diff --git a/climax/main/downscale.py b/climax/main/downscale.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..528062a33938872d9085848de5c2e2c970d45496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/climax/main/downscale.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+"""Dynamical climate downscaling using deep convolutional neural networks."""
+# !/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# builtins
+import sys
+import time
+import logging
+from datetime import timedelta
+from logging.config import dictConfig
+# externals
+import xarray as xr
+from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+# locals
+from pysegcnn.core.utils import search_files
+from pysegcnn.core.models import Network
+from pysegcnn.core.trainer import NetworkTrainer, LogConfig
+from pysegcnn.core.logging import log_conf
+from climax.core.dataset import ERA5Dataset, NetCDFDataset
+from climax.core.loss import MSELoss, L1Loss
+from climax.core.predict import predict_ERA5
+from climax.core.utils import split_date_range
+from climax.main.config import (ERA5_PLEVELS, ERA5_PREDICTORS, PREDICTAND,
+                                CALIB_PERIOD, DOY, SHUFFLE, BATCH_SIZE, OPTIM,
+                                NORM, TRAIN_CONFIG, NET, LOSS, FILTERS,
+                                OVERWRITE, DEM, DEM_FEATURES, STRATIFY,
+                                WET_DAY_THRESHOLD, VALID_SIZE, ANOMALIES,
+                                OPTIM_PARAMS, LR_SCHEDULER, SENSITIVITY,
+                                LR_SCHEDULER_PARAMS, CHUNKS, VALID_PERIOD,
+                                NYEARS)
+from climax.main.io import (ERA5_PATH, OBS_PATH, DEM_PATH, MODEL_PATH,
+                            TARGET_PATH)
+# module level logger
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # initialize timing
+    start_time = time.monotonic()
+    # initialize network filename
+    state_file = ERA5Dataset.state_file(
+        dem_features=DEM_FEATURES, doy=DOY, loss=LOSS, anomalies=ANOMALIES,
+        decay=OPTIM_PARAMS['weight_decay'], optim=OPTIM, lr=OPTIM_PARAMS['lr'],
+        lr_scheduler=LR_SCHEDULER)
+    # path to model state
+        # models trained for hyperparameter optimization
+        state_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath('sensitivity', PREDICTAND, state_file)
+        target = TARGET_PATH.joinpath('sensitivity', PREDICTAND)
+    else:
+        state_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND, state_file)
+        target = TARGET_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND)
+    # initialize logging
+    log_file = state_file.parent.joinpath(
+        state_file.name.replace(state_file.suffix, '_log.txt'))
+    if log_file.exists():
+        log_file.unlink()
+    dictConfig(log_conf(log_file))
+    # check if target dataset already exists
+    target = target.joinpath(state_file.name.replace(state_file.suffix, '.nc'))
+    if target.exists() and not OVERWRITE:
+        LogConfig.init_log('{} already exists.'.format(target))
+        sys.exit()
+    # load pretrained model
+    if state_file.exists() and not OVERWRITE:
+        # load pretrained network
+        net, _ = Network.load_pretrained_model(state_file, NET)
+    else:
+        # initialize downscaling
+        LogConfig.init_log('Initializing downscaling for period: {}'.format(
+            ' - '.join([str(CALIB_PERIOD[0]), str(CALIB_PERIOD[-1])])))
+        # check if model exists
+        if state_file.exists() and not OVERWRITE:
+            # load pretrained network
+            LogConfig.init_log('{} already exists.'.format(state_file))
+            sys.exit()
+        # initialize ERA5 predictor dataset
+        LogConfig.init_log('Initializing ERA5 predictors.')
