diff --git a/folder_template.html b/folder_template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ca12cd35c03701b450812283359d5e5df46d432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/folder_template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+    <title>Quack - ${SRC_FOLDER}</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${UP}quack.css" />
+<body class="folder">
+<h1>Quack <span style="color: #999">${SRC_FOLDER}</span></h1>
+<!-- TODO: Create decent bread crumbs -->
+<p>Parent folder: <a href="../index.html">${PARENT}</a></p>
+<div class="images">
+<div class="thumbs">${THUMBS_HTML}</div>
+<div class="imagelinks">
+<div class="subfolders">
+<div class="edition">
+<h2>Edition XML</h2>
diff --git a/greyscale_report.sh b/greyscale_report.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bc0f3cf00e26ca9828dc7da3063fb07b9b4a1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/greyscale_report.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+if [ "." == ".$LOG" ]; then
+    echo "Usage: ./greyscale_report.sh logfile [html]"
+    exit -1
+if [ "." != ".$TYPE" ]; then
+    if [ "html" != "$TYPE" ]; then
+        echo "The only valid type is html. $TYPE was specified"
+        exit -1
+    fi
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "<html>"
+    echo "<head><title>Report for $LOG</title></head>"
+    echo "<body>"
+    echo "<h1>Report for $LOG with `cat $LOG | wc -l` analyzed images</h1>"
+    echo "Report for $LOG with `cat $LOG | wc -l` analyzed images"
+echo ""
+# Stats for unique greyscales as well as brightest greyscale
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "<h2>Distribution by number of unique greyscales</h2>"
+    echo "<table>"
+    echo "<tr><th>#occurrences</th> <th>#uniques</th> <th>brightest greyscale</th></tr>"
+    echo "Distribution by number of unique greyscales"
+    echo "#occurrences #uniques brightest_greyscale"
+# 1. Bucket #unique
+UNIQUES=`cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 3 | sort | uniq`
+# 2. Extract brightest as well as count for each #unique
+for U in $UNIQUES; do
+    COUNT=`cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 3,9 | grep "$U (" | wc -l`
+    if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+        echo -n "<tr><td>$COUNT</td> <td>$U</td> <td>"
+        echo -n `cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 3,9 | grep "$U (" | cut -d " " -f 2 | sort -u`
+        echo "</td></tr>"
+    else
+        echo -n "$COUNT $U "
+        echo `cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 3,9 | grep "$U (" | cut -d " " -f 2 | sort -u`
+    fi
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "</table>"
+echo ""
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "<h2>Percent of image with darkest greyscale, top $TOPX</h2>"
+    echo "<table>"
+    echo "<tr><th>percent</th>  <th>darkest greyscale</th> <th>link</th></tr>"
+    echo "Percent of image with darkest greyscale, top $TOPX"
+for P in `cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 5 | sort -n -r | head -n $TOPX`; do
+    LINE=`cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 1,5,6 | grep " $P (" | cut -d " " -f 1,3 | head -n 1`
+    if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+        C=`echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 2`
+        I=`echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 1`
+        REF=${I##*/}
+        REF="${REF%.*}"
+        LINK="$WEBROOT${I%.*}.html"
+        echo "<tr><td>${P}%</td> <td>$C</td> <td><a href=\"$LINK\">$REF</a></td></td></tr>"
+    else
+        echo "${P}% `echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 2` `echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 1`"
+    fi
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "</table>"
+echo ""
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "<h2>Percent of image with brightest greyscale, top $TOPX</h2>"
+    echo "<table>"
+    echo "<tr><th>percent</th>  <th>brightest greyscale</th> <th>link</th></tr>"
+    echo "Percent of image with brightest greyscale, top $TOPX"
+for P in `cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 8 | sort -n -r | head -n $TOPX`; do
+    LINE=`cat "$LOG" | cut -d " " -f 1,8,9 | grep " $P (" | cut -d " " -f 1,3 | head -n 1`
+    if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+        C=`echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 2`
+        I=`echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 1`
+        REF=${I##*/}
+        REF="${REF%.*}"
+        LINK="$WEBROOT${I%.*}.html"
+        echo "<tr><td>${P}%</td> <td>$C</td> <td><a href=\"$LINK\">$REF</a></td></td></tr>"
+    else
+        echo "${P}% `echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 2` `echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 1`"
+    fi
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "</table>"
+if [ "html" == "$TYPE" ]; then
+    echo "</body>"
+    echo "</html>"
diff --git a/greyscale_stats.sh b/greyscale_stats.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a066d42563a2f0e229e08d23fac07b412159261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/greyscale_stats.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Input: A greyscale image
+# Output: Name pixel_count unique_greyscales #darkest_pixels darkest_pixels_percent darkest_greyscale #brightest_pixels brightest_pixels_percent lightest_greyscale
+if [ "." == ".$1" ]; then
+    echo "Usage: filename [croppercent]"
+    exit 2
+if [ "." != ".$2" ]; then
+    CROP=$2
+    convert "$1" -gravity Center -crop $CROP%x+0+0 "$TMP" 2> /dev/null
+    INFO=`identify -verbose "$TMP" 2> /dev/null`
+    rm "$TMP"
+    INFO=`identify -verbose $1 2> /dev/null`
+#INFO=`cat t`
+IFS=$(echo -en "\n")
