From af00d549616a1f2018d2020297d1c837481dd8ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "LAPTOP-K24GVT55\\Karin" <> Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2021 12:04:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] translations into EN, adaption of a.reference in css --- A_translations.php | 2 +- css/style.css | 2 +- de/help-annis-glossary.php | 27 ++-- de/start.php | 8 +- en/help-annis-glossary.php | 289 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- en/start.php | 11 +- 6 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-) diff --git a/A_translations.php b/A_translations.php index 8f328cb..4be71c2 100644 --- a/A_translations.php +++ b/A_translations.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <?php - $o_menu = array( 'help_search' => array('en' => 'Hilfe xxx', 'de' => 'Hilfe zur Suche', 'cz' => 'Hilfe xxx', 'it' => 'Hilfe xxx'), 'home' => array('en' => 'Home | Search', 'de' => 'Start | Suche', 'cz' => 'Úvod | VyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Home | Ricerca'), 'about' => array('en' => 'About MERLIN', 'de' => 'über MERLIN', 'cz' => 'O projektu MERLIN', 'it' => 'Su MERLIN'), 'help' => array('en' => 'Help', 'de' => 'Hilfe', 'cz' => 'Nápoveda', 'it' => 'Aiuto'), 'm_learning' => array('en' => 'Using MERLIN ', 'de' => 'MERLIN in der Praxis', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: v praxi', 'it' => 'Usare MERLIN'), 'm_research' => array('en' => 'MERLIN for research', 'de' => 'Forschen mit MERLIN', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: výzkum', 'it' => 'MERLIN per la ricerca'), 'm_corpus' => array('en' => 'MERLIN corpus', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Korpus', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: korpus', 'it' => 'Corpus MERLIN'), 'm_annotations' => array('en' => 'MERLIN annotations', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Annotationen', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: anotace', 'it' => 'Annotazioni MERLIN'), 'documentation' => array('en' => 'Documentation', 'de' => 'Dokumentation', 'cz' => 'Dokumentace', 'it' => 'Documentazione'), 'downloads' => array('en' => 'Download whole corpus', 'de' => 'Download: MERLIN-Korpus', 'cz' => 'Ke staženÃ', 'it' => 'Scarica il corpus'), 'simple' => array('en' => 'Simple search', 'de' => 'einfache Suche', 'cz' => 'Jednoduché vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca semplice'), 'advanced' => array('en' => 'Advanced search', 'de' => 'erweiterte Suche', 'cz' => 'Pokrocilé vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca avanzata'), 'document' => array('en' => 'Define a subcorpus', 'de' => 'Subkorpus festlegen', 'cz' => 'Vytvorit subkorpus', 'it' => 'Crea un sottocorpus'), 'learner' => array('en' => 'Statistics', 'de' => 'Statistik', 'cz' => 'Statistika', 'it' => 'Statistiche'), 'english' => array('en' => 'English', 'de' => 'Englisch', 'cz' => 'anglicky', 'it' => 'inglese'), 'german' => array('en' => 'German', 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'cz' => 'nemecky', 'it' => 'tedesco'), 'czech' => array('en' => 'Czech', 'de' => 'Tschechisch', 'cz' => 'cesky', 'it' => 'ceco'), 'italian' => array('en' => 'Italian', 'de' => 'Italienisch', 'cz' => 'italsky', 'it' => 'italiano'), 'team' => array('en' => 'Team', 'de' => 'Projektteam', 'cz' => 'Náš tým', 'it' => 'Team'), 'contact' => array('en' => 'Contact', 'de' => 'Kontakt', 'cz' => 'Kontakt', 'it' => 'Contatti'), 'disclaimer' => array('en' => 'Disclaimer', 'de' => 'Impressum', 'cz' => 'Impressum', 'it' => 'Disclaimer')); + $o_menu = array( 'help_search' => array('en' => 'Search help', 'de' => 'Hilfe zur Suche', 'cz' => 'Hilfe xxx', 'it' => 'Hilfe xxx'), 'home' => array('en' => 'Home | Search', 'de' => 'Start | Suche', 'cz' => 'Úvod | VyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Home | Ricerca'), 'about' => array('en' => 'About MERLIN', 'de' => 'über MERLIN', 'cz' => 'O projektu MERLIN', 'it' => 'Su MERLIN'), 'help' => array('en' => 'Help', 'de' => 'Hilfe', 'cz' => 'Nápoveda', 'it' => 'Aiuto'), 'm_learning' => array('en' => 'Using MERLIN ', 'de' => 'MERLIN in der Praxis', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: v praxi', 'it' => 'Usare MERLIN'), 'm_research' => array('en' => 'MERLIN for research', 'de' => 'Forschen mit MERLIN', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: výzkum', 'it' => 'MERLIN per la ricerca'), 'm_corpus' => array('en' => 'MERLIN corpus', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Korpus', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: korpus', 'it' => 'Corpus MERLIN'), 'm_annotations' => array('en' => 'MERLIN annotations', 'de' => 'MERLIN: Annotationen', 'cz' => 'MERLIN: anotace', 'it' => 'Annotazioni MERLIN'), 'documentation' => array('en' => 'Documentation', 'de' => 'Dokumentation', 'cz' => 'Dokumentace', 'it' => 'Documentazione'), 'downloads' => array('en' => 'Download whole corpus', 'de' => 'Download: MERLIN-Korpus', 'cz' => 'Ke staženÃ', 'it' => 'Scarica il corpus'), 'simple' => array('en' => 'Simple search', 'de' => 'einfache Suche', 'cz' => 'Jednoduché vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca semplice'), 'advanced' => array('en' => 'Advanced search', 'de' => 'erweiterte Suche', 'cz' => 