From 10ba38c0b581aa32a4155f6358680f302182c7d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "LAPTOP-K24GVT55\\Karin" <> Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2021 18:21:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] translation and ammendments --- de/about.php | 22 +-- de/help-annis-glossary.php | 2 +- de/start.php | 9 +- en/about.php | 27 ++-- en/help-annis-glossary.php | 283 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------- en/start.php | 9 +- 6 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-) diff --git a/de/about.php b/de/about.php index dfc882a..67ce580 100644 --- a/de/about.php +++ b/de/about.php @@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <div id="mainpart3"> <div id="content-menu3"> <!--INSERT--> -<h1>MERLIN - Mehrsprachige Plattform für die Europäischen Referenzniveaus: Untersuchung von Lernersprache im Kontext </span></h1> -<p>MERLIN ist eine Lernerkorpus-Plattform, die die systematische Untersuchung von geschriebenen Produktionen von Italienisch-, Tschechisch- und Deutschlernenden ermöglicht. Eine besondere Eigenschaft von MERLIN ist sein enger Bezug auf den Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER): Das Korpus enthält reliabel auf den GER bezogene Lernertexte auf den Niveaustufen A1 – C1.</p> +<h1>MERLIN - Mehrsprachige Plattform für die Europäischen Referenzniveaus: Untersuchung von Lernersprache im Kontext </span></h1> +<p>MERLIN ist ein Lernerkorpus, das die systematische Untersuchung von geschriebenen Produktionen von Italienisch-, Tschechisch- und Deutschlernenden ermöglicht. Eine besondere Eigenschaft von MERLIN ist sein enger Bezug auf den Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER): Das Korpus enthält reliabel auf den GER bezogene Texte von Lernenden auf den Niveaustufen A1 – C1. Auf der MERLIN-Plattform sind zahlreiche Einsatzmöglichkeiten für das Korpus beschrieben.</p> <h2>Hintergrund</h2> -<p>MERLIN ist ein für drei Fremdsprachen erstelltes, frei verfügbares schriftliches Lernerkorpus (L2-Korpus) mit einem breiten Spektrum an Einsatzmöglichkeiten. L2-Korpora sind systematische digitale Datensammlungen, die zur Erforschung des Fremdsprachenerwerbs geeignet sind, aber auch praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten beim Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilen von Fremd- und Zweitsprachen haben. Andere L2-Korpora für das Deutsche als Fremdsprache sind zum Beispiel FALKO, das zahlreiche Designeigenschaften mit MERLIN teilt, DISKO, <a href="" target="_blank">KanDeL</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">BeMaTaC</a> oder Teile des <a href="" target="_blank">GeWiss-Korpus</a>.</p> -<p>Eine besondere Rolle für die Erstellung von MERLIN spielt der Gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER) als eine der wichtigsten Bezugsgrößen für das Lehren und Testen von Sprachen sowie für die Entwicklung von Curricula: Sprachkurse, Sprachtests und Lehrwerke werden regelmäßig auf die Niveaustufen des GER-bezogen. Bislang fehlen aber empirische Belege dafür, welche lernersprachlichen Charakteristika für einzelne Niveaustufen mehr oder weniger typisch oder erwartbar sind. </p> +<p>L2-Korpora sind systematische digitale Datensammlungen, die zur Erforschung des Fremdsprachenerwerbs geeignet sind, aber auch praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für das Lehren, Lernen und Beurteilen von Fremd- und Zweitsprachen haben. Andere L2-Korpora für das Deutsche als Fremdsprache sind zum Beispiel <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">FALKO</a>, das zahlreiche Designeigenschaften mit MERLIN teilt, <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">DISKO</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">KanDeL</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">BeMaTaC</a> oder Teile des <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">GeWiss-Korpus</a>.</p> +<p>Eine besondere Rolle für die Erstellung von MERLIN spielt der Gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER) als eine der wichtigsten Bezugsgrößen für das Lehren und Testen von Sprachen sowie für die Entwicklung von Curricula: Sprachkurse, Sprachtests und Lehrwerke werden regelmäßig auf die Niveaustufen des GER bezogen. Bislang fehlen jedoch empirische Belege dafür, welche lernersprachlichen Charakteristika für einzelne Niveaustufen mehr oder weniger typisch oder erwartbar sind. </p> <h2>Ziele und Ergebnisse</h2> -<p>MERLIN reagiert auf diesen Bedarf und stellt ein fehlerannotiertes Korpus von Lernendentexten bereit. Alle MERLIN-Texte wurden von professionellen Beurteiler/-innen möglichst direkt auf den GER bezogen; die Reliabilität der Bewertungen wurde aufwändig überprüft. Somit hilft MERLIN bei der Veranschaulichung der GER-Niveaus für Tschechisch, Italienisch und Deutsch. Mit Hilfe des browserbasierten Open-Source-Such-Werkzeugs ANNIS können die Texte gezielt nach Merkmalen (d. h. etwa nach Wortarten oder Fehlern) durchsucht werden, die sowohl aus Perspektive der aktuellen GER- und Fremdsprachenforschung als auch aus Sicht von Didaktiker/-innen relevant sind.</p> -<p>Das Projekt wendet sich damit an alle, die eine der drei Zielsprachen unterrichten, prüfen, lernen oder deren Erwerb erforschen.</p> -<h2>Verfügbarkeit <strong> </strong></h2> -<p>Alle MERLIN-Daten und -ressourcen sind unter einer Creative Commons-Lizenz (<a href="" target="_blank">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>) frei zugänglich und Teil der CLARIN-Infrastruktur (European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology). Die Recherche im MERLIN-Korpus ist sowohl über diese Seite (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>/), als auch auf der <a href="">ANNIS-Instanz der Humboldt-Universität Berlin</a> möglich.