+UNIQUE=`echo $INFO | grep "[0-9]\\+: (" | wc -l`
+FIRST_COUNT=`echo $INFO | grep "[0-9]\\+: (" | head -n 1 | grep -o " [0-9]\\+:" | grep -o "[0-9]\\+"`
+FIRST_GREY=`echo $INFO | grep "[0-9]\\+: (" | head -n 1 | grep -o " ([0-9 ,]*)" | sed 's/ //g'`
+LAST_COUNT=`echo $INFO | grep "[0-9]\\+: (" | tail -n 1 | grep -o " [0-9]\\+:" | grep -o "[0-9]\\+"`
+LAST_GREY=`echo $INFO | grep "[0-9]\\+: (" | tail -n 1 | grep -o " ([0-9 ,]*)" | sed 's/ //g'`
+GEOMETRY=`echo $INFO | grep "Geometry: [0-9]\\+x[0-9]\\+" | grep -o "[0-9]\\+x[0-9]\\+"`
+X=`echo $GEOMETRY | grep -o "[0-9]\\+x" | grep -o "[0-9]\\+"`
+Y=`echo $GEOMETRY | grep -o "x[0-9]\\+" | grep -o "[0-9]\\+"`
+PIXELS=`echo "$X*$Y" | bc`
+PERCENT_FIRST=`echo "scale=2;$FIRST_COUNT*100/$PIXELS" | bc`
+PERCENT_LAST=`echo "scale=2;$LAST_COUNT*100/$PIXELS" | bc`
+#echo "$1 $UNIQUE $LAST"
diff --git a/image_template.html b/image_template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38f4380c551f78bd108d4b1054d67adaef434537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/image_template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+    <title>Quack - ${IMAGE}</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${UP}quack.css" />
+    <script src="${UP}openseadragon.min.js"></script>
+    <script src="${UP}quack.js"></script>
+    <script>
+    </script>
+    <style>
+      .whiteoverlay {
+        background: url(${WHITE});
+        background-size: 100% auto;
+      }
+      .blackoverlay {
+        background: url(${BLACK});
+        background-size: 100% auto;
+      }
+    </style>
+<body class="previewpage">
+<h1>Quack <span style="color: #999">${IMAGE}</span></h1>
+<div id="controlpanel" class="control">
+<p class="navigation">${NAVIGATION}</p>
+<p class="histogram"><img src= "${HISTOGRAM}" width="256" height="200" alt="histogram"/></p>
+<p><input type="checkbox" id="toggle_grid" onClick="toggleGrid();">Grid</input></p>
+<p><input type="checkbox" id="toggle_textblock" checked="checked" onClick="toggleTextBlock();">TextBlocks</input></p>
+<p><input type="checkbox" id="toggle_blown" onClick="toggleBlown();">Black/white</input></p>
+<div id="idbox">ID: </div>
+<div id="idnextbox">IDNEXT: </div>
+<div id="ocrbox"> </div>
+<div id="zoom-display" class="openseadragon">
+<div id="gridbox">
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 100px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 200px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 300px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 400px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 500px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 600px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 700px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 800px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 900px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1000px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1100px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1200px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1300px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1400px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1500px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1600px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1700px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1800px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 1900px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridlinex" style="top: 2000px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 100px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 200px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 300px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 400px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 500px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 600px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 700px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 800px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 900px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1000px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1100px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1200px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1300px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1400px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1500px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1600px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1700px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1800px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 1900px"></div>
+<div class="gridline gridliney" style="left: 2000px"></div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+    myDragon = OpenSeadragon({
+    id:            "zoom-display",
+    maxZoomLevel: 16,
+    showNavigator:  false,
+    wrapHorizontal: false,
+    tileSources: {
+      type: 'legacy-image-pyramid',
+      levels:[
+        {
+          url: '${IMAGE}',
+          width:  ${IMAGE_WIDTH},
+          height: ${IMAGE_HEIGHT}
+        },
+      ]
+    },
+    ${OVERLAYS}
+    });
+<!-- TODO: Create decent bread crumbs -->
+<p>Parent folder: <a href="index.html">${PARENT}</a></p>
+<p>Source: ${SOURCE}</p>
+<p>Direct: <a href="${IMAGE}">${IMAGE}</a></p>
+<p>Generated: ${DATE}</p>
+<div class="alto">
+<h2>ALTO XML</h2>
+<p>Source: <a href="${ALTO}">${ALTO}</a></p>
diff --git a/quack.sh b/quack.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00fb5e842c8f79eecc15d6c71bc6d2620c0a69a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quack.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+# Copyright 2013 Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark
+# Quack 1.0 beta - Quality assurance tool for text scanning projects.
