From 369f99fd3626015f402bb68800b411a6274827f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paolo Brasolin <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 15:49:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] docs: update readme

--- | 119 ++++++++++++------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index f3798f0..7187ba1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,107 +1,38 @@
+# Ötzi
-# Oetzi Words
+This is a web-based typing game.
-### Requirements
+## Backend
-- Mysql
-- Tomcat 8.5
-- Java 8
-- Maven
-- NodeJS with Npm or Yarn
+The backend is a `fastify` webserver exposing some APIs.
-*Tested with tomacat 8.5.72 NodeJs v14.18.0 Java 1.8.0_241*
+To spin it up for development,
-### Getting Started
+cd backend
+npm install
+npm exec knex migrate:latest
+npm exec knex seed:run
+PORT=8080 npm run watch
-Setup your mysql server and load the sql structure dump with :
+The webserver will be abailable at `http://localhost:8080`.
+## Frontend
-    mysql -u a_valid_user -p < oetzi_words.sql  
+The frontend is a `phaser` webapp built `parcel`.
-Setup Apache Tomcat server with:
+To spin it up for development,
+cd frontend
+npm install
+npm run start
-    curl -LO 
-    tar -xvf apache-tomcat-8.5.72.tar.gz
+Also, remember to
+    Change line 63/64 of main.js file in src/js folder by switching the comment.
+    This operation permits the ui to call the backend at `http://localhost:8080/oetzi_words/` instead of to the relative path.
-### Run Release
-Download relase from github and copy `OetziWords.war` in the webapps folder of your apache tomcat installation.
-Run the server with:
-    apache-tomcat-8.5.72/bin/
-Wait ~20 secs and shutdown th server with
-    apache-tomcat-8.5.72/bin/
-Now edit the `config.prop` in `apache-tomcat-8.5.72/webapps/OetziWords/WEB-INF` and write the correct parameters for your installation db host, db user, db password and and path to the image folder. Save the file and restart the server. Done.
-Go to `http://localhost:8080/OetziWords/`
-#### Attention !!! The mysql server must be started before of the  tomcat server
-### Make a release from code
-Clone this repo with
-    git clone
-go to oezti folder `cd oetzi` and make the `war` package with
-    mvn package
-You will find the war file in the target folder
-### Working on the game UI on a separete server
-First you need to configure your tomcat in order to accept cross origin connection
-Edit the web.xml file in the `apache-tomcat-8.5.72/conf` and add the cors filter adding the lines to the file before the Default session configuration section
-    <filter>
-	    <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>
-	    <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class>
-	    <init-param>
-		    <param-name></param-name>
-		    <param-value>*</param-value>
-	    </init-param>
-    </filter>
-    <filter-mapping>
-	    <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>
-	    <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
-    </filter-mapping>
-Restart your tomcat server
-Got to the `oetzi_game` folder in the repository repository clone
-and install javascript dependencies with
-`yarn install` or `npm install`
-Change line 63/64 of main.js file in src/js folder by switching the comment.
-This operation permits the ui to call the backend at `http://localhost:8080/oetzi_words/` instead of to the relative path.
-Run the game ui with
-`yarn run start` or `npm run start`
-Now the game runs at `http://localhost:1234`
-### Update the webapp ui
-If you want to update the game ui in the tomcat backend switch again the comment on line 63/64 and run
-`yarn run deploy` or `npm run deploy`
-Make new web archive with `mvn packge` in the root folder of the repository and copy the new `war` file in the webapps folder of tomcat, wait the refresh the url `http://localhost:8080/OetziWords/`
-### Repository content
-- oetzi_game folder (game ui code)
-- oetzi_words_image folder (sample set of images)
-- OetziWordsSupportData.tar.gz file (file containing sprites, images used in game development)
-- oetzi_words.sql file (dump of the database structure)
-- src folder (code of the tomcat web application)
-- pom.xml (maven project definition file)
\ No newline at end of file
+The webapp will be abailable at `http://localhost:1234`.