</p> -<p>MERLIN steht in verschiedenen Formaten auch zum <a href="" target="_blank">Download</a> bereit (siehe dazu auch MERLIN-Texte und -Ressourcen herunterladen). Für die Annotationen wurde ein Mehrebenen-Standoff-Format verwendet. Unter anderem über die <a href="" target="_blank">EXMARaLDA-Tools</a> können die MERLIN-Dateien nach dem Herunterladen leicht individuell weiter bearbeitet/annotiert werden. </p> +<p>MERLIN reagiert auf diesen Bedarf und stellt ein fehlerannotiertes Korpus von Lernendentexten bereit. Alle MERLIN-Texte wurden von professionellen Beurteiler/-innen möglichst direkt auf den GER bezogen; die Reliabilität der Bewertungen wurde aufwändig überprüft. Somit hilft MERLIN bei der Veranschaulichung der GER-Niveaus für Tschechisch, Italienisch und Deutsch. Mit Hilfe des browserbasierten Open-Source-Such-Werkzeugs ANNIS können die Texte gezielt nach Merkmalen (d. h. etwa nach Wortarten oder Fehlern) durchsucht werden, die sowohl aus Perspektive der aktuellen GER- und Fremdsprachenforschung als auch aus Sicht von Didaktiker/-innen relevant sind.</p> +<p>Das Projekt wendet sich damit an alle, die eine der drei Zielsprachen unterrichten, prüfen, lernen oder deren Erwerb erforschen.</p> +<h2>Verfügbarkeit <strong> </strong></h2> +<p>Alle MERLIN-Daten und -ressourcen sind unter einer Creative Commons-Lizenz (<a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>) frei zugänglich und Teil der CLARIN-Infrastruktur (European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology). Die Recherche im MERLIN-Korpus ist sowohl über diese Seite (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>/), als auch auf der <a href="" class="reference">ANNIS-Instanz der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</a> möglich.</p> +<p>MERLIN steht in verschiedenen Formaten auch zum <a href="" target="_blank">Download</a> bereit (siehe dazu auch <a href="index_de.php">MERLIN-Texte und -Ressourcen herunterladen</a>). Für die Annotationen wurde ein Mehrebenen-Standoff-Format verwendet. Unter anderem über die <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">EXMARaLDA-Tools</a> können die MERLIN-Dateien nach dem Herunterladen leicht individuell weiter bearbeitet/annotiert werden. </p> <p> </p> <hr> -<p class="StilSmall">Das MERLIN-Projekt wurde von 2012 bis 2014 durch die Europäische Kommission im Rahmen des Programms für Lebenslanges Lernen unter der Projektnummer: 518989-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP gefördert.</p> -<p class="StilSmall">Seit *** stehen die Korpus-Daten über das CLARIN-Netzwerk zur Verfügung. 2020 wurden die Seite und ihre Suchfunktionalitäten überarbeitet</p> +<p class="StilSmall">Das MERLIN-Projekt wurde von 2012 bis 2014 durch die Europäische Kommission im Rahmen des Programms für Lebenslanges Lernen unter der Projektnummer: 518989-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP gefördert.</p> +<p class="StilSmall">Seit 2018 stehen die Korpus-Daten über das CLARIN-Netzwerk zur Verfügung. 2021 wurden die Seite und ihre Suchfunktionalitäten überarbeitet.</p> <!--INSERT END--> </div> </div> diff --git a/de/help-annis-glossary.php b/de/help-annis-glossary.php index 84752e0..31d9092 100644 --- a/de/help-annis-glossary.php +++ b/de/help-annis-glossary.php @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/P_Pol_dir/</strong></td> - <td>Höflichkeit - übertrieben direkte Form</td> + <td>Höflichkeit: übertrieben direkte Form</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/P_Request/</strong></td> diff --git a/de/start.php b/de/start.php index 69476e3..bba3feb 100644 --- a/de/start.php +++ b/de/start.php @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ <h1>Das MERLIN-Korpus | Ressourcen für Forschung und Praxis rund um das Fremdsprachenlernen</h1> <div id="merlin-info" style="width:690px;"> <p>MERLIN ist ein fehlerannotiertes schriftliches <strong>Lernerkorpus für Deutsch, Italienisch und Tschechisch</strong>. Das Korpus wurde im gleichnamigen <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['about'].submit();">Projekt</a> erstellt (2012-2014). Die Texte in MERLIN stammen aus standardisierten Sprachtests und sind methodisch genau auf den Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (Europarat 2001, 2020) bezogen. Diese Plattform stellt alle Korpus-Texte mit ihren Bewertungen zur Verfügung. Sie zeigt mögliche <a href="C_teacher.php" target="_blank">Anwendungsszenarien</a>, in der Lehrpraxis wie in der Wissenschaft, und informiert über den Aufbau des <a href="C_mcorpus.php" target="_blank">Korpus</a> und die Gestaltung der <a href="C_annotation.php" target="_blank">Annotationen</a>. Mit Hilfe des integrierten Suchwerkzeugs <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS</a> können die Texte gezielt durchsucht werden.