# Configuration #

## Startup configuration ##
The DES startup configuration contains initialization variables that are loaded at DES startup or restart
### Parameters ###
**RDS_ID** DES identifier (ex. DES_yourID@yourdomain.org)  
**RDS_HOME** HOME directory of DES  
**CONFIG_FILE_PATH** Path where processor configuration files are located ( $PROCESSOR.processor_config.xml)  
**LOGS_PATH** STOUT print to stdout | LOG4J : use log4j2| Path of the log file dir (ending with / , ex: ./testdata/logs/ ) directory will be created  
**BASE_PATH** Basepath at which logical directory tree starts: $BASE_PATH/$AoiName/$ProcessorName  
**STAMPS_PATH** Directory for Stamp files  
**COMPILECODE_PATH** Temporary directory where class files are compiled on the fly. Content will be deleted at every restart  
**MAX_PROCESSOR_THREADS** Max processor Threads  
**MAX_AOI_THREADS** Max Threads per AOI  
**MAX_AOI_TASKGROUP_THREADS** Max Threads per TaskGroup  
**AOI_THREAD_SLEEP** Time interval for AOI Thread   
**MAX_NR_FILTER_FILES** Max number of files filtered in each iteration  
**DEBUG** Write to log files  
**STDOUT_STDERR** Print Tasks output streams to STDOUT/STDERR)  
**USE_STATUS_DB** Enable Task status logging in DB  
**DB_SERVER** = Database server  
**DB_DATABASE** = Database name  
**DB_PORT** = Database port  
**DB_USER** = Database user  
**DB_PWD** Database password  
**FROM_EMAIL** e-mail for delivery  
**SMTP** = URL for SMTP  
**SMTP_PORT** Port for SMTP   
**CONFIG_PLUGIN** Configuration file for Plugins. Java class variable: DistributionServerConfig.CONFIG_PLUGIN    
### Sample configuration
## Processors
The DES executes concurrently a given set of *Processor* definition files that are defined in XML format.
A *Processor* configuraiton file ( *.processor_config.xml ) is the main executable entity for the DES. 
- There can be 1 - n *Processor* configuration files running on a given DES instance. 
- Each processor configuration file can have 1 - n *AOI* (Areas Of Interest).
- Each *AOI* can have 1 - n functional entities (*Distribution, Download, DataCleaner, Task, TaskGroup*) 
- The same xml format is used also by EGPF (Eurac Generic Processor Framework)

A typical DES *Processor" may have the following layout:
		<AOI name="myAOI" active="yes">

			<!-- Download data -->
			<Download type="sftp" active="yes" priority="NORM">

			<!-- Process data -->
			<TaskGroup name="processAOI" type="serial" active="yes" priority="NORM">
				<Task name="task1" type="class" active="yes" priority="NORM">
				<Task name="task2" type="class" active="yes" priority="NORM">

			<!-- Distribute data -->
			<Distribution type="sftp" active="yes" priority="NORM">

The *Processor* configuration options available are documented here:

## Authentication configuration file ##
Authentication parameters used in the operations **<Distribution>** and **<Download>** are stored within the file :

**DistributionAuth.xml:** ./config/DistributionAuth.xml
Sample entry:

	<AuthRef name="testuser@server.yourdomain" active="yes">
In the DES processor operation declarations the authentication entry can be references as follows: 

<consumer name="testuser@server.yourdomain" active="yes">

### Built-in variables
Inside a *Processor* definition configuration file some build-in parameter can be used to abstract some configurations. 

The build-in parameters are replaced at runtime in all <Parameter> and in all custom tags (eg. *$DAY*)

*$BASEPATH* The base path variable configured in *DES.ini*

*$AOI* The name of the executing *AOI*

*$PROCESSOR* The name of the executing *Processor*

*$CWD* The current working directory, that expands to *$BASEPATH/$AOI/$PROCESSOR*

*$STAMPS_PATH* The path for Stamp files configured in *DES.ini*

*$FILE* Iff *<FileType>* is configured, references the current File being processed (*<ProductType>* is deprecated but still valid for backward compatibility)

*$YEAR* The current year

*$MONTH* The current month

*$DAY* The current day

## Start a DES instance ##
1.	Edit the ./config/DES.ini to fit your environment
2.	Create the set of *.processor_config.xml files that you want to run and place them in the path CONFIG_FILE_PATH as defined in DistributionServer.ini config file 
3.	Choose a suitable operation mode
print program arguments:
java -jar DES.jar –h
### Operation modes ###
1) Start a DES instance with default configuration defined in DES.ini and run all Processors (*.processor_config.xml files) located in CONFIG_PATH 
java -jar DES.jar
2) Start a DES instance with default configuration defined in DES.ini and run a single Processor
java -jar DES.jar -p yourtest.processor_config.xml
3) Start a DES instance with a different configuration (eg. DES_test.ini) and run all Processors (*.processor_config.xml files) located in CONFIG_PATH
java -jar DES.jar -c ./config/DES_test.ini
4) Start a DES instance with a different configuration (eg. DES_test.ini) and run a given Processor
java -jar DES.jar -c ./config/DES_test.ini -p yourtest.processor_config.xml
### Passing command line startup variables to be referenced in DES Processor  ###  
Custom arguments can be passed to the startup command line

java -jar DES.jar -v HOSTNAME=des.yourdomain -v IP=

The defined variables can than be referenced in a given Processor definition with the '@' reference (eg. @HOSTNAME)

<Task name="testCmd" type="cmd" active="no" priority="NORM">