'Pokrocilé vyhledávánÃ', 'it' => 'Ricerca avanzata'), 'document' => array('en' => 'Define a subcorpus', 'de' => 'Subkorpus festlegen', 'cz' => 'Vytvorit subkorpus', 'it' => 'Crea un sottocorpus'), 'learner' => array('en' => 'Statistics', 'de' => 'Statistik', 'cz' => 'Statistika', 'it' => 'Statistiche'), 'english' => array('en' => 'English', 'de' => 'Englisch', 'cz' => 'anglicky', 'it' => 'inglese'), 'german' => array('en' => 'German', 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'cz' => 'nemecky', 'it' => 'tedesco'), 'czech' => array('en' => 'Czech', 'de' => 'Tschechisch', 'cz' => 'cesky', 'it' => 'ceco'), 'italian' => array('en' => 'Italian', 'de' => 'Italienisch', 'cz' => 'italsky', 'it' => 'italiano'), 'team' => array('en' => 'Team', 'de' => 'Projektteam', 'cz' => 'Náš tým', 'it' => 'Team'), 'contact' => array('en' => 'Contact', 'de' => 'Kontakt', 'cz' => 'Kontakt', 'it' => 'Contatti'), 'disclaimer' => array('en' => 'Disclaimer', 'de' => 'Impressum', 'cz' => 'Impressum', 'it' => 'Disclaimer')); $outdated = array('search_expl' => array( 'en' => 'e.g. to explore the use of words that your students often struggle with', 'de' => 'z.B. um den Gebrauch von Wörtern zu erkunden, die Lernern häufig Probleme bereiten'),'compose' => array( 'en' => 'Compose search', 'de' => 'Suche erstellen'),'click_text' => array( 'en' => 'Click to see whole text', 'de' => 'Klicken Sie auf die Textstelle, um den gesamten Text zu sehen'),'text_ident' => array( 'en' => 'Text identification', 'de' => 'Text'),'search_expl_ds' => array( 'en' => 'e.g. to create your own subcorpus', 'de' => 'z.B. um ein eigenes Subkorpus zusammenzustellen'),'text_feat' => array( 'en' => 'Text features', 'de' => 'Informationen über den Text')); diff --git a/css/style.css b/css/style.css index b63a573..8c448a2 100644 --- a/css/style.css +++ b/css/style.css @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ a.reference { font-weight:bold; /*19.2.21 color: #035683;*/ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-size: 11pt; /*19.2.21 was 10pt*/ + /*font-size: 11pt; */ font-style: normal;} /*19.2.21 was italic*/ a.reference:before{content:'\00BB '} diff --git a/de/help-annis-glossary.php b/de/help-annis-glossary.php index 83d3105..84752e0 100644 --- a/de/help-annis-glossary.php +++ b/de/help-annis-glossary.php @@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <li>Suchfeld mit Merkmalsabfrage</li> <li>Optionen: Ergebnisse exportieren oder Frequenzanalysen durchführen</li> <li>Wahl des L2-Korpus </li> - <li>Metadaten, d. h. Informationen zum Lerner und zu den Bewertungen, sowie statistische Informationen zum Text</li> <li>Anzahl der Tokens links und rechts vom gesuchten Ausdruck</li> - <li>Ausschnitt aus dem Lernertext (L2-Text), der das gesuchte Wort oder Merkmal enthält. </li> + <li>Metadaten, d. h. Informationen zum Lerner und zu den Bewertungen, sowie statistische Informationen zum Text</li> + <li>Ausschnitt aus dem Lernertext (L2-Text), der das gesuchte Wort oder Merkmal enthält</li> <li>TH1 = minimal korrigierte, d. h. orthografisch und grammatisch korrekte Variante des Textes; TH2 = soziolinguistisch akzeptable Version des Textes; TH1Diff und TH2Diff = Beschreibung der Abweichung zwischen L2-Text und Zielhypothese</li> <li>kategoriale Beschreibung der Fehler bzw. Merkmale der Lernersprache [EA_category] </li> <li>konkrete Ausprägung der Merkmale/Fehler [_type]</li> <li>zeigt gesamten Lernertext an</li> </ol> - <p>Im folgenden Abschnitt sind alle annotierten Merkmale nach allgemeinen Kategorien [EA_category] und spezifischen Merkmalsausprägungen [_type] aufgelistet.<br /> - </p> + <p> </p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall">Für automatische Annotationen, die unter "automatic grid" angezeigt werden (POS annotations, lemmas, t-units, sentences) siehe <a href="C_research.php#anchor234" target="_blank">Forschen mit MERLIN</a>.</span><br /></p> <h2><a name="annotations" id="annotations"></a>2 MERLIN nach Merkmalen der L2 durchsuchen</h2> - <p>Im Folgenden sind die in MERLIN annotierten lernersprachlichen Merkmale aufgeführt. Kopieren Sie die Annotationsnamen (tags) in das ANNIS-Suchfenster, um eine Suche zu starten. </p> + <p>Im Folgenden sind die in MERLIN annotierten lernersprachlichen Merkmale nach allgemeinen Kategorien [EA_category] und spezifischen Merkmalsausprägungen [_type] aufgelistet. Kopieren Sie die Annotationsnamen (tags) in das ANNIS-Suchfenster, um eine Suche zu starten. </p> <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall">Konkrete Beispiele für annotierte Lernersprachenmerkmale finden Sie unter <a href="C_annotation.php#featurelist" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotationen</a>, eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Annotationen und ihrer Reichweite (tag span) sowie der Annotationsregeln im <a href="C_download.php#annotations" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotationsschema</a>.</span></p> - <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall">Für automatische Annotationen, die unter "automatic grid" angezeigt werden (POS annotations, lemmas, t-units, sentences) siehe <a href="C_research.php#anchor234" target="_blank">Forschen mit MERLIN</a>.