</p> -</div> +</div><div> <p> </p> - +</div> <h2>1 MERLIN-Texte und -Ressourcen herunterladen</h2> <p>Sie können das komplette Korpus (2.286 Texte) in den folgenden Formaten herunterladen:</p> <ul> @@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ <li>CZ <strong>↘</strong><a href=""> Aspektfehler deutscher Muttersprachler auf B1-Niveau</a> (fair rating)</li> <li>IT <strong> ↘</strong> <a href=""> Modusfehler in Texten von Italienischlernern auf B1-Niveau</a> (fair rating)</li> </ul> -</div><p><br /></p> - <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> Allgemeine Erläuterungen zur ANNIS-Nutzeroberfläche finden Sie in einer <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">Videoeinführung</a> der HU Berlin (Deutsch) sowie direkt in ANNIS unter<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. Erklärungen zu den einzelnen Annotationsebenen finden Sie unter <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p> +</div> +<div><p> </p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> Allgemeine Erläuterungen zur ANNIS-Nutzeroberfläche finden Sie in einer <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">Videoeinführung</a> der HU Berlin (Deutsch) sowie direkt in ANNIS unter<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. Erklärungen zu den einzelnen Annotationsebenen finden Sie unter <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p></div> <!--<div id="merlin-info" style="width:220px; height:160px;"> <h3>Nutzen Sie MERLIN ...</h3> <p>..., um die Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeRS) besser zu verstehen.</p> diff --git a/en/about.php b/en/about.php index f453a62..37e1a0a 100644 --- a/en/about.php +++ b/en/about.php @@ -13,23 +13,22 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <!--INSERT--> <h1><strong>MERLIN - M</strong>ultilingual Platform for <strong>E</strong>uropean <strong>R</strong>eference <strong>L</strong>evels: <strong>In</strong>terlanguage Exploration in Context </span></h1> <p><br> - The KA2 Languages-financed project MERLIN <strong>started in 2012</strong> with the aim of developing a didactically motivated online platform that enables users of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to explore authentic written learner productions for Italian, Czech, and German. </p> -<p> </p> -<p><strong>Background</strong><strong> </strong><strong> </strong><br> -Since its publication in 2001, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has gained a leading role as an instrument of reference for the teaching and certification of languages and for the development of curricula. At the same time, there is a growing concern that the CEFR reference levels have not been sufficiently illustrated, leaving practitioners such as teachers, test and curriculum developers, and textbook authors without comprehensive empirical characterizations of the relevant distinctions. This is particularly the case for languages other than English, where supplementary empirical tools are urgently needed.</p> -<p> </p> -<p><strong>Project aims and results </strong><br> - MERLIN addresses this demand for <strong>Czech, German and Italian </strong>and proposes an online platform that enables CEFR users to explore authentic written learner productions which have been related to CEFR in a methodologically sophisticated way. A cross-linguistic and multifunctional web-based interface illustrates A1-C1 level learner texts, highlighting language characteristics relevant from practitioners’, research and intrinsic CEFR perspectives.<br> -The project thus addresses a broad target audience, with its relevance to anyone teaching, testing, or learning one of the three target languages in Europe. </p> +MERLIN is a learner corpus that facilitates the systematic exploration of authentic learner productions for Italian, Czech and German. A special feature of MERLIN is its strong relation to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): The corpus contains reliably CEFR-related texts of learners at the reference levels A1 – C1. The MERLIN platform describes various usage scenarios for the corpus.</p> +<h2>Background</h2> +<p>L2 corpora are systematically designed digital data collections that lend themselves to researching second language acquisition, but do have aditionally practical implications for the teaching, learning and assessment of foreign and second languages. There are more L2 corpora for German as a foreign language, e.g. <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">FALKO</a> which shares many design features with MERLIN, <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">DISKO</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">KanDeL</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">BeMaTaC</a> or parts of the <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">GeWiss corpus</a>.</p> +<p>For MERLIN, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) plays a particular role, as it is one of the most important benchmarks for teaching and certification of languages as well as for the development of curricula: language courses, language tests and textbooks are regularly related to the levels of the CEFR. So far, however, empirical evidence is lacking on which learner language characteristics are more or less typical or expected at individual levels.</p> +<h2>Project aims and results</h2> +<p>MERLIN addresses this demand for <strong>Czech, German and Italian </strong>and provides an error-annotated corpus of learner texts. All MERLIN texts have been related to the CEFR in a methodologically sophisticated way by professional assessors; the reliability of the assessments was thoroughly verified. Thus, MERLIN helps illustrating the CEFR levels for Czech, Italian and German. With the help of the web-based search engine and visualization tool ANNIS, learner texts at all levels can be searched for (inter)language features relevant from practitioners’, research and intrinsic CEFR perspectives.</p> +<p> The project thus addresses a broad target audience, with its relevance to anyone teaching, testing, or learning one of the three target languages in Europe.