+# Generates zoomable (OpenSeadragon) views of scanned text pages with overlays
+# containing OCR-text from ALTO-files. The views are static HTML pages that
+# can be viewed directly from the file system or through a webserver.
+# Note that the images used for OpenSeadragon are PNG and not tiled, which 
+# makes this script a very poor choice for generating pages for end-users.
+# The focus is fully on QA, there pixel-perfect reproduction is required.
+# The non-tile choice is to minimize storage space.
+# The script upports iterative updates by re-using existing structures when 
+# source files are added and the script is executed again. The destination
+# folder is fully self-contained and suitable for mounting under a webserver
+# with no access to the original files.
+# Requirements:
+#   Some unix-flavor with bash (only tested under Ubuntu)
+#   GraphicsMagick (JPEG2000 -> PNG conversion is twice as fast as ImageMagick)
+#   ImageMagick (to create histograms)
+#   openseadragon.min.js (download at http://openseadragon.github.io/#download)
+#   a fairly current browser with JavaScript enabled
+# TODO: Speed up html generation
+# TODO: Show links to randomly selected previews on the first HTML page
+# TODO: Optional deepzoom tiles
+# TODO: Add optional removal of destination files when source files are removed
+# Settings below. Instead of changing this file, it is recommended to
+# create a new file "quack.settings" with the wanted setup as it will
+# override the defaults below.
+IMAGE_GLOB="*.tiff *.tif *.jp2 *.jpeg2000 *.j2k *.jpg *.jpeg"
+export IMAGE_DISP_EXT=".png"
+export THUMB_IMAGE_SIZE="300x200"
+# These elements will be grepped from the ALTO-files and shown on the image pages
+ALTO_ELEMENTS="processingDateTime softwareName"
+# If true, preview-pages will not be regenerated
+# If true, thumbnails are generated even if they already exists
+# If true, the script attempts to find all alternative versions of the current image
+# based on the file name. Highly Statsbiblioteket-specific!
+# If the IDNEXT attribute starts with 'ART' it is ignored
+# Used to avoid visually linking everything on the page
+# False as Ninestars uses ART for each TextBlock
+# How much of the image to retain, cropping from center, when calculating
+# histogram. Empty value = no crop. Valid values: 1-100
+pushd `dirname $0` > /dev/null
+if [ -e "quack.settings" ]; then
+    echo "Sourcing settings from quack.settings"
+    source "quack.settings"
+popd > /dev/null
+function usage() {
+    echo "./quack.sh source destination"
+    echo ""
+    echo "source:      The top folder for images with ALTO files"
+    echo "destination: The wanted location of the presentation structure"
+if [ "." == ".$SOURCE" ]; then
+    echo "Error: Missing source" >&2
+    echo ""
+    usage
+    exit
+pushd $SOURCE > /dev/null
+popd > /dev/null
+if [ "." == ".$DEST" ]; then
+    echo "Error: Missing destination" >&2
+    echo ""
+    usage
+    exit
+if [ ! -f "$ROOT/$DRAGON" ]; then
+    echo "The file $ROOT/$DRAGON does not exist" >&2
+    echo "Please download it at http://openseadragon.github.io/#download" >&2
+    exit
+# Copy OpenSeadragon and all css-files to destination
+function copyFiles () {
+    if [ ! -d $DEST ]; then
+        echo "Creating folder $DEST"
+        mkdir -p $DEST
+    fi
+    cp "${ROOT}/${DRAGON}" "$DEST"
+    cp "${ROOT}/quack.js" "$DEST"
+    cp ${ROOT}/*.css "$DEST"
+# template pattern replacement
+function template () {
+    local TEMPLATE="$1"
+    local PATTERN="$2"
+    local REPLACEMENT="$3"
+    # T="foo\\/:bar\\&amp;"$'\n'"Nextline" ; T=`echo "$T" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/\\\\\&br;/g'` ; echo "zoom" | sed "s/o/$T/g" | sed 's/\&br;/\n/g'
+    # We need to escape \, &, / and newline in replacement to avoid sed problems
+    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407523/escape-a-string-for-sed-search-pattern
+    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1251999/sed-how-can-i-replace-a-newline-n