</span></p> + <div id="anchor1"></div> <h3><a href="#anchor1" onClick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><img id="img1" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> G_ Grammatik</h3> <div id="content1" class="content"> @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); </tbody> </table></p> </div> - <p><span class="StilSmall">** Beachten Sie: diese Fehlerkategorien sind nur für einen Teil der MERLIN-Texte zugänglich. Siehe dazu MERLIN-Annotationen / Kernkorpus.</span></p> + <p><span class="StilSmall">** Beachten Sie: diese Fehlerkategorien sind nur für einen Teil der MERLIN-Texte zugänglich. Siehe dazu <a href="C_annotation.php#featurelist" target="_blank">MERLIN-Annotationen / Annotationsstruktur</a>.</span></p> <div id="anchor8"></div> <h3><a href="#anchor8" onClick="toggle('#content8','#img8')"><img id="img8" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> Weitere Spezifizierungen von Fehlerkategorien</h3> <div id="content8" class="content"> @@ -380,12 +380,12 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); </tr> </tbody></table></p> </div> - <p> </p> - <h2 dir="ltr"><a name="metadata" id="metadata"></a>3 Einschränkung der Suche nach Metadaten</h2> +<p> </p> +<h2 dir="ltr"><a name="metadata" id="metadata"></a>3 Einschränkung der Suche nach Metadaten</h2> <p dir="ltr">Nutzen Sie den <em><strong>Query Builder</strong></em> von ANNIS, um nach Merkmalen oder einer Kombination von Merkmalen zu suchen und gleichzeitig die Abfrage nach bestimmten Metadaten einzuschränken.</p> <ol> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> - öffnen Sie in ANNIS den ↘ <em><strong>Query Builder</strong></em>. </li> + Öffnen Sie in ANNIS den ↘ <em><strong>Query Builder</strong></em>. </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> Wählen Sie <em>↘ </em><strong><em>Word sequences and meta information</em></strong>. </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> @@ -418,9 +418,9 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <em>& meta::_rating_fair_cefr="B1"</em> [A1, A2, B1+, B2] </li> <li><em>& meta::_author_L1="German" </em>[English, Russian, Arabic, etc.]</li> </ul> - <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall">Eine grundlegende Einführung zur geforderten Syntax bietet der <a href="" target="_blank" class="a.reference">Foliensatz zur Einführung in die Suche mit ANNIS</a> auf der Webseite des Falko-Korpus der Humboldt-Universität Berlin.</span></p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall">Eine grundlegende Einführung zur geforderten Syntax bietet der <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">Foliensatz zur Einführung in die Suche mit ANNIS</a> auf der Webseite des Falko-Korpus der Humboldt-Universität Berlin.</span></p> <h2 dir="ltr"><a name="freqanalysis" id="freqanalysis"></a>4 Statistische Informationen erhalten</h2> - <p dir="ltr">Um sich einen überblick über die Häufigkeit bestimmter Merkmale der L2 zu verschaffen, nutzen Sie die ANNIS-Suche. </p> + <p dir="ltr">Um sich einen Ãœberblick über die Häufigkeit bestimmter Merkmale der L2 zu verschaffen, nutzen Sie die ANNIS-Suche. </p> <ol> <li> @@ -465,7 +465,8 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); </tbody> </table> </p> - </div> + </div> + <!--INSERT END--> </div> </div> diff --git a/de/start.php b/de/start.php index 3049e49..69476e3 100644 --- a/de/start.php +++ b/de/start.php @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ <div id="content-menu3" style="min-height:200px"> <h1>Das MERLIN-Korpus | Ressourcen für Forschung und Praxis rund um das Fremdsprachenlernen</h1> <div id="merlin-info" style="width:690px;"> -<p>MERLIN ist ein fehlerannotiertes schriftliches <strong>Lernerkorpus für Deutsch, Italienisch und Tschechisch</strong>. Das Korpus wurde im gleichnamigen <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['about'].submit();">Projekt</a> erstellt (2012-2014). Die Texte in MERLIN stammen aus standardisierten Sprachtests und sind methodisch genau auf den Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (Europarat 2001, 2020) bezogen. Diese Plattform stellt alle Korpus-Texte mit ihren Bewertungen zur Verfügung. Sie zeigt mögliche <a href="C_teacher.php" target="_blank">Anwendungsszenarien</a>, in der Lehrpraxis wie in der Wissenschaft, und informiert über den Aufbau des <a href="C_mcorpus.php" target="_blank">Korpus</a> und die Gestaltung der <a href="C_annotation.php" target="_blank">Annotationen</a>. Mit Hilfe des integrierten Suchwerkzeugs <a href="" target="_blank">ANNIS</a> können die Texte gezielt durchsucht werden.</p> +<p>MERLIN ist ein fehlerannotiertes schriftliches <strong>Lernerkorpus für Deutsch, Italienisch und Tschechisch</strong>. Das Korpus wurde im gleichnamigen <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['about'].submit();">Projekt</a> erstellt (2012-2014). Die Texte in MERLIN stammen aus standardisierten Sprachtests und sind methodisch genau auf den Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (Europarat 2001, 2020) bezogen. Diese Plattform stellt alle Korpus-Texte mit ihren Bewertungen zur Verfügung. Sie zeigt mögliche <a href="C_teacher.php" target="_blank">Anwendungsszenarien</a>, in der Lehrpraxis wie in der Wissenschaft, und informiert über den Aufbau des <a href="C_mcorpus.php" target="_blank">Korpus</a> und die Gestaltung der <a href="C_annotation.php" target="_blank">Annotationen</a>. Mit Hilfe des integrierten Suchwerkzeugs <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS</a> können die Texte gezielt durchsucht werden.