</p> +<h2>Availability </h2> + <p>All MERLIN data and ressources are freely accesible under a Creative Commons licence (<a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>). They are part of the CLARIN infrastructure (European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology). For searching the MERLIN corpus you can refer to this site (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>/), as well as to <a href="" class="reference">ANNIS search engine at the Humboldt University of Berlin</a>.</p> +<p>MERLIN is also available for <a href="" target="_blank">download</a> in various formats (see <a href="index.php">MERLIN homepage</a> / Download MERLIN texts and resources). For annotations, a multi-layer standoff format has been used. Thus, MERLIN data can be easily processed and annotated further, e.g. using <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">EXMARaLDA tools</a>. </p> <p><br> - <strong>Availability </strong><strong> </strong><br> - Once the MERLIN platform is <strong>launched at the end of 2014</strong>, all <strong>MERLIN data will be freely accessible online</strong>. Resources as well as tools created by MERLIN are available under an open source license. In addition, the project approach and computational architecture is designed to be adaptable to other languages for which CEFR level illustration is needed.</p> -<p><br> - The <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['team'].submit();" class="reference">MERLIN team</a> is convinced that MERLIN will be a great help for anyone working with the CEFR for Czech, Italian, and German in building a much more solid understanding of the CEFR level system. </p> -<p> </p> +</p> <hr> +<p>The MERLIN project was funded from 2012 until 2014 by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme under project number <em>518989-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP.</em> </p> +<p class="StilSmall">Since 2018, corpus data are available through the CLARIN network. In 2021, the platform and the search functionalities have been revised.</p> <p> </p> -<p><strong>The MERLIN project </strong>is funded <strong>until the end of 2014</strong> by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme under project number <em>518989-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP.</em> </p> <!--INSERT END--> </div> </div> diff --git a/en/help-annis-glossary.php b/en/help-annis-glossary.php index 9480c20..f8c8ca6 100644 --- a/en/help-annis-glossary.php +++ b/en/help-annis-glossary.php @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <form> <input class="bt" type="button" value="Search MERLIN in ANNIS" onclick="window.location.href=''"/> </form> - <p><strong>Getting started:</strong> Open the search. Choose an example search from <strong>↘</strong> <em><strong>Help/Examples</strong></em> to get an impression how the ANNIS search works. Now, you can modify the query. Choose and copy an annotation (see <a href="#annotations">part 2</a>) or use the <strong>↘</strong> <em><strong>Query Builder</strong></em> as described under <a href="#metadata">part 3</a> to search for a specific L2 feature.</p> + <p><strong>Getting started:</strong> Open the search. Choose an example search from <strong>↘</strong> <em><strong>Help/Examples</strong></em> to get an impression how the ANNIS search works. Now, you can modify the query. Choose and copy an annotation (see <a href="#annotations">section 2</a>) or use the <strong>↘</strong> <em><strong>Query Builder</strong></em> as described in <a href="#metadata">section 3</a> to search for a specific L2 feature.</p> <h2><a name="infosearch" id="infosearch"></a>1 Explanation of your search output </h2> <p><img src="img/ANNIS-SCREEN-HELP.png" alt="ANNIS help" width="100%" /></p> <ol> @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <li>Choose L2 corpus </li> <li>Number of tokens displayed left and right from the key word</li> <li>Metadata, i. e. information on the learner and the ratings, as well as statistical information</li> - <li>Detail from the learner text (L2 text) containing that contains the word or the feature you are looking for </li> + <li>Detail from the learner text (L2 text) that contains the word or the feature you are looking for </li> <li>TH1 = minimally corrected, i. e. orthographically and grammatically acceptable version of the learner texts; TH2 = sociolinguistically acceptable version of the learner text; TH1Diff and TH2Diff = description of the deviation between the L2 text and the target hypothesis</li> <li>Categorical description of the error or the L2 feature [EA_category] </li> <li>Actual manifestation of the feature/error [_type]</li> @@ -38,85 +38,85 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> For concrete examples of annotated learner language features, see <a href="C_annotation.php#featurelist" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotations</a>, and for a detailed description of annotations and their scope (tag span) and annotation rules, see the <a href="C_download.php#annotations" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotation scheme</a>.