+        Era5 = ERA5Dataset(ERA5_PATH.joinpath('ERA5'), ERA5_PREDICTORS,
+                           plevels=ERA5_PLEVELS)
+        Era5_ds = Era5.merge(chunks=CHUNKS)
+        # initialize OBS predictand dataset
+        LogConfig.init_log('Initializing observations for predictand: {}'
+                           .format(PREDICTAND))
+        # check whether to joinlty train tasmin and tasmax
+        if PREDICTAND == 'tas':
+            # read both tasmax and tasmin
+            tasmax = xr.open_dataset(
+                search_files(OBS_PATH.joinpath('tasmax'), '.nc$').pop())
+            tasmin = xr.open_dataset(
+                search_files(OBS_PATH.joinpath('tasmin'), '.nc$').pop())
+            Obs_ds = xr.merge([tasmax, tasmin])
+        else:
+            # read in-situ gridded observations
+            Obs_ds = search_files(OBS_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND), '.nc$').pop()
+            Obs_ds = xr.open_dataset(Obs_ds)
+        # whether to use digital elevation model
+        if DEM:
+            # digital elevation model: Copernicus EU-Dem v1.1
+            dem = search_files(DEM_PATH, '^eu_dem_v11_stt.nc$').pop()
+            # read elevation and compute slope and aspect
+            dem = ERA5Dataset.dem_features(
+                dem, {'y': Era5_ds.y, 'x': Era5_ds.x},
+                add_coord={'time': Era5_ds.time})
+            # check whether to use slope and aspect
+            if not DEM_FEATURES:
+                dem = dem.drop_vars(['slope', 'aspect']).chunk(Era5_ds.chunks)
+            # add dem to set of predictor variables
+            Era5_ds = xr.merge([Era5_ds, dem])
+        # initialize network and optimizer
+        LogConfig.init_log('Initializing network and optimizer.')
+        # define number of output fields
+        # check whether modelling pr with probabilistic approach
+        outputs = len(Obs_ds.data_vars)
+        if PREDICTAND == 'pr':
+            outputs = (1 if (isinstance(LOSS, MSELoss) or
+                             isinstance(LOSS, L1Loss)) else 3)
+        # instanciate network
+        inputs = len(Era5_ds.data_vars) + 2 if DOY else len(Era5_ds.data_vars)
+        net = NET(state_file, inputs, outputs, filters=FILTERS)
+        # initialize optimizer
+        optimizer = OPTIM(net.parameters(), **OPTIM_PARAMS)
+        # initialize learning rate scheduler
+        if LR_SCHEDULER is not None:
+        # initialize training data
+        LogConfig.init_log('Initializing training data.')
+        # split calibration period into training and validation period
+        if PREDICTAND == 'pr' and STRATIFY:
+            # stratify training and validation dataset by number of
+            # observed wet days for precipitation
+            wet_days = (Obs_ds.sel(time=CALIB_PERIOD).mean(dim=('y', 'x'))
+                        >= WET_DAY_THRESHOLD).to_array().values.squeeze()
+            train, valid = train_test_split(
+                CALIB_PERIOD, stratify=wet_days, test_size=VALID_SIZE)
+            # sort chronologically
+            train, valid = sorted(train), sorted(valid)
+        else:
+            train, valid = train_test_split(CALIB_PERIOD, shuffle=False,
+                                            test_size=VALID_SIZE)
+        # training and validation dataset
+        Era5_train, Obs_train = Era5_ds.sel(time=train), Obs_ds.sel(time=train)
+        Era5_valid, Obs_valid = Era5_ds.sel(time=valid), Obs_ds.sel(time=valid)
+        # create PyTorch compliant dataset and dataloader instances for model
+        # training
+        train_ds = NetCDFDataset(Era5_train, Obs_train, normalize=NORM,
+                                 doy=DOY, anomalies=ANOMALIES)
+        valid_ds = NetCDFDataset(Era5_valid, Obs_valid, normalize=NORM,
+                                 doy=DOY, anomalies=ANOMALIES)
+        train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=SHUFFLE,
+                              drop_last=False)
+        valid_dl = DataLoader(valid_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=SHUFFLE,
+                              drop_last=False)
+        # initialize network trainer
+        trainer = NetworkTrainer(net, optimizer, net.state_file, train_dl,
+                                 valid_dl, loss_function=LOSS,
+                                 lr_scheduler=LR_SCHEDULER, **TRAIN_CONFIG)
+        # train model
+        state = trainer.train()
+    # predict reference period
+    LogConfig.init_log('Predicting reference period: {}'.format(
+        ' - '.join([str(VALID_PERIOD[0]), str(VALID_PERIOD[-1])])))
+    # subset to reference period and predict in NYEAR intervals
+    trg_ds = []
+    for dates in split_date_range(VALID_PERIOD[0], VALID_PERIOD[-1],
+                                  years=NYEARS):
+        LogConfig.init_log('Predicting period: {}'.format(
+            ' - '.join([str(dates[0]), str(dates[-1])])))
+        ref_ds = Era5_ds.sel(time=dates)
+        trg_ds.append(predict_ERA5(net, ref_ds, PREDICTAND, LOSS,
+                                   normalize=NORM, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
+                                   doy=DOY, anomalies=ANOMALIES))
+    # merge predictions for entire validation period
+    LOGGER.info('Merging reference periods ...')