</p> </div> -<br /> +<p> </p> <h2>1 MERLIN-Texte und -Ressourcen herunterladen</h2> <p>Sie können das komplette Korpus (2.286 Texte) in den folgenden Formaten herunterladen:</p> @@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ <li>CZ <strong>↘</strong><a href=""> Aspektfehler deutscher Muttersprachler auf B1-Niveau</a> (fair rating)</li> <li>IT <strong> ↘</strong> <a href=""> Modusfehler in Texten von Italienischlernern auf B1-Niveau</a> (fair rating)</li> </ul> -</div><p></p> - <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> Allgemeine Erläuterungen zur ANNIS-Nutzeroberfläche finden Sie in einer <a href="" target="_blank" class="a.reference">Videoeinführung</a> der HU Berlin (Deutsch) sowie direkt in ANNIS unter<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. Erklärungen zu den einzelnen Annotationsebenen finden Sie unter <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p> +</div><p><br /></p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> Allgemeine Erläuterungen zur ANNIS-Nutzeroberfläche finden Sie in einer <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">Videoeinführung</a> der HU Berlin (Deutsch) sowie direkt in ANNIS unter<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. Erklärungen zu den einzelnen Annotationsebenen finden Sie unter <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p> <!--<div id="merlin-info" style="width:220px; height:160px;"> <h3>Nutzen Sie MERLIN ...</h3> <p>..., um die Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeRS) besser zu verstehen.</p> diff --git a/en/help-annis-glossary.php b/en/help-annis-glossary.php index 3c9e5bc..9480c20 100644 --- a/en/help-annis-glossary.php +++ b/en/help-annis-glossary.php @@ -11,102 +11,130 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <div id="mainpart3"> <div id="content-menu3"> <!--INSERT--> -<h1>Glossary of abbreviations (annotation tags)</h1> - <p><strong>Please note: this text has been opened in a new window (new tab of your browser).</strong></p> - <p>The glossary refers to the TH1/EA1 grid. For more details on the automatic annotations displayed in the "automatic" grid (POS annotations, lemmas, t-units and sentences) please refer to the section <a href="C_research.php#234" target="_blank" class="reference">MERLIN for research</a>.</p> - <p> </p> - <h2>"Scheme" elements in the TH1/EA1 grid </h2> -<p>The scheme level contains information about the annotated learner language feature. The following schemes cover all abbreviations and their meaning. For examples illustrating the features, please go to <a href="C_annotation.php#featurelist" target="_blank" class="reference">MERLIN annotations</a>. For details on annotation rules, tag descriptions and tag spans, please see: <a href="C_download.php#annotations" target="_blank" class="reference">the MERLIN annotation scheme</a>.</p> - <p> </p> -<h3><strong>G_ Grammar</strong></h3> +<h1>Help for the search</h1> + <p>You can search the MERLIN corpus with the help of the search and visualisation software <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS</a>.</p> + <form> +<input class="bt" type="button" value="Search MERLIN in ANNIS" onclick="window.location.href=''"/> +</form> + <p><strong>Getting started:</strong> Open the search. Choose an example search from <strong>↘</strong> <em><strong>Help/Examples</strong></em> to get an impression how the ANNIS search works. Now, you can modify the query. Choose and copy an annotation (see <a href="#annotations">part 2</a>) or use the <strong>↘</strong> <em><strong>Query Builder</strong></em> as described under <a href="#metadata">part 3</a> to search for a specific L2 feature.</p> + <h2><a name="infosearch" id="infosearch"></a>1 Explanation of your search output </h2> + <p><img src="img/ANNIS-SCREEN-HELP.png" alt="ANNIS help" width="100%" /></p> + <ol> + <li>Search field displaying your query in the query language</li> + <li>Options: export search results or perform a frequency analysis</li> + <li>Choose L2 corpus </li> + <li>Number of tokens displayed left and right from the key word</li> + <li>Metadata, i. e. information on the learner and the ratings, as well as statistical information</li> + <li>Detail from the learner text (L2 text) containing that contains the word or the feature you are looking for </li> + <li>TH1 = minimally corrected, i. e. orthographically and grammatically acceptable version of the learner texts; TH2 = sociolinguistically acceptable version of the learner text; TH1Diff and TH2Diff = description of the deviation between the L2 text and the target hypothesis</li> + <li>Categorical description of the error or the L2 feature [EA_category] </li> + <li>Actual manifestation of the feature/error [_type]</li> + <li>displays the complete learner text</li> + </ol> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> For automatic annotations displayed under "automatic grid" (POS annotations, lemmas, t-units, sentences) see <a href="C_research.php#anchor234" target="_blank">MERLIN for research</a>.