# Step by Step deployment guide - [ ] Edit CHANGELOG.md and add a new section for the upcoming release - [ ] Commit to master to make sure that the master branch is clean and all commits are pushed to origin - [ ] `git checkout stable` - [ ] `git merge --no-ff master` - [ ] (Optional) You can now deploy stable to dspace-dev (`./release.sh $VERSION_NUMBER-RC-$RCNUMBER`) - [ ] Make sure that the stable branch is clean and all commits are pushed to origin - [ ] `git checkout production` - [ ] `git checkout -b v$VERSION_NUMBER $HASHID -- .` The $HASHID being the commit were the last merge from stable happened (before clarindev2clarin.sh changes were committed) - [ ] `git merge --no-ff stable` - [ ] resolve conflicts (though there shouldn't be any) and commit - [ ] Change the version number and the registry branch of the images in all deployment yaml files - [ ] Run the clarindev2clarin.sh script - [ ] `git commit -a ` - [ ] `git checkout production` - [ ] `git merge v1.3-$VERSION_NUMBER` - [ ] resolve conflicts and commit - [ ] `git tag -a $VERSION_NUMBER -s (-u $GPG_ID_HASH)` defaults to your default GPG key - [ ] `git branch -d $VERSION_NUMBER` - [ ] `git push --all` - [ ] `git push --tags` - [ ] `cd dockerfiles` - [ ] `./release.sh $VERSION_NUMBER production` - [ ] `cd ../kubernetes` - [ ] `./stop_kube.sh` - [ ] `./start_kube.sh` - [ ] `git checkout master`