+    trg_ds = xr.concat(trg_ds, dim='time')
+    # save model predictions as NetCDF file
+    if not target.parent.exists():
+        target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    LOGGER.info('Saving network predictions: {}.'.format(target))
+    trg_ds.to_netcdf(target, engine='h5netcdf')
+    # log execution time of script
+    LogConfig.init_log('Execution time of script {}: {}'
+                       .format(__file__, timedelta(seconds=time.monotonic() -
+                                                   start_time)))
diff --git a/climax/main/downscale_infer.py b/climax/main/downscale_infer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7945fb1204c6770660e6f6393c383d88e63616..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/climax/main/downscale_infer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-"""Dynamical climate downscaling using deep convolutional neural networks."""
-# !/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# builtins
-import sys
-import time
-import logging
-from datetime import timedelta
-from logging.config import dictConfig
-# externals
-import xarray as xr
-# locals
-from pysegcnn.core.trainer import LogConfig
-from pysegcnn.core.models import Network
-from pysegcnn.core.logging import log_conf
-from pysegcnn.core.utils import search_files
-from climax.core.dataset import ERA5Dataset
-from climax.core.predict import predict_ERA5
-from climax.core.utils import split_date_range
-from climax.main.config import (ERA5_PREDICTORS, ERA5_PLEVELS, PREDICTAND, NET,
-                                VALID_PERIOD, BATCH_SIZE, NORM, DOY, NYEARS,
-                                DEM, DEM_FEATURES, LOSS, ANOMALIES, OPTIM,
-                                OPTIM_PARAMS, CHUNKS, LR_SCHEDULER, OVERWRITE,
-                                SENSITIVITY)
-from climax.main.io import ERA5_PATH, DEM_PATH, MODEL_PATH, TARGET_PATH
-# module level logger
-LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # initialize timing
-    start_time = time.monotonic()
-    # initialize network filename
-    state_file = ERA5Dataset.state_file(
-        dem_features=DEM_FEATURES, doy=DOY, loss=LOSS, anomalies=ANOMALIES,
-        decay=OPTIM_PARAMS['weight_decay'], optim=OPTIM, lr=OPTIM_PARAMS['lr'],
-        lr_scheduler=LR_SCHEDULER)
-    # path to model state
-        # models trained for hyperparameter optimization
-        state_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath('sensitivity', PREDICTAND, state_file)
-        target = TARGET_PATH.joinpath('sensitivity', PREDICTAND)
-    else:
-        state_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND, state_file)
-        target = TARGET_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND)
-    # check if target dataset already exists
-    target = target.joinpath(state_file.name.replace(state_file.suffix, '.nc'))
-    if target.exists() and not OVERWRITE:
-        LogConfig.init_log('{} already exists.'.format(target))
-        sys.exit()
-    else:
-        # load pretrained model
-        if state_file.exists():
-            # load pretrained network
-            net, _ = Network.load_pretrained_model(state_file, NET)
-        else:
-            # initialize OBS predictand dataset
-            LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(state_file))
-            sys.exit()
-    # initialize logging
-    log_file = state_file.parent.joinpath(
-        state_file.name.replace(state_file.suffix, '_log.txt'))
-    dictConfig(log_conf(log_file))
-    # predict reference period
-    LogConfig.init_log('Predicting reference period: {}'.format(
-        ' - '.join([str(VALID_PERIOD[0]), str(VALID_PERIOD[-1])])))
-    # initialize ERA5 predictor dataset
-    LogConfig.init_log('Initializing ERA5 predictors.')