+    local EREPLACEMENT=`echo "$REPLACEMENT" | sed -e 's/[\\/&]/\\\\&/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/\\\\\&br;/g'`
+    # Insert into template, then unescape newlines
+    echo "$TEMPLATE" | sed "s/\${$PATTERN}/$EREPLACEMENT/g" | sed 's/\&br;/\n/g'
+# Creates the bash environment variables corresponding to those used by makeImages
+# This is used to separate HTML generation from the actual image processing
+# srcFolder dstFolder image
+function makeImageParams() {
+    local SRC_FOLDER=$1
+    local DEST_FOLDER=$2
+    local IMAGE=$3
+    local SANS_PATH=${IMAGE##*/}
+    local BASE=${SANS_PATH%.*}
+    # Used by function caller
+    # Must be mirrored in makeImages
+    THUMB_IMAGE="${DEST_FOLDER}/${BASE}.thumb.jpg"
+# Creates a presentation image and a histogram for the given image
+# srcFolder dstFolder image crop
+function makeImages() {
+    local SRC_FOLDER=$1
+    local DEST_FOLDER=$2
+    local IMAGE=$3
+    local CROP_PERCENT=$5
+#    echo "makeImages $SRC_FOLDER $DEST_FOLDER"
+    local SANS_PATH=${IMAGE##*/}
+    local BASE=${SANS_PATH%.*}
+    # Should mirror the ones in makeImageParams
+    local HIST_IMAGE="${DEST_FOLDER}/${BASE}.histogram${IMAGE_DISP_EXT}"
+    local THUMB_IMAGE="${DEST_FOLDER}/${BASE}.thumb.jpg"
+    if [ ! -f $SOURCE_IMAGE ]; then
+        echo "The source image $S does not exists" >&2
+        exit
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $DEST_IMAGE ]; then
+        echo " - ${DEST_IMAGE##*/}"
+        gm convert "$SOURCE_IMAGE" "$DEST_IMAGE"
+    fi
+    if [ ".png" == ${IMAGE_DISP_EXT} ]; then
+        # PNG is fairly fast to decode so use that as source
+        local CONV="$DEST_IMAGE"
+    else
+        local CONV="$SRC_IMAGE"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $WHITE_IMAGE ]; then
+        echo " - ${WHITE_IMAGE##*/}"
+        gm convert "$CONV" -black-threshold 255,255,255 -white-threshold 254,254,254 -negate -fill \#FF0000 -opaque black -transparent white -colors 2 "$WHITE_IMAGE"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $BLACK_IMAGE ]; then
+        echo " - ${BLACK_IMAGE##*/}"
+        gm convert "$CONV" -black-threshold 1,1,1 -white-threshold 0,0,0 -fill \#0000FF -opaque black -transparent white -colors 2 "$BLACK_IMAGE"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f $HIST_IMAGE ]; then
+        # Remove "-separate -append" to generate a RGB histogram
+        # http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/files/#histogram
+        echo " - ${HIST_IMAGE##*/}"
+        if [ "." == ".$CROP_PERCENT" ]; then
+            convert "$CONV" -separate -append -define histogram:unique-colors=false -write histogram:mpr:hgram +delete mpr:hgram -negate -strip "$HIST_IMAGE"
+        else
+            convert "$CONV" -gravity Center -crop $CROP_PERCENT%x+0+0 -separate -append -define histogram:unique-colors=false -write histogram:mpr:hgram +delete mpr:hgram -negate -strip "$HIST_IMAGE"
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "true" == "$FORCE_THUMBNAILS" -a -f "$THUMB_IMAGE" ]; then
+        rm -f "$THUMB_IMAGE"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f "$THUMB_IMAGE" ]; then
+        echo " - ${THUMB_IMAGE##*/}"
+        gm convert "$CONV" -sharpen 3 -enhance -resize $THUMB_IMAGE_SIZE "$THUMB_IMAGE"
+    fi
+# Generates overlays for the stated block and updates idnext & idprev
+# altoxml (newlines removed) tag class
+function processElements() {
+    local ALTOFLAT=$1
+    local TAG=$2
+    local CLASS=$3
+#    echo "processGenericOverlay <altoflat> $TAG $CLASS"
+    # Insert newlines before </$TAG>
+    ELEMENTS=`echo $ALTOFLAT | sed "s/<$TAG/\\n<$TAG/g" | grep "<$TAG"`
+#    local ELEMENTS=`echo $ALTOFLAT | sed "s/<\/$TAG>/<\/$TAG>\\n/g"`
+    local SAVEIFS=$IFS
+    IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
+    # http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/001
+    while IFS= read -r B
+    do
+#        echo -n "."