</span></p> <div id="anchor1"></div> - <h3><a href="#anchor1" onClick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><img id="img1" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a><strong> G_ Grammar</strong></h3> + <h3><a href="#anchor1" onClick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><img id="img1" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> G_ Grammar</h3> <div id="content1" class="content"> <p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Agr/</strong></td> - <td><p>agreement (subject and verb)</p></td> + <td>agreement (subject and verb)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Art/</strong></td> - <td><p>article</p></td> + <td>article</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Clit/</strong></td> - <td><p>ITA: clitic</p></td> + <td>ITA: clitic</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Conj/</strong></td> - <td><p>conjunction</p></td> + <td>conjunction</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Inflect_Inexist/</strong></td> - <td><p>inexistent inflection (nouns, adj, verb)</p></td> + <td>inexistent inflection (nouns, adj, verb)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Morphol_Wrong/</strong></td> - <td><p>wrong inflection (nouns, pronouns, adj)</p></td> + <td>wrong inflection (nouns, pronouns, adj)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Neg/</strong></td> - <td><p>negation general</p></td> + <td>negation general</td> </tr> <tr> <td>G_Neg_g_neg_type="negdoub"</td> - <td><p>CZE: double negation</p></td> + <td>CZE: double negation</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Pos/</strong></td> - <td><p>part of speech error</p></td> + <td>part of speech error</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Prep/</strong></td> - <td><p>preposition</p></td> + <td>preposition</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Refl_pronrefl/</strong></td> - <td><p>reflexive pronoun</p></td> + <td>reflexive pronoun</td> </tr> <tr> <td>G_Refl_type="pronreflposs"</td> - <td><p>CZE: possessive reflexive pronoun</p></td> + <td>CZE: possessive reflexive pronoun</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Valency/</strong></td> - <td><p>verb valency: number of obligatory arguments</p></td> + <td>verb valency: number of obligatory arguments</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Verb_compl/</strong></td> - <td><p>verb formation (morphol.)</p></td> + <td>verb formation (morphol.)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Verb_main/</strong></td> - <td><p>main verb</p></td> + <td>main verb</td> </tr> <tr> <td>G_Verb_type="asp"</td> - <td><p>verb: aspect (CZE+ITA)</p></td> + <td>verb: aspect (CZE+ITA)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>G_Verb_type="md"</td> - <td><p>verb: mood</p></td> + <td>verb: mood</td> </tr> <tr> <td>G_Verb_type="tns"</td> - <td><p>verb: tense</p></td> + <td>verb: tense</td> </tr> <tr> <td>G_Verb_type="vc"</td> - <td><p>verb: voice</p></td> + <td>verb: voice</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Wo/</strong></td> @@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); </tr> <tr> <td>G_Wo_type="womaincl"</td> - <td><p>word order in main clause</p></td> + <td>word order in main clause</td> </tr> <tr> <td>G_Wo_type="wosubcl"</td> - <td><p>word order in subordinate clause</p></td> + <td>word order in subordinate clause</td> </tr> -</table></p> +</table> </div> <div id="anchor2"></div> <h3><a href="#anchor2" onClick="toggle('#content2','#img2')"><img id="img2" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> O_ Orthography</h3> @@ -139,99 +139,113 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <col width="131"> <col width="216"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Abbrev</strong></p></td> - <td><p>abbreviation</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/O_Abbrev/</strong></td> + <td>abbreviation</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Apostr</strong></p></td> - <td><p>GER+ITA: apostrophe</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/O_Apostr/</strong></td> + <td>GER+ITA: apostrophe</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Capit</strong></p></td> - <td><p>capitalization</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/O_Capit/</strong></td> + <td>capitalization</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Graph_act</strong></p></td> - <td><p>CZE+ITA: diacritical marks</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/O_Graph/</strong></td> + <td>general grapheme error</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Graph_graphgen</strong></p></td> - <td><p>general grapheme error</p></td> + <td>O_Graph_graphgen_act_type</td> + <td>CZE+ITA: diacritical marks</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Graph_trans</strong></p></td> - <td><p>grapheme transposition</p></td> + <td>O_Graph_type="trans"</td> + <td>grapheme transposition</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Punct</strong></p></td> - <td><p>punctuation</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/O_Punct/</strong></td> + <td>punctuation</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Wordbd</strong></p></td> - <td><p>word boundary</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/O_Wordbd/</strong></td> + <td>word boundary</td> </tr> -</table></p> +</table> +</p> </div> <div id="anchor3"></div> <h3><a href="#anchor3" onClick="toggle('#content3','#img3')"><img id="img3" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> G_ Intelligibility**</h3> <div id="content3" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Intelltxt</strong></p></td> - <td><p>intelligibility of text</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/H_Intelltxt/</strong></td> + <td>intelligibility of text</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Intells</strong></p></td> - <td><p>intelligibility of sentence</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/H_Intelltxt/H_Intellts/</strong></td> + <td>intelligibility