include Makefile.env APP_VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags) CI_COMMIT_SHA := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) # BE HELPERS docker-login: docker login \ -u ${CI_REGISTRY_USER} \ -p ${CI_JOB_TOKEN} \ https://${CI_REGISTRY} docker-build: docker build \ --target production \ --tag=${IMAGE_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} \ --tag=${IMAGE_NAME}:${CI_COMMIT_SHA} \ --build-arg APP_VERSION=${APP_VERSION} \ --build-arg ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN=${POST_SERVER_ITEM_ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN} \ backend docker-push: docker image push --all-tags ${IMAGE_NAME} # BE JOBS build-be-job: docker-login docker-build docker-push stg-be-deploy-job: kubectl set image \ deployment/${K8S_DEPLOYMENT} \ oetzit=${IMAGE_NAME}:${CI_COMMIT_SHA} \ --namespace=kommul-dev prd-be-deploy-job: kubectl set image \ deployment/${K8S_DEPLOYMENT} \ oetzit=${IMAGE_NAME}:${CI_COMMIT_SHA} \ --namespace=kommul # FE HELPERS get-butler: wget -O ${BUTLER_URL} unzip chmod +x tmp/butler ./butler -V # FE JOBS stg-build-fe-node-job: rm -rf frontend/dist/stg cd frontend && \ NODE_ENV=staging \ npm run build -- --dist-dir dist/stg prd-build-fe-node-job: rm -rf frontend/dist/prd cd frontend && \ NODE_ENV=production \ npm run build -- --dist-dir dist/prd stg-fe-deploy-job: ./butler push \ frontend/dist/stg \ eurac/oetzit-staging:html5 \ --userversion ${APP_VERSION} prd-fe-deploy-job: ./butler push \ frontend/dist/prd \ eurac/oetzit:html5 \ --userversion ${APP_VERSION}