+#    for B in $ELEMENTS ; do
+        local BTAG=`echo "$B" | grep -o "<$TAG[^>]\+>"`
+        local BID=`echo $BTAG | sed 's/.*ID=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+        if [ "." == ".$BID" ]; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        local BIDNEXT=`echo $BTAG | sed 's/.*IDNEXT=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+        if [ "." != ".$BIDNEXT" -a "$BTAG" != "$BIDNEXT" ]; then
+            local PRE_ART=`echo "$BIDNEXT" | grep -o "^ART"`
+            if [ ".true" == ".$SKIP_NEXT_ART" ]; then
+                if [ ".ART" == ".$PRE_ART" ]; then
+                    BIDNEXT=""
+                fi
+            fi
+            IDNEXTS="${IDNEXTS}nexts[\"${BID}\"] = \"$BIDNEXT\";"$'\n'
+            IDPREVS="${IDPREVS}prevs[\"${BIDNEXT}\"] = \"$BID\";"$'\n'
+        fi
+        local BHEIGHT=`echo $BTAG | sed 's/.*HEIGHT=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+        local BWIDTH=`echo $BTAG | sed 's/.*WIDTH=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+        local BHPOS=`echo $BTAG | sed 's/.*HPOS=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+        local BVPOS=`echo $BTAG | sed 's/.*VPOS=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+        local SWIDTH=`echo "scale=6;$BWIDTH/$PWIDTH" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./'`
+        # TODO: Seems like there is some mismatch going on here with some deliveries
+        local SHEIGHT=`echo "scale=6;$BHEIGHT/$PHEIGHT" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./'`
+#        SHEIGHT=`echo "scale=6;$BHEIGHT/$PWIDTH" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./'`
+        local SHPOS=`echo "scale=6;$BHPOS/$PWIDTH" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./'`
+        local SVPOS=`echo "scale=6;$BVPOS/$PHEIGHT" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./'`
+        # Special handling of TextBlock
+        if [ "TextBlock" == "$TAG" ]; then
+            BCONTENT=`echo "$B" | grep -o 'CONTENT="[^"]\+"' | sed 's/CONTENT="\\([^"]\\+\\)"/\\1/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/ /g' | sed 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g'`
+            # TODO: Handle entity-escaped content as well as quotes and backslash
+            OCR_CONTENT="${OCR_CONTENT}ocrs[\"${BID}\"] = \"$BCONTENT\";"$'\n'
+#            echo "ocrs[\"${BID}\"] = \"$BCONTENT\";"$'\n'
+        fi
+        OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}    {id: '$BID',"$'\n'
+        OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}      x: $SHPOS, y: $SVPOS, width: $SWIDTH, height: $SHEIGHT,"$'\n'
+        OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}      className: '$CLASS'"$'\n'
+        OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}    },"$'\n'
+    done <<< "$ELEMENTS"
+# Generates overlays
+# src dest altofile
+function processALTO() {
+    local SRC=$1
+    local DEST=$2
+    local ALTO_FILE=$3
+#    local WIDTH=$4
+#    local HEIGHT=$5
+    # Used by caller
+    OVERLAYS=""
+    local ALTO="${SRC_FOLDER}/${ALTO_FILE}"
+    # TODO: Extract relevant elements from the Alto for display
+    if [ ! -f $ALTO ]; then
+        # TODO: Better handling of non-existence
+            ELEMENTS_HTML="<p class=\"warning\">No ALTO file at $ALTO</p>"$'\n'
+        return
+    fi
+    cp "$ALTO" "$DEST"
+    # Extract key elements from the ALTO
+    local ALTO_COMPACT=`cat "$ALTO_FILE" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/ /g'`