of sentence</td> </tr> -</table></p> +</table> +</p> </div> <div id="anchor4"></div> <h3><a href="#anchor4" onClick="toggle('#content4','#img4')"><img id="img4" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> V_ Vocabulary**</h3> <div id="content4" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_FS</strong></p></td> - <td><p>formulaic sequence</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/V_FS/</strong></td> + <td>formulaic sequence</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_Sequence<br> - _lexgrammerr_incompr</strong></p></td> - <td><p>incomprehensible sequence caused by accumulation of lexical/grammatical error(s)</p></td> + <td>V_FS_type="colloc"</td> + <td>formulaic sequence: collocation</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_form_nonexist</strong></p></td> - <td><p>non-existing form (word or formulaic sequence)</p></td> + <td>V_FS_type="idiom"</td> + <td>formulaic sequence: idiom</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_FS_form_incompr</strong></p></td> - <td><p>formulaic sequence: limited intelligibility</p></td> + <td>V_FS_type="commphras"</td> + <td>formulaic sequence: com<span id="page38R_mcid0"><span role="presentation" dir="ltr">municative phraseologism</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_semdenot</strong></p></td> - <td><p>semantic error: denotation (word or formulaic sequence)</p></td> - </tr> + <td><strong>EA_category=/V_Sequence_lexgrammer_inc/</strong></td> + <td>incomprehensible sequence caused by accumulation of lexical/grammatical error(s)</td> + </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_semcon_att</strong></p></td> - <td><p>semantic error: connotation (attitude), (word or formulaic sequence)</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/V_FS_form/</strong></td> + <td>formulaic sequence: form error </td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_Word_semimprec</strong></p></td> - <td><p>semantic error: precision (word or formulaic sequence)</p></td> + <td>V_form_word_fs_nonexist_range</td> + <td>non-existing form (word or formulaic sequence)</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_Wordform_deriv</strong></p></td> - <td><p>word formation error: derivation</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/V_semdenot_word_fs/</strong></td> + <td>semantic error: denotation (word or formulaic sequence)</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_Wordform_comp</strong></p></td> - <td><p>word formation error: composition</p></td> - </tr> + <td><strong>EA_category=/V_semconn_at_word_fs/</strong></td> + <td>semantic error: connotation (attitude), (word or formulaic sequence)</td> + </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>V_FS_form</strong></p></td> - <td><p>formulaic sequence: form error</p></td> - </tr> -</table></p> + <td><strong>EA_category=/V_semimprec/</strong></td> + <td>semantic error: precision (word or formulaic sequence)</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><strong>EA_category=/V_Wordform/</strong></td> + <td>general word formation error</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>V_Wordform_type="deriv"</td> + <td>word formation error: derivation</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td height="23">V_Wordform_type="comp"</td> + <td>word formation error: composition</td> + </tr> +</table> +</p> </div> <div id="anchor5"></div> @@ -239,22 +253,23 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <div id="content5" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>C_Con_accur</strong></p></td> - <td><p>connector accuracy</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/C_Con_accur/</strong></td> + <td>connector accuracy</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>C_Coh_jump</strong></p></td> - <td><p>content jumps</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/C_Coh_jump/</strong></td> + <td>content jumps</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>C_Coh_ref</strong></p></td> - <td><p>reference</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/C_Coh_ref/</strong></td> + <td>reference</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>C_Coh_txtstruct</strong></p></td> - <td><p>metacommunicative device</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/C_Coh_txtstruct/</strong></td> + <td>metacommunicative device</td> </tr> -</table></p> +</table> +</p> </div> <div id="anchor6"></div> @@ -262,46 +277,47 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <div id="content6" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Txt_grfw</strong></p></td> - <td><p>salutations/complimentary closes</p></td> + <td>S_Txt_type="grfw"</td> + <td>salutations/complimentary closes</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Txt_opcl</strong></p></td> - <td><p>opening/closing formulae</p></td> + <td>S_Txt_type="opcl"</td> + <td>opening/closing formulae</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Form_gen</strong></p></td> - <td><p>inappropriate style (formality)</p></td> + <td>S_Form_type="gen"</td> + <td>inappropriate style (formality)</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Form_addr</strong></p></td> - <td><p>inappropriate addressing (formality)</p></td> + <td>S_Form_type="addr"</td> + <td>inappropriate addressing (formality)</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Var_clit</strong></p></td> - <td><p>ITA: lexicalised clitics (verbi procomplementari)</p></td> + <td>S_Var_type="clit"</td> + <td>ITA: lexicalised