-    Era5 = ERA5Dataset(ERA5_PATH.joinpath('ERA5'), ERA5_PREDICTORS,
-                       plevels=ERA5_PLEVELS)
-    Era5_ds = Era5.merge(chunks=CHUNKS)
-    # whether to use digital elevation model
-    if DEM:
-        # digital elevation model: Copernicus EU-Dem v1.1
-        dem = search_files(DEM_PATH, '^eu_dem_v11_stt.nc$').pop()
-        # read elevation and compute slope and aspect
-        dem = ERA5Dataset.dem_features(
-            dem, {'y': Era5_ds.y, 'x': Era5_ds.x},
-            add_coord={'time': Era5_ds.time})
-        # check whether to use slope and aspect
-        if not DEM_FEATURES:
-            dem = dem.drop_vars(['slope', 'aspect'])
-        # add dem to set of predictor variables
-        Era5_ds = xr.merge([Era5_ds, dem]).chunk(Era5_ds.chunks)
-    # subset to reference period and predict in NYEAR intervals
-    trg_ds = []
-    for dates in split_date_range(VALID_PERIOD[0], VALID_PERIOD[-1],
-                                  years=NYEARS):
-        LogConfig.init_log('Predicting period: {}'.format(
-            ' - '.join([str(dates[0]), str(dates[-1])])))
-        ref_ds = Era5_ds.sel(time=dates)
-        trg_ds.append(predict_ERA5(net, ref_ds, PREDICTAND, LOSS,
-                                   normalize=NORM, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
-                                   doy=DOY, anomalies=ANOMALIES))
-    # merge predictions for entire validation period
-    LOGGER.info('Merging reference periods ...')
-    trg_ds = xr.concat(trg_ds, dim='time')
-    # save model predictions as NetCDF file
-    if not target.parent.exists():
-        target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    LOGGER.info('Saving network predictions: {}.'.format(target))
-    trg_ds.to_netcdf(target, engine='h5netcdf')
-    # log execution time of script
-    LogConfig.init_log('Execution time of script {}: {}'
-                       .format(__file__, timedelta(seconds=time.monotonic() -
-                                                   start_time)))
diff --git a/climax/main/downscale_train.py b/climax/main/downscale_train.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 87e994bd54c3628e0293307ca0d8dc6088c3e095..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/climax/main/downscale_train.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-"""Dynamical climate downscaling using deep convolutional neural networks."""
-# !/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# builtins
-import sys
-import time
-import logging
-from datetime import timedelta
-from logging.config import dictConfig
-# externals
-import xarray as xr
-from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
-from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
-# locals
-from pysegcnn.core.utils import search_files
-from pysegcnn.core.trainer import NetworkTrainer, LogConfig
-from pysegcnn.core.logging import log_conf
-from climax.core.dataset import ERA5Dataset, NetCDFDataset
-from climax.core.loss import MSELoss, L1Loss
-from climax.main.config import (ERA5_PLEVELS, ERA5_PREDICTORS, PREDICTAND,
-                                CALIB_PERIOD, DOY, SHUFFLE, BATCH_SIZE, OPTIM,
-                                NORM, TRAIN_CONFIG, NET, LOSS, FILTERS,
-                                OVERWRITE, DEM, DEM_FEATURES, STRATIFY,
-                                WET_DAY_THRESHOLD, VALID_SIZE, ANOMALIES,
-                                OPTIM_PARAMS, LR_SCHEDULER, SENSITIVITY,
-                                LR_SCHEDULER_PARAMS, CHUNKS)
-from climax.main.io import ERA5_PATH, OBS_PATH, DEM_PATH, MODEL_PATH
-# module level logger
-LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # initialize timing
-    start_time = time.monotonic()
-    # initialize network filename
-    state_file = ERA5Dataset.state_file(
-        dem_features=DEM_FEATURES, doy=DOY, loss=LOSS, anomalies=ANOMALIES,
-        decay=OPTIM_PARAMS['weight_decay'], optim=OPTIM, lr=OPTIM_PARAMS['lr'],
-        lr_scheduler=LR_SCHEDULER)
-    # path to model state
-        # models trained for hyperparameter optimization
-        state_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath('sensitivity', PREDICTAND, state_file)
-    else:
-        state_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND, state_file)
-    # initialize logging
-    log_file = state_file.parent.joinpath(
-        state_file.name.replace(state_file.suffix, '_log.txt'))
-    if log_file.exists():
-        log_file.unlink()
-    dictConfig(log_conf(log_file))
-    # initialize downscaling
-    LogConfig.init_log('Initializing downscaling for period: {}'.format(
-        ' - '.join([str(CALIB_PERIOD[0]), str(CALIB_PERIOD[-1])])))
-    # check if model exists
-    if state_file.exists() and not OVERWRITE:
-        # load pretrained network
-        LogConfig.init_log('{} already exists.'.format(state_file))
-        sys.exit()
-    # initialize ERA5 predictor dataset
-    LogConfig.init_log('Initializing ERA5 predictors.')