+#    local PTAG=`echo "$ALTO_COMPACT" | grep -o "<PrintSpace[^>]\\+>"`
+    local PTAG=`echo "$ALTO_COMPACT" | grep -o "<Page[^>]\\+>"`
+    local PHEIGHT=`echo $PTAG | sed 's/.*HEIGHT=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+    local PWIDTH=`echo $PTAG | sed 's/.*WIDTH=\"\([^"]\+\)".*/\\1/g'`
+    FULL_RELATIVE_HEIGHT=`echo "scale=6;$PHEIGHT/$PWIDTH" | bc | sed 's/^\./0./'`
+    # TODO: Ponder how relative positioning works and why this hack is necessary
+    # Theory #1: OpenSeadragon messes up the vertical relative positioning
+    ELEMENTS_HTML="<table class=\"altoelements\"><tr><th>Key</th> <th>Value</th></tr>"$'\n'
+    for E in $ALTO_ELEMENTS; do
+        SAVEIFS=$IFS
+        IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
+        for V in `echo "$ALTO_COMPACT" | grep -o "<${E}>[^<]\\+</${E}>"`; do
+            TV=`echo "$V" | sed 's/.*>\(.*\)<.*/\\1/g'`
+            ELEMENTS_HTML="${ELEMENTS_HTML}<tr><td>$E</td> <td>$TV</td></tr>"$'\n'
+        done
+        IFS=$SAVEIFS
+    done
+    ELEMENTS_HTML="${ELEMENTS_HTML}</table>"$'\n'
+    # Special overlays to show absolute black and absolute white pixels
+    # The 2.0 is a hack as OpenSeaDragon scales with respect to width
+    OVERLAYS="overlays: ["$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}{id: 'white',"$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}  x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 1.0, height: ${FULL_RELATIVE_HEIGHT},"$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}  className: 'whiteoverlay'"$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}},"$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}{id: 'black',"$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}  x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 1.0, height: ${FULL_RELATIVE_HEIGHT},"$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}  className: 'blackoverlay'"$'\n'
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}},"$'\n'
+    IDNEXTS=""
+    IDPREVS=""
+    # Remove newlines from the ALTO
+    SANS=`cat $ALTO | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/ /g'`
+    processElements "$SANS" "ComposedBlock" "composed"
+    processElements "$SANS" "Illustration" "illustration"
+    processElements "$SANS" "TextBlock" "highlight"
+    OVERLAYS="${OVERLAYS}   ]"$'\n'
+# Searches from the root for alternative versions of the given image
+# Very specific to Statsbiblioteket
+# src_folder image
+function resolveAlternatives() {
+    local SRC_FOLDER=$1
+    local IMAGE=$2
+    local FULL="${SRC_FOLDER}/${IMAGE}"
+    local ID=`echo $IMAGE | grep -o "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-.*"`
+    if [ "." == ".$ID" ]; then
+        echo "   Unable to extract ID for \"$IMAGE\""
+        return
+    fi
+    pushd $SOURCE_FULL > /dev/null
+    ALTERNATIVES_HTML="<ul class=\"alternatives\">"$'\n'
+    for A in `find . -name "*${ID}" | sort`; do
+        # "../../.././Apex/B3/2012-01-05-01/Dagbladet-2012-01-05-01-0130B.jp2 -> Apex/B3
+       local LINK=`echo $A | sed 's/[./]\\+\\([^\\/]\\+\\/[^\\/]\\+\\).*/\\1/g'`
+       local D="${A%.*}"
+       ALTERNATIVES_HTML="${ALTERNATIVES_HTML}<li><a href=\"${UP}${D}.html\">${LINK}</a></li>"$'\n'
+    done
+    popd > /dev/null
+# Creates only the HTML page itself. The corresponding makeImages must
+# be called before calling this function
+# up parent srcFolder dstFolder image prev_image next_image
+function makePreviewPage() {
+    local UP=$1
+    local PARENT=$2