clitics (verbi procomplementari)</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Var_duppron</strong></p></td> - <td><p>ITA: personal pronoun redundancy</p></td> + <td>S_Var_type="duppron"</td> + <td>ITA: personal pronoun redundancy</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Var_synstr</strong></p></td> - <td><p>ITA: marked syntactic structures</p></td> + <td>S_Var_type="synstr"</td> + <td>ITA: marked syntactic structures</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Var_che</strong></p></td> - <td><p>ITA: 'che polivalente'</p></td> + <td>S_Var_type="che"</td> + <td>ITA: 'che polivalente'</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Var_woweil</strong></p></td> - <td><p>GER: main clause word order after 'weil'</p></td> + <td>S_Var_type="woweil"</td> + <td>GER: main clause word order after 'weil'</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Var_partik</strong></p></td> - <td><p>GER: modal particles</p></td> + <td>S_Var_type="partik"</td> + <td>GER: modal particles</td> </tr> -</table></p> +</table> +</p> </div> <div id="anchor7"></div> @@ -311,18 +327,23 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <col width="131"> <col width="216"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>P_Pol_dir</strong></p></td> - <td width="407"><p>politeness - overly direct language form</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/P_Pol_dir/</strong></td> + <td width="407">politeness: overly direct language form</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>P_Request_direct</strong></p></td> - <td><p>direct REQUEST</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/P_Request/</strong></td> + <td>REQUEST general</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>P_Request_indirect</strong></p></td> - <td><p>indirect REQUEST</p></td> - </tr> -</table></p> + <td>P_Request_type="direct"</td> + <td>direct REQUEST</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>P_Request_type="indirect"</td> + <td>indirect REQUEST</td> + </tr> +</table> +</p> </div> <p><span class="StilSmall">** Note: these error categories are only accessible for a subset of MERLIN texts. See <a href="C_annotation.php#featurelist" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotations / Annotation structure</a>.</span></p> <div id="anchor8"></div> @@ -330,32 +351,32 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <div id="content8" class="content"> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>add</strong></p></td> - <td><p>superfluous (added) element</p></td> + <td width="170"><strong>add</strong></td> + <td>superfluous (added) element</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>ambig</strong></p></td> - <td><p>ambigues - type of error can't be specified</p></td> + <td width="170"><strong>ambig</strong></td> + <td>ambigues - type of error can't be specified</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>ch</strong></p></td> - <td><p> wrong choice of element </p></td> + <td width="170"><strong>ch</strong></td> + <td> wrong choice of element </td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>merge</strong></p></td> - <td><p>elements are wrongly merged</p></td> + <td width="170"><strong>merge</strong></td> + <td>elements are wrongly merged</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>o</strong></p></td> - <td><p>omitted element </p></td> + <td width="170"><strong>o</strong></td> + <td>omitted element </td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>pos</strong></p></td> - <td><p>wrong position</p></td> + <td width="170"><strong>pos</strong></td> + <td>wrong position</td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>split</strong></p></td> - <td><p>elements are wrongly split</p></td> + <td width="170"><strong>split</strong></td> + <td>elements are wrongly split</td> </tr> </table> </div> @@ -368,11 +389,11 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> Choose <em>↘ </em><strong><em>Word sequences and meta information</em></strong>. </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> - Select the corresponding feature and its attribute under <strong><em>Linguistic sequence</em></strong> ↘ <strong><em>Initialize</em></strong> ↘ <strong><em>Add</em></strong>.. </li> + Select the corresponding feature and its attribute under <strong><em>Linguistic sequence</em></strong> ↘ <strong><em>Initialize</em></strong> ↘ <strong><em>Add</em></strong>.</li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> - In the <strong><em>Toolbar</em></strong>, click on ↘ <strong><em>Create AQL Query</em></strong>, to paste the query into the search field.. </li> + In the <strong><em>Toolbar</em></strong>, click on ↘ <strong><em>Create AQL Query</em></strong> to paste the query into the search field. </li> </ol> - <p>To restrict the query to a specific group of learners (L1, age) or a specific CEFR level (fair rating), select a metadata category before pasting the query into the search field (step 4) under ↘ <em><strong>Meta information</strong></em> ↘ <strong><em>Add</em></strong> and tick the required attribute, e. g.: </p> + <p>To restrict the query to a specific group of learners (e. g. by L1 or age) or a specific CEFR level (fair rating), select a metadata category before pasting the query into the search field (step 4) under ↘ <em><strong>Meta information</strong></em> ↘ <strong><em>Add</em></strong> and tick the required attribute, e. g.: </p> <p> <table> <tbody> @@ -391,21 +412,21 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); </tbody> </table> </p> - <p><strong> Alternatively</strong> you can copy the feature you are searching for from the overview under section 2 and paste it into the ANNIS search field. Then, add the metadata using the following scheme, to restrict your search to specific texts:</p> + <p><strong> Alternatively</strong> you can copy the feature you are searching for from the feature list under <a href="#annotations">section 2</a> and paste it into the ANNIS search field. Then, add the metadata using the following scheme, to restrict your search to specific texts:</p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <em>& meta::_rating_fair_cefr="B1"</em> [A1, A2, B1+, B2] </li> <li><em>& meta::_author_L1="German" </em>[English, Russian, Arabic, etc.]