</span><br /></p> + <p> </p> + <h2><a name="annotations" id="annotations"></a>2 Search MERLIN for L2 features</h2> + <p>In the following section, all annotated learner language features are listed according to their categorical description [EA_category] and specific manifestation [_type]. Copy the annotation names (tags) into the ANNIS search window to start a search.</p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> For concrete examples of annotated learner language features, see <a href="C_annotation.php#featurelist" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotations</a>, and for a detailed description of annotations and their scope (tag span) and annotation rules, see the <a href="C_download.php#annotations" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotation scheme</a>.</span></p> + + <div id="anchor1"></div> + <h3><a href="#anchor1" onClick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><img id="img1" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a><strong> G_ Grammar</strong></h3> + <div id="content1" class="content"> + <p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Agr</strong></p></td> - <td><p>agreement (subject and verb)</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Agr/</strong></td> + <td><p>agreement (subject and verb)</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Art</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Art/</strong></td> <td><p>article</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Clit</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Clit/</strong></td> <td><p>ITA: clitic</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Conj</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Conj/</strong></td> <td><p>conjunction</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Inflect_inexist</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Inflect_Inexist/</strong></td> <td><p>inexistent inflection (nouns, adj, verb)</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Morphol_wrong</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Morphol_Wrong/</strong></td> <td><p>wrong inflection (nouns, pronouns, adj)</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Neg_negdoub</strong></p></td> - <td><p>CZE: double negation</p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Neg/</strong></td> + <td><p>negation general</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Neg_neggen</strong></p></td> - <td><p>negation general</p></td> + <td>G_Neg_g_neg_type="negdoub"</td> + <td><p>CZE: double negation</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_POS</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Pos/</strong></td> <td><p>part of speech error</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Prep</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Prep/</strong></td> <td><p>preposition</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Refl_pronrefl</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Refl_pronrefl/</strong></td> <td><p>reflexive pronoun</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Refl_pronreflposs</strong></p></td> + <td>G_Refl_type="pronreflposs"</td> <td><p>CZE: possessive reflexive pronoun</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Valency_complnumb</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Valency/</strong></td> <td><p>verb valency: number of obligatory arguments</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Verb_asp</strong></p></td> - <td><p>verb: aspect (CZE+ITA)</p></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Verb_compl</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Verb_compl/</strong></td> <td><p>verb formation (morphol.)</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Verb_main</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Verb_main/</strong></td> <td><p>main verb</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Verb_md</strong></p></td> + <td>G_Verb_type="asp"</td> + <td><p>verb: aspect (CZE+ITA)</p></td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>G_Verb_type="md"</td> <td><p>verb: mood</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Verb_tns</strong></p></td> + <td>G_Verb_type="tns"</td> <td><p>verb: tense</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Verb_vc</strong></p></td> + <td>G_Verb_type="vc"</td> <td><p>verb: voice</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Wo_womaincl</strong></p></td> + <td><strong>EA_category=/G_Wo/</strong></td> + <td>wor order general</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>G_Wo_type="womaincl"</td> <td><p>word order in main clause</p></td> </tr> <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Wo_wosubcl</strong></p></td> + <td>G_Wo_type="wosubcl"</td> <td><p>word order in subordinate clause</p></td> </tr> -</table> -<h2> </h2> -<h3>O_ Orthography</h3> +</table></p> +</div> +<div id="anchor2"></div> +<h3><a href="#anchor2" onClick="toggle('#content2','#img2')"><img id="img2" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> O_ Orthography</h3> +<div id="content2" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <col width="131"> <col width="216"> @@ -142,12 +170,11 