# Features #

The DES application currently implements the following features

## Concurrent Distribution of Data ##

- supported protocols: SFTP, FTP
- recursive upload of directories
- Notification of data delivery via e-mail

<AOI name="aoi" active="yes">
	<Distribution type="sftp" active="no" priority="NORM">
		<consumer name="dummy" active="no">
	<Distribution type="ftp" active="no" priority="NORM">
		<consumer name="CoA" active="yes">

## Concurrent Download of Data ##

- supported protocols: SFTP, FTP
- Notification of data received via e-mai

<AOI name="ReceivingStation" active="yes">
	<Download type="sftp" active="yes" priority="NORM">
		<consumer name="rsuser@eomount.eurac.edu" active="yes">

## Concurrent Execution of Tasks ##

- Plugins in form of java classes, shell scripts/commands, perl scripts
- Task execution is driven and triggered by filtered FileType's
- On the fly java code compilation is supported

<AOI name="aoi" active="yes">
	<Task name="renameFiles" type="class" active="yes" priority="NORM">
	<Task name="testCmd" type="cmd" active="no" priority="NORM">
	<Task name="testPerl" type="sh" active="no" priority="NORM">
	<Task name="moveToStorage" type="shell" active="no" priority="NORM">

## Concurrent Parallel/Serial Execution of Task Groups ##

- Task groups can be **serial** or **parallel**

<AOI name="aoi" active="yes">
	<TaskGroup name="testGroup" type="parallel" active="yes"
		<Task name="testCmd1" type="cmd" active="yes" priority="NORM">
		<Task name="testCmd2" type="cmd" active="yes" priority="NORM">
	<TaskGroup name="testGroup2" type="serial" active="no"
		<Task name="testCmd1" type="cmd" active="yes" priority="NORM">
		<Task name="testCmd2" type="cmd" active="yes" priority="NORM">

## Concurrent Cleaning of data ##

- implements all switches available in linux find command
- On Windows OS a CyWIN installation is required

<AOI name="cleanSATWorkspaces" active="yes">
	<DataCleaner name="01_Data" type="filesystem" active="yes"