</li> </ul> - <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall">The <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS User Guide</a> offers a thorough introduction to using the ANNIS interface.</span></p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> The <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS User Guide</a> offers a thorough introduction to using the ANNIS interface.</span></p> <h2 dir="ltr"><a name="freqanalysis" id="freqanalysis"></a>4 Retrieve statistical informationen </h2> <p dir="ltr">To get an indication of the frequency of certain L2 features use the ANNIS search. </p> <ol> <li> - Search for specific L2 features as described in section 2. or use <a href="#globEA_category">global error categories</a>.</li> + Search for specific L2 features as described in section 2 or use <a href="#globEA_category">global error categories</a>.</li> <li> - Then click on ↘ <em><strong>Frequency Analysis </strong></em>[2] and subsequently on the right on ↘ <em><strong>Perform Frequency Analysis</strong></em>. You will retrieve a statistical analysis of the annotated features within the category in question. </li> + Then, click on ↘ <em><strong>Frequency Analysis </strong></em>[2] and subsequently on the right on ↘ <em><strong>Perform Frequency Analysis</strong></em>. You will retrieve a statistical analysis of the annotated features within the category in question. </li> <li>Amend your query according to the following scheme, to restrict the search to a certain CEFR level, e. g. B1: <em><strong>& meta::_rating_fair_cefr="B1"</strong>. </em></li> </ol> <p><img src="img/ANNIS-FREQ-ANALYSIS.png" alt="Freq Analysis" width="100%" /></p> diff --git a/en/start.php b/en/start.php index 0d5663d..21e3287 100644 --- a/en/start.php +++ b/en/start.php @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ <div id="merlin-info" style="width:690px;"> <p>MERLIN is an error-annotated written <strong>learner corpus for German, Italian and Czech</strong>. It was created within the MERLIN <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['about'].submit();">project</a> (2012-2014). The texts in MERLIN were taken from standardized language tests and are methodologically precisely related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe 2001, 2020). This platform makes all corpus texts available with their ratings. It shows possible <a href="C_teacher.php" target="_blank">usage scenarios</a>, in the teaching practice as well as in research, and informs about the structure and the design of the <a href="C_mcorpus.php" target="_blank">corpus</a> and of the <a href="C_annotation.php" target="_blank">annotations</a>. Users can search the corpus with the help of the integrated web-based search engine <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS</a>.</p> </div> -<p> </p> +<div><p> </p></div> <h2>1 Download MERLIN texts and resources</h2> <p>You can download the whole corpus (2.286 texts) in the following file formats:</p> @@ -79,14 +79,15 @@ <li>CZ <strong>↘</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Use of the structure 'mít rád'</a></li> <li>IT<strong> ↘</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Mood errors in texts of learners of Italian </a></li> </ul> - <p>Using the metadata, you can limit queries to a specific sub-corpus, for example:</p> + <p>Using the metadata, you can restrict queries to a specific sub-corpus, for example:</p> <ul> <li>DE <strong>↘</strong> <a href="">Case errors in texts of learners at B2 level</a> (fair rating)</li> <li>CZ <strong>↘</strong><a href=""> Aspect errors of learners with German L1 at B1 level</a> (fair rating)</li> <li>IT <strong> ↘</strong> <a href=""> Mood errors in texts of learners of Italian at B1 level</a> (fair rating)</li> </ul> -</div><p><br /></p> - <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> The <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS User Guide</a> offers a thorough introduction to using the ANNIS interface. You can also refer to the ANNIS help section under<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. For explanations on the annotation layers please go to <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p> +</div> +<div><p></p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> The <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS User Guide</a> offers a thorough introduction to using the ANNIS interface. You can also refer to the ANNIS help section under<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. For explanations on the annotation layers please go to <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p></div> <!--<div id="merlin-info" style="width:220px; height:160px;"> <h3>Nutzen Sie MERLIN ...</h3> <p>..., um die Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeRS) besser zu verstehen.</p> -- GitLab