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>O_Wordbd</strong></p></td> <td><p>word boundary</p></td> </tr> -</table> -<p> </p> - -<div id="anchor2"></div> -<h3>G_ Intelligibility <a href="#anchor2" onClick="toggle('#content2','#img2')"><img id="img2" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a></h3> -<div id="content2" class="content"> +</table></p> +</div> +<div id="anchor3"></div> +<h3><a href="#anchor3" onClick="toggle('#content3','#img3')"><img id="img3" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> G_ Intelligibility**</h3> +<div id="content3" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Intelltxt</strong></p></td> @@ -157,14 +184,11 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>G_Intells</strong></p></td> <td><p>intelligibility of sentence</p></td> </tr> -</table> -<p> </p> +</table></p> </div> - - -<div id="anchor1"></div> -<h3>V_ Vocabulary <a href="#anchor1" onClick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><img id="img1" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a></h3> -<div id="content1" class="content"> +<div id="anchor4"></div> +<h3><a href="#anchor4" onClick="toggle('#content4','#img4')"><img id="img4" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> V_ Vocabulary**</h3> +<div id="content4" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>V_FS</strong></p></td> @@ -207,13 +231,12 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>V_FS_form</strong></p></td> <td><p>formulaic sequence: form error</p></td> </tr> -</table> -<p> </p> +</table></p> </div> -<div id="anchor4"></div> -<h3>C_ Coherence/Cohesion <a href="#anchor4" onClick="toggle('#content4','#img4')"><img id="img4" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a></h3> -<div id="content4" class="content"> +<div id="anchor5"></div> +<h3><a href="#anchor5" onClick="toggle('#content5','#img5')"><img id="img5" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> C_ Coherence/Cohesion**</h3> +<div id="content5" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>C_Con_accur</strong></p></td> @@ -231,13 +254,12 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>C_Coh_txtstruct</strong></p></td> <td><p>metacommunicative device</p></td> </tr> -</table> -<p> </p> +</table></p> </div> -<div id="anchor3"></div> -<h3>S_ Sociolinguistic appropriateness <a href="#anchor3" onClick="toggle('#content3','#img3')"><img id="img3" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a></h3> -<div id="content3" class="content"> +<div id="anchor6"></div> +<h3><a href="#anchor6" onClick="toggle('#content6','#img6')"><img id="img6" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> S_ Sociolinguistic appropriateness**</h3> +<div id="content6" class="content"><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Txt_grfw</strong></p></td> @@ -279,13 +301,12 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>S_Var_partik</strong></p></td> <td><p>GER: modal particles</p></td> </tr> -</table> -<p> </p> +</table></p> </div> -<div id="anchor5"></div> -<h3>P_ Pragmatics <a href="#anchor5" onClick="toggle('#content5','#img5')"><img id="img5" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a></h3> -<div id="content5" class="content"> +<div id="anchor7"></div> +<h3><a href="#anchor7" onClick="toggle('#content7','#img7')"><img id="img7" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> P_ Pragmatics**</h3> +<div id="content7" class="content"><p> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <col width="131"> <col width="216"> @@ -301,11 +322,12 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>P_Request_indirect</strong></p></td> <td><p>indirect REQUEST</p></td> </tr> -</table> -<p> </p> +</table></p> </div> -<p> </p> -<h2>"_type" - elements in the TH1/EA1 grid </h2> +<p><span class="StilSmall">** Note: these error categories are only accessible for a subset of MERLIN texts. See <a href="C_annotation.php#featurelist" target="_blank">MERLIN Annotations / Annotation structure</a>.</span></p> +<div id="anchor8"></div> + <h3><a href="#anchor8" onClick="toggle('#content8','#img8')"><img id="img8" src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> Further specification of error categories</h3> + <div id="content8" class="content"> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>add</strong></p></td> @@ -315,46 +337,14 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>ambig</strong></p></td> <td><p>ambigues - type of error can't be specified</p></td> </tr> - <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>asp</strong></p></td> - <td><p>aspect error</p></td> - </tr> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>ch</strong></p></td> <td><p> wrong choice of element </p></td> </tr> - <tr> - <td><p><strong>colloc</strong></p></td> - <td><p>formulaic sequence: collocation</p></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td><p><strong>colloc_compeq</strong></p></td> - <td><p>formulaic sequence: compound equivalent (ITA)</p></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td><p><strong>commphras</strong></p></td> - <td><p>formulaic sequence: communicative phraseologism</p></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>gend</strong></p></td> - <td><p>wrong