# Configuration # ## Main DES configuration file ## This is the main DES configuration that contains basic configuration variables that are loaded at DES startup or restart **DES.ini:** ./config/DES.ini ### Sample configuration ``` [System] RDS_ID=DES_YOURIDC@yourdomain.org RDS_HOME=/DES CONFIG_FILE_PATH=./test_data/config/ LOGS_PATH=LOG4J BASE_PATH=./test_data/data/ STAMPS_PATH=./test_data/stamps COMPILECODE_PATH=./test_data/tmp MAX_PROCESSOR_THREADS=50 MAX_AOI_THREADS=50 MAX_AOI_TASKGROUP_THREADS=50 AOI_THREAD_SLEEP=10000 MAX_NR_FILTER_FILES=5 DEBUG=true STDOUT_STDERR=false [DB] USE_STATUS_DB=false DB_SERVER=server.yourdomain DB_DATABASE=des DB_PORT=5432 DB_USER=user DB_PWD=pwd [Mail] FROM_EMAIL=des@yourdomain.org SMTP=mailsubmit.yourdomain.org SMTP_PORT=25 [Plugin] CONFIG_PLUGIN=./plugins/plugin.ini ``` ### Parameters ### [System] **RDS_ID** DES identifier (ex. DES_$ID@yourdomain.org) **RDS_HOME** HOME directory of DES **CONFIG_FILE_PATH** Path where processor configuration files are located ( $PROCESSOR.processor_config.xml) **LOGS_PATH** STOUT print to stdout | LOG4J : use log4j2| Path of the log file dir (ending with / , ex: ./testdata/logs/ ) directory will be created **BASE_PATH** Basepath at which logical directory tree starts: $BASE_PATH/$AoiName/$ProcessorName **STAMPS_PATH** Directory for Stamp files **COMPILECODE_PATH** Temporary directory where class files are compiled on the fly. Content will be deleted at every restart **MAX_PROCESSOR_THREADS** Max processor Threads **MAX_AOI_THREADS** Max Threads per AOI **MAX_AOI_TASKGROUP_THREADS** Max Threads per TaskGroup **AOI_THREAD_SLEEP** Time interval for AOI Thread **MAX_NR_FILTER_FILES** Max number of files filtered in each iteration **DEBUG** Write to log files **STDOUT_STDERR** Print Tasks output streams to STDOUT/STDERR) [DB] **USE_STATUS_DB** Enable Task status logging in DB **DB_SERVER** = Database server **DB_DATABASE** = Database name **DB_PORT** = Database port **DB_USER** = Database user **DB_PWD** Database password [Mail] **FROM_EMAIL** e-mail for delivery **SMTP** = URL for SMTP **SMTP_PORT** Port for SMTP [Plugin] **CONFIG_PLUGIN** Configuration file for Plugins. Java class variable: DistributionServerConfig.CONFIG_PLUGIN ## Authentication configuration file ## Authentication parameters used in the operations **<Distribution>** and **<Download>** are stored within the file : **DistributionAuth.xml:** ./config/DistributionAuth.xml Sample entry: ```xml <Auth> <AuthRef name="testuser@server.yourdomain" active="yes"> <Host>server.yourdomain</Host> <User>testuser</User> <Pwd>test</Pwd> <Param>nativejava</Param> </AuthRef> </Auth> ``` In the DES processor operation declarations the authentication entry can be references as follows: ```xml <consumer name="testuser@server.yourdomain" active="yes"> <ProductType>*.txt</ProductType> <EMail>notifymail@yourdomain</EMail> <NotifyEmail>false</NotifyEmail> <Recursive>true</Recursive> </Consumer> ``` ## Processor configuration file The DES executes concurrently a given set of Processor definition files that are defined in XML format. A processor configuraiton file ( *.processor_config.xml ) is the basic executable entity for the DES. There can be 1 - n processor configuration files running on a given DES instance. Each processor configuration file can have 1 - n AOIs (Areas Of Interest). Each AOI can have 1 - n functional entities (*Distribution, Download, Task, TaskGroup, DataCleaner*) The same xml format is used also by EGPF (Eurac Generic Processor Framework) See Processor_configuration for the available configuration options. ## Start a DES instance ## 1. Edit the ./config/DistributionServer.ini to fit your environment 2. Create the set of *.processor_config.xml files that you want to run and place them in the path CONFIG_FILE_PATH as defined in DistributionServer.ini config file 3. Choose a suitable operation mode print program arguments: ``` java -jar DES.jar –h ``` ### Operation modes ### 1) Start a DES instance with default configuration defined in DES.ini and run all Processors (*.processor_config.xml files) located in CONFIG_PATH ``` java -jar DES.jar ``` 2) Start a DES instance with default configuration defined in DES.ini and run a single Processor ``` java -jar DES.jar -p yourtest.processor_config.xml ``` 3) Start a DES instance with a different configuration (eg. DES_test.ini) and run all Processors (*.processor_config.xml files) located in CONFIG_PATH ``` java -jar DES.jar -c ./config/DES_test.ini ``` 4) Start a DES instance with a different configuration (eg. DES_test.ini) and run a given Processor ``` java -jar DES.jar -c ./config/DES_test.ini -p yourtest.processor_config.xml ``` ### Passing command line startup variables to be referenced in DES Processor ### Custom arguments can be passed to the startup command line ``` java -jar DES.jar -v HOSTNAME=des.yourdomain -v IP= ``` The defined variables can than be referenced in a given Processor definition with the '@' reference (eg. @HOSTNAME) ```xml <Task name="testCmd" type="cmd" active="no" priority="NORM"> <EMail>support.rs@eurac.edu</EMail> <NotifyEmail>false</NotifyEmail> <Command>ping</Command> <Parameter>@HOSTNAME</Parameter> </Task> ```