From 95ad80907baad49a47ff13426201e37eb7f1db1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lyding Verena <> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 16:48:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] added translation field 'help_search' --- A_translations.php | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/A_translations.php b/A_translations.php index c745a8c..8f328cb 100644 --- a/A_translations.php +++ b/A_translations.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <?php - $o_menu = array( 'home' => array('en' => 'Home | Search', 'de' => 'Start | Suche', 'cz' => 'Úvod | VyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Home | Ricerca'), 'about' => array('en' => 'About MERLIN', 'de' => 'über MERLIN', 'cz' => 'O projektu MERLIN', 'it' => 'Su MERLIN'), 'help' => array('en' => 'Help', 'de' => 'Hilfe', 'cz' => 'Nápoveda', 'it' => 'Aiuto'), 'm_learning' => array('en' => 'Using MERLIN ', 'de' => 'MERLIN in der Praxis', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: v praxi', 'it' => 'Usare MERLIN'), 'm_research' => array('en' => 'MERLIN for research', 'de' => 'Forschen mit MERLIN', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: výzkum', 'it' => 'MERLIN per la ricerca'), 'm_corpus' => array('en' => 'MERLIN corpus', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Korpus', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: korpus', 'it' => 'Corpus MERLIN'), 'm_annotations' => array('en' => 'MERLIN annotations', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Annotationen', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: anotace', 'it' => 'Annotazioni MERLIN'), 'documentation' => array('en' => 'Documentation', 'de' => 'Dokumentation', 'cz' => 'Dokumentace', 'it' => 'Documentazione'), 'downloads' => array('en' => 'Download whole corpus', 'de' => 'Download: MERLIN-Korpus', 'cz' => 'Ke staženÃ', 'it' => 'Scarica il corpus'), 'simple' => array('en' => 'Simple search', 'de' => 'einfache Suche', 'cz' => 'Jednoduché vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca semplice'), 'advanced' => array('en' => 'Advanced search', 'de' => 'erweiterte Suche', 'cz' => 'Pokrocilé vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca avanzata'), 'document' => array('en' => 'Define a subcorpus', 'de' => 'Subkorpus festlegen', 'cz' => 'Vytvorit subkorpus', 'it' => 'Crea un sottocorpus'), 'learner' => array('en' => 'Statistics', 'de' => 'Statistik', 'cz' => 'Statistika', 'it' => 'Statistiche'), 'english' => array('en' => 'English', 'de' => 'Englisch', 'cz' => 'anglicky', 'it' => 'inglese'), 'german' => array('en' => 'German', 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'cz' => 'nemecky', 'it' => 'tedesco'), 'czech' => array('en' => 'Czech', 'de' => 'Tschechisch', 'cz' => 'cesky', 'it' => 'ceco'), 'italian' => array('en' => 'Italian', 'de' => 'Italienisch', 'cz' => 'italsky', 'it' => 'italiano'), 'team' => array('en' => 'Team', 'de' => 'Projektteam', 'cz' => 'Náš tým', 'it' => 'Team'), 'contact' => array('en' => 'Contact', 'de' => 'Kontakt', 'cz' => 'Kontakt', 'it' => 'Contatti'), 'disclaimer' => array('en' => 'Disclaimer', 'de' => 'Impressum', 'cz' => 'Impressum', 'it' => 'Disclaimer')); + $o_menu = array( 'help_search' => array('en' => 'Hilfe xxx', 'de' => 'Hilfe zur Suche', 'cz' => 'Hilfe xxx', 'it' => 'Hilfe xxx'), 'home' => array('en' => 'Home | Search', 'de' => 'Start | Suche', 'cz' => 'Úvod | VyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Home | Ricerca'), 'about' => array('en' => 'About MERLIN', 'de' => 'über MERLIN', 'cz' => 'O projektu MERLIN', 'it' => 'Su MERLIN'), 'help' => array('en' => 'Help', 'de' => 'Hilfe', 'cz' => 'Nápoveda', 'it' => 'Aiuto'), 'm_learning' => array('en' => 'Using MERLIN ', 'de' => 'MERLIN in der Praxis', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: v praxi', 'it' => 'Usare MERLIN'), 'm_research' => array('en' => 'MERLIN for research', 'de' => 'Forschen mit MERLIN', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: výzkum', 'it' => 'MERLIN per la ricerca'), 'm_corpus' => array('en' => 'MERLIN corpus', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Korpus', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: korpus', 'it' => 'Corpus MERLIN'), 'm_annotations' => array('en' => 'MERLIN annotations', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Annotationen', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: anotace', 'it' => 'Annotazioni MERLIN'), 'documentation' => array('en' => 'Documentation', 'de' => 'Dokumentation', 'cz' => 'Dokumentace', 'it' => 'Documentazione'), 'downloads' => array('en' => 'Download whole corpus', 'de' => 'Download: MERLIN-Korpus', 'cz' => 'Ke staženÃ', 'it' => 'Scarica il corpus'), 'simple' => array('en' => 'Simple search', 'de' => 'einfache Suche', 'cz' => 'Jednoduché vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca semplice'), 'advanced' => array('en' => 'Advanced search', 'de' => 'erweiterte Suche', 'cz' => 'Pokrocilé vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca avanzata'), 'document' => array('en' => 'Define a subcorpus', 'de' => 'Subkorpus festlegen', 'cz' => 'Vytvorit subkorpus', 'it' => 'Crea un sottocorpus'), 'learner' => array('en' => 'Statistics', 'de' => 'Statistik', 'cz' => 'Statistika', 'it' => 'Statistiche'), 'english' => array('en' => 'English', 'de' => 'Englisch', 'cz' => 'anglicky', 'it' => 'inglese'), 'german' => array('en' => 'German', 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'cz' => 'nemecky', 'it' => 'tedesco'), 'czech' => array('en' => 'Czech', 'de' => 'Tschechisch', 'cz' => 'cesky', 'it' => 'ceco'), 'italian' => array('en' => 'Italian', 'de' => 'Italienisch', 'cz' => 'italsky', 'it' => 'italiano'), 'team' => array('en' => 'Team', 'de' => 'Projektteam', 'cz' => 'Náš tým', 'it' => 'Team'), 'contact' => array('en' => 'Contact', 'de' => 'Kontakt', 'cz' => 'Kontakt', 'it' => 'Contatti'), 'disclaimer' => array('en' => 'Disclaimer', 'de' => 'Impressum', 'cz' => 'Impressum', 'it' => 'Disclaimer')); $outdated = array('search_expl' => array( 'en' => 'e.g. to explore the use of words that your students often struggle with', 'de' => 'z.B. um den Gebrauch von Wörtern zu erkunden, die Lernern häufig Probleme bereiten'),'compose' => array( 'en' => 'Compose search', 'de' => 'Suche erstellen'),'click_text' => array( 'en' => 'Click to see whole text', 'de' => 'Klicken Sie auf die Textstelle, um den gesamten Text zu sehen'),'text_ident' => array( 'en' => 'Text identification', 'de' => 'Text'),'search_expl_ds' => array( 'en' => 'e.g. to create your own subcorpus', 'de' => 'z.B. um ein eigenes Subkorpus zusammenzustellen'),'text_feat' => array( 'en' => 'Text features', 'de' => 'Informationen über den Text')); -- GitLab