gender</p></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td><p><strong>idiom</strong></p></td> - <td><p>formulaic sequence: idiom</p></td> - </tr> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>merge</strong></p></td> <td><p>elements are wrongly merged</p></td> </tr> - <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>md</strong></p></td> - <td><p>wrong mood</p></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>numb</strong></p></td> - <td><p>wrong number</p></td> - </tr> <tr> <td width="170"><p><strong>o</strong></p></td> <td><p>omitted element </p></td> @@ -367,15 +357,94 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php'); <td width="170"><p><strong>split</strong></p></td> <td><p>elements are wrongly split</p></td> </tr> - <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>tns</strong></p></td> - <td><p>wrong tense</p></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td width="170"><p><strong>vc</strong></p></td> - <td><p>wrong voice</p></td> - </tr> </table> +</div> +<p> </p> + <h2 dir="ltr"><a name="metadata" id="metadata"></a>3 Narrowing the search using metadata </h2> + <p dir="ltr">Use ANNIS's <strong><em>Query Builder </em></strong>to search for features or a combination of features while narrowing the query based on specific metadata.</p> + <ol> + <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> + Open the ↘ <em><strong>Query Builder</strong></em> in ANNIS. </li> + <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> + Choose <em>↘ </em><strong><em>Word sequences and meta information</em></strong>. </li> + <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> + Select the corresponding feature and its attribute under <strong><em>Linguistic sequence</em></strong> ↘ <strong><em>Initialize</em></strong> ↘ <strong><em>Add</em></strong>.. </li> + <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> + In the <strong><em>Toolbar</em></strong>, click on ↘ <strong><em>Create AQL Query</em></strong>, to paste the query into the search field.. </li> + </ol> + <p>To restrict the query to a specific group of learners (L1, age) or a specific CEFR level (fair rating), select a metadata category before pasting the query into the search field (step 4) under ↘ <em><strong>Meta information</strong></em> ↘ <strong><em>Add</em></strong> and tick the required attribute, e. g.: </p> + <p> + <table> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td><strong>_rating_fair_cefr</strong></td> + <td> CEFR level the test received in the re-rating<br /></td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><strong>_author_L1</strong></td> + <td>Mother tongue of the learner </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><strong>_task_topic</strong></td> + <td>Task preceding the text</td> + </tr> + </tbody> + </table> + </p> + <p><strong> Alternatively</strong> you can copy the feature you are searching for from the overview under section 2 and paste it into the ANNIS search field. Then, add the metadata using the following scheme, to restrict your search to specific texts:</p> + <ul> + <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> + <em>& meta::_rating_fair_cefr="B1"</em> [A1, A2, B1+, B2] </li> + <li><em>& meta::_author_L1="German" </em>[English, Russian, Arabic, etc.]</li> + </ul> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall">The <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS User Guide</a> offers a thorough introduction to using the ANNIS interface.</span></p> + <h2 dir="ltr"><a name="freqanalysis" id="freqanalysis"></a>4 Retrieve statistical informationen </h2> + <p dir="ltr">To get an indication of the frequency of certain L2 features use the ANNIS search. </p> + + <ol> + <li> + Search for specific L2 features as described in section 2. or use <a href="#globEA_category">global error categories</a>.</li> + <li> + Then click on ↘ <em><strong>Frequency Analysis </strong></em>[2] and subsequently on the right on ↘ <em><strong>Perform Frequency Analysis</strong></em>. You will retrieve a statistical analysis of the annotated features within the category in question. </li> + <li>Amend your query according to the following scheme, to restrict the search to a certain CEFR level, e. g. B1: <em><strong>& meta::_rating_fair_cefr="B1"</strong>. </em></li> + </ol> + <p><img src="img/ANNIS-FREQ-ANALYSIS.png" alt="Freq Analysis" width="100%" /></p> + <h4><a name="globEA_category" id="globEA_category"></a>Global error categories <br /> + </h4> + <table> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td>EA_category=/G_.*/</td> + <td>phenomena at the grammatical level</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>EA_category=/O_.*/</td> + <td>phenomena at the orthographical level </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>EA_category=/H_.*/</td> + <td>phenomena at the level of intellegibility</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>EA_category=/C_.*/</td> + <td>phenomena at the level of coherence / cohesion </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>EA_category=/V_.*/</td> + <td>phenomena at the lexical level</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>EA_category=/S_.