRUE & plot==FALSE)
    stop("Invalid argument: 'plot=FALSE' & 'do.png=TRUE' is not possible !!")
+ if (nparam==1) params <- matrix(params, ncol=1)
+ # Filtering out those parameter sets above/below a certain threshold
+ if (! {  
+   # Checking 'beh.thr'
+   mx <- max(gofs, na.rm=TRUE)
+   if (beh.thr > mx)
+     stop("Invalid argument: 'beh.thr' must be lower than ", mx ,"!!")
+   # Computing the row index of the behavioural parameter sets
+   ifelse(MinMax=="min", beh.row.index <- which(gofs <= beh.thr), 
+                         beh.row.index <- which(gofs >= beh.thr) )
+   # Removing non-behavioural parameter sets & gofs
+   params <- params[beh.row.index, ]
+   gofs   <- gofs[beh.row.index]
+   # Amount of behavioural parameter sets 
+   nbeh <- nrow(params)
+   if (verbose) message( "[ Number of behavioural parameter sets: ", nbeh, " ]" )
+ } # IF end
  ########################     Plotting Preliminars   ########################
  # If there are too many parameters to plot,more than 1 plot is produced
diff --git a/R/plot_params.R b/R/plot_params.R
index 592e56c..7bd7916 100755
--- a/R/plot_params.R
+++ b/R/plot_params.R
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ plot_params.default <- function(params,
   params <- params[, param.cols] 
   # computing the number of parameters
-  nparams <- ncol(params)
+  nparams <- NCOL(params)
   # Filtering out those parameter sets above/below a certain threshold
   if (! {  
diff --git a/R/plot_particles.R b/R/plot_particles.R
index c4bde5d..75ea98d 100755
--- a/R/plot_particles.R
+++ b/R/plot_particles.R
@@ -278,7 +278,10 @@ plot_particles <- function(#####################################################
    if (!do.png) x11()
-               param.names=param.names,
+               param.names=param.names,               
+               gofs= gofs,
+               MinMax=MinMax, 
+               beh.thr=beh.thr,                