+    local SRC_FOLDER=$3
+    local DEST_FOLDER=$4
+    local IMAGE=$5
+    local PREV_IMAGE=$6
+    local NEXT_IMAGE=$7
+    local SANS_PATH=${IMAGE##*/}
+    BASE=${SANS_PATH%.*}
+    P="${DEST_FOLDER}/${BASE}.html"
+    # Used by function caller
+    PAGE_LINK="${BASE}.html"
+    makeImageParams "$SRC_FOLDER" "$DEST_FOLDER" "$IMAGE"
+    if [ ! -e "$DEST_IMAGE" ]; then
+        echo "The destination image '$DEST_IMAGE' for '$IMAGE' has not been created" >&2
+        exit
+    fi
+    IDENTIFY=`identify "$DEST_IMAGE" | grep -o " [0-9]\+x[0-9]\\+ "`
+    IMAGE_WIDTH=`echo $IDENTIFY | grep -o "[0-9]\+x" | grep -o "[0-9]\+"`
+    IMAGE_HEIGHT=`echo $IDENTIFY | grep -o "x[0-9]\+" | grep -o "[0-9]\+"`
+    TIDENTIFY=`identify "$THUMB_IMAGE" | grep -o " [0-9]\+x[0-9]\\+ "`
+    THUMB_WIDTH=`echo $TIDENTIFY | grep -o "[0-9]\+x" | grep -o "[0-9]\+"`
+    THUMB_HEIGHT=`echo $TIDENTIFY | grep -o "x[0-9]\+" | grep -o "[0-9]\+"`
+    if [ "true" == "$SKIP_EXISTING_PREVIEWS" -a -e "$P" ]; then
+        return
+    fi
+    echo " - ${P##*/}"
+    local ALTO_FILE="${BASE}${ALTO_EXT}"
+    local NAVIGATION=""
+    if [ ! "." == ".$PREV_IMAGE" ]; then
+        local PSANS_PATH=${PREV_IMAGE##*/}
+        local PBASE=${PSANS_PATH%.*}
+        NAVIGATION="<a href=\"${PBASE}.html\">previous</a> | "
+    else 
+        # We write the text to keep the positions of the links constant
+        NAVIGATION="previous | "
+    fi
+    NAVIGATION="${NAVIGATION}<a href=\"index.html\">up</a>"
+    if [ ! "." == ".$NEXT_IMAGE" ]; then
+        local NSANS_PATH=${NEXT_IMAGE##*/}
+        local NBASE=${NSANS_PATH%.*}
+        NAVIGATION="${NAVIGATION} | <a href=\"${NBASE}.html\">next</a>"
+    else
+        NAVIGATION="${NAVIGATION} | next"
+    fi
+    local IHTML=`cat $IMAGE_TEMPLATE`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "PARENT" "$PARENT"`
+    local DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "DATE" "$DATE"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "UP" "$UP"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "BASE" "$BASE"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "SOURCE" "$SOURCE_IMAGE"`
+    EDEST=${DEST_IMAGE##*/}
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "IMAGE" "$EDEST"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "THUMB" "$THUMB_LINK"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "WHITE" "$WHITE_LINK"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "BLACK" "$BLACK_LINK"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "OVERLAYS" "$OVERLAYS"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "IDNEXTS" "$IDNEXTS"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "IDPREVS" "$IDPREVS"`
+    EHIST=${HIST_IMAGE##*/}
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "HISTOGRAM" "$EHIST"`
+    IHTML=`template "$IHTML" "ALTO" "$ALTO_FILE"`
+    if [ "true" == "$RESOLVE_ALTERNATIVES" ]; then
+        resolveAlternatives "$SRC_FOLDER" "$IMAGE"
+    fi
+    echo "$IHTML" > $P
+ #    echo ""
+#    cat $P
+#    exit
+ }
+# up parent srcFolder dstFolder
+function makeIndex() {
+    local UP=$1
+    local PARENT=$2
+    local SRC_FOLDER=$3
+    local DEST_FOLDER=$4
+#    echo "Processing level '$PARENT' from $SRC_FOLDER"
+    if [ ! -d $SRC_FOLDER ]; then
+        echo "Unable to locate folder $SRC_FOLDER from `pwd`" >&2
+        exit
+    fi
+    pushd $SRC_FOLDER > /dev/null
+    local SRC_FOLDER=`pwd`
+    popd > /dev/null
+    echo "Processing $SRC_FOLDER"
+    if [ ! -d $DEST_FOLDER ]; then