*/</td> + <td>phenomena at the level of sociolinguistic appropriateness </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>EA_category=/P_.*/</td> + <td>phenomena at the pragmatic level</td> + </tr> + </tbody> + </table> +</p> + </div> <!--INSERT END--> </div> </div> diff --git a/en/start.php b/en/start.php index a227e2c..0d5663d 100644 --- a/en/start.php +++ b/en/start.php @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ <div id="content-menu3" style="min-height:200px"> <h1>MERLIN Corpus | Resources for research and practice related to foreign language learning</h1> <div id="merlin-info" style="width:690px;"> -<p>MERLIN is an error-annotated written <strong>learner corpus for German, Italian and Czech</strong>. It was created within the MERLIN <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['about'].submit();">project</a> (2012-2014). The texts in MERLIN were taken from standardized language tests and are methodologically precisely related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe 2001, 2020). This platform makes all corpus texts available with their ratings. It shows possible <a href="C_teacher.php" target="_blank">usage scenarios</a>, in the teaching practice as well as in research, and informs about the structure and the design of the <a href="C_mcorpus.php" target="_blank">corpus</a> and of the <a href="C_annotation.php" target="_blank">annotations</a>. Users can search the corpus with the help of the integrated web-based search engine <a href="" target="_blank">ANNIS</a>.</p> +<p>MERLIN is an error-annotated written <strong>learner corpus for German, Italian and Czech</strong>. It was created within the MERLIN <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['about'].submit();">project</a> (2012-2014). The texts in MERLIN were taken from standardized language tests and are methodologically precisely related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe 2001, 2020). This platform makes all corpus texts available with their ratings. It shows possible <a href="C_teacher.php" target="_blank">usage scenarios</a>, in the teaching practice as well as in research, and informs about the structure and the design of the <a href="C_mcorpus.php" target="_blank">corpus</a> and of the <a href="C_annotation.php" target="_blank">annotations</a>. Users can search the corpus with the help of the integrated web-based search engine <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS</a>.</p> </div> -<br /> +<p> </p> <h2>1 Download MERLIN texts and resources</h2> <p>You can download the whole corpus (2.286 texts) in the following file formats:</p> @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ <div id="anchor1"></div> <h4><a href="#anchor1" onclick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><img src="img/toggle-expand.png" alt="toggle-expand" id="img1" /></a> Open texts with the file manager</h4> <div id="content1" class="content"> - <p>Open the texts after downloading and unpack / extract them from your native file manager, e. g. Windows File Explorer. Choose<em><strong>↘ meta-ltext </strong></em> for learner texts (L2 texts) with metadata or<em><strong>↘ </strong></em><em><strong>meta_ltext_TH </strong></em>for L2 texts with target hypothesis.</p> + <p>Open the texts after downloading and unpack / extract them from your native file manager, e. g. Windows File Explorer. + Choose<em><strong>↘ meta-ltext </strong></em> for learner texts (L2 texts) with metadata or<em><strong>↘ </strong></em><em><strong>meta_ltext_TH </strong></em>for L2 texts with target hypothesis.</p> </div> <div id="anchor3"></div> <h4><a href="#anchor3" onclick="toggle('#content3','#img3')"><img src="img/toggle-expand.png" alt="toggle-expand" id="img3" /></a> Filter texts with the file manager</h4> @@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ <li>CZ <strong>↘</strong><a href=""> Aspect errors of learners with German L1 at B1 level</a> (fair rating)</li> <li>IT <strong> ↘</strong> <a href=""> Mood errors in texts of learners of Italian at B1 level</a> (fair rating)</li> </ul> -</div><p></p> - <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> The <a href="" target="_blank" class="a.reference">video tutorial</a> by HU Berlin provides a general introduction to the ANNIS user interface (in German). You can also refer to the ANNIS help section under<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. For explanations on the annotation layers please go to <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p> +</div><p><br /></p> + <p><img src="img/hint_bulb.png" alt="hint bulb" /><span class="StilSmall"> The <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference">ANNIS User Guide</a> offers a thorough introduction to using the ANNIS interface. You can also refer to the ANNIS help section under<em><strong>↘ Help/<a href="" target="_blank">Tutorial</a></strong></em>. For explanations on the annotation layers please go to <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['glossary'].submit();" class="a.reference"><?php echo $trans['help_search'][$_SESSION['lang']];?></a></span>.</p> <!--<div id="merlin-info" style="width:220px; height:160px;"> <h3>Nutzen Sie MERLIN ...</h3> <p>..., um die Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeRS) besser zu verstehen.</p> -- GitLab