+#        echo "Creating folder $DEST_FOLDER"
+        mkdir -p $DEST_FOLDER
+    fi
+    pushd $DEST_FOLDER > /dev/null
+    local DEST_FOLDER=`pwd`
+    popd > /dev/null
+    pushd $SRC_FOLDER > /dev/null
+    local PP="${DEST_FOLDER}/index.html"
+    if [ "." == ".$PARENT" ]; then
+        true
+#        echo "<p>Parent: N/A</p>" >> $PP
+    fi
+    # Images
+    local IMAGES=`ls $IMAGE_GLOB 2> /dev/null`
+    # Generate graphics
+    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11003418/calling-functions-with-xargs-within-a-bash-script
+    export -f makeImages
+    echo "$IMAGES" | xargs -n 1 -I'{}' -P $THREADS bash -c 'makeImages "$@"' _ "$SRC_FOLDER" "$DEST_FOLDER" "{}" "$THUMB_IMAGE_SIZE" "$CROP_PERCENT" \;
+    # Generate pages
+    local THUMBS_HTML=""
+    local PREV_IMAGE=""
+    if [ "." == ".$IMAGES" ]; then
+        IMAGES_HTML="<p>No images</p>"$'\n'
+    else
+        IMAGES_HTML="<ul>"$'\n'
+        for I in $IMAGES; do
+            local NEXT_IMAGE=`echo "$IMAGES" | grep -A 1 "$I" | tail -n 1 | grep -v "$I"`
+            makePreviewPage $UP $PARENT $SRC_FOLDER $DEST_FOLDER $I "$PREV_IMAGE" "$NEXT_IMAGE"
+            IMAGES_HTML="${IMAGES_HTML}<li><a href=\"$PAGE_LINK\">$BASE</a></li>"$'\n'
+            THUMBS_HTML="${THUMBS_HTML}<a class=\"thumblink\" href=\"$PAGE_LINK\"><img class=\"thumbimg\" src=\"${THUMB_LINK}\" alt=\"$BASE\" title=\"$BASE\" width=\"$THUMB_WIDTH\" height=\"$THUMB_HEIGHT\"/></a>"$'\n'
+            PREV_IMAGE=$I
+        done
+        IMAGES_HTML="${IMAGES_HTML}</ul>"$'\n'
+    fi
+    local SUBS=`ls $SRC_FOLDER`
+    if [ "." == ".$S
+    UBS" ]; then
+        SUBFOLDERS_HTML="<p>No subfolders</p>"$'\n'
+    else
+        SUBFOLDERS_HTML="<ul>"$'\n'
+        for F in $SUBS; do
+            if [ -d $F ]; then
+                SUBFOLDERS_HTML="${SUBFOLDERS_HTML}<li><a href=\"$F/index.html\">$F</a></li>"$'\n'
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f *.Edition.xml ]; then
+        # TODO: Only warn if there are images
+        EDITION_HTML=`echo "<p class=\"warning\">No edition</p>"`
+    else
+        EDITION_HTML=""
+        for E in *.Edition.xml; do
+            # echo to get newlines
+            EDITION_HTML="${EDITION_HTML}<p>$E</p>"$'\n'
+            EDITION_HTML="${EDITION_HTML}<pre>"$'\n'
+            cat $E | sed -e 's/&/&amp;/g' -e 's/</\&lt;/g' -e 's/>/\&gt;/g' -e 's/"/\&quot;/g'  -e 's/\&gt;\([^\&]\+\)\&lt;/\&gt;<span class="xmlvalue">\1<\/span>\&lt;/g' > /tmp/t_edition
+#            cat $E | sed -e 's/&/&amp;/g' -e 's/</\&lt;/g' -e 's/>/\&gt;/g' -e 's/"/\&quot;/g'  -e 's/\&lt;([^\&]+)\&gt;/\&lt;<span class="xmlvalue">\1</span>\&gt;/g' > /tmp/t_edition
+            EDITION_HTML="${EDITION_HTML}`cat /tmp/t_edition`"$'\n'
+            rm /tmp/t_edition
+            EDITION_HTML="${EDITION_HTML}</pre>"$'\n'
+        done
+    fi
+    local FHTML=`cat $FOLDER_TEMPLATE`
+    FHTML=`template "$FHTML" "UP" "$UP"`
+    FHTML=`template "$FHTML" "PARENT" "$PARENT"`
+    FHTML=`template "$FHTML" "SRC_FOLDER" "$SRC_FOLDER"`
+    echo "$FHTML" > $PP
+#    cat $PP | grep -A 10 Images
+    # Generate pages for sub folders
+    # We do this at the end to avoid overriding of variables
+    for F in $SUBS; do
+        if [ -d $F ]; then
+            makeIndex "${UP}../" "${PARENT}${F}/" "${SRC_FOLDER}/${F}" "${DEST_FOLDER}/${F}"
+        fi
+    done
+    popd > /dev/null
+ }
+echo "Quack starting at `date`"
+makeIndex "" "" $SOURCE $DEST
+echo "All done at `date`"
+echo "Please open ${DEST}/index.html in a browser"