-    Era5 = ERA5Dataset(ERA5_PATH.joinpath('ERA5'), ERA5_PREDICTORS,
-                       plevels=ERA5_PLEVELS)
-    Era5_ds = Era5.merge(chunks=CHUNKS)
-    # initialize OBS predictand dataset
-    LogConfig.init_log('Initializing observations for predictand: {}'
-                       .format(PREDICTAND))
-    # check whether to joinlty train tasmin and tasmax
-    if PREDICTAND == 'tas':
-        # read both tasmax and tasmin
-        tasmax = xr.open_dataset(
-            search_files(OBS_PATH.joinpath('tasmax'), '.nc$').pop())
-        tasmin = xr.open_dataset(
-            search_files(OBS_PATH.joinpath('tasmin'), '.nc$').pop())
-        Obs_ds = xr.merge([tasmax, tasmin])
-    else:
-        # read in-situ gridded observations
-        Obs_ds = search_files(OBS_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND), '.nc$').pop()
-        Obs_ds = xr.open_dataset(Obs_ds)
-    # whether to use digital elevation model
-    if DEM:
-        # digital elevation model: Copernicus EU-Dem v1.1
-        dem = search_files(DEM_PATH, '^eu_dem_v11_stt.nc$').pop()
-        # read elevation and compute slope and aspect
-        dem = ERA5Dataset.dem_features(
-            dem, {'y': Era5_ds.y, 'x': Era5_ds.x},
-            add_coord={'time': Era5_ds.time})
-        # check whether to use slope and aspect
-        if not DEM_FEATURES:
-            dem = dem.drop_vars(['slope', 'aspect']).chunk(Era5_ds.chunks)
-        # add dem to set of predictor variables
-        Era5_ds = xr.merge([Era5_ds, dem])
-    # initialize network and optimizer
-    LogConfig.init_log('Initializing network and optimizer.')
-    # define number of output fields
-    # check whether modelling pr with probabilistic approach
-    outputs = len(Obs_ds.data_vars)
-    if PREDICTAND == 'pr':
-        outputs = (1 if (isinstance(LOSS, MSELoss) or isinstance(LOSS, L1Loss))
-                   else 3)
-    # instanciate network
-    inputs = len(Era5_ds.data_vars) + 2 if DOY else len(Era5_ds.data_vars)
-    net = NET(state_file, inputs, outputs, filters=FILTERS)
-    # initialize optimizer
-    optimizer = OPTIM(net.parameters(), **OPTIM_PARAMS)
-    # initialize learning rate scheduler
-    if LR_SCHEDULER is not None:
-    # initialize training data
-    LogConfig.init_log('Initializing training data.')
-    # split calibration period into training and validation period
-    if PREDICTAND == 'pr' and STRATIFY:
-        # stratify training and validation dataset by number of
-        # observed wet days for precipitation
-        wet_days = (Obs_ds.sel(time=CALIB_PERIOD).mean(dim=('y', 'x'))
-                    >= WET_DAY_THRESHOLD).to_array().values.squeeze()
-        train, valid = train_test_split(
-            CALIB_PERIOD, stratify=wet_days, test_size=VALID_SIZE)
-        # sort chronologically
-        train, valid = sorted(train), sorted(valid)
-    else:
-        train, valid = train_test_split(CALIB_PERIOD, shuffle=False,
-                                        test_size=VALID_SIZE)
-    # training and validation dataset
-    Era5_train, Obs_train = Era5_ds.sel(time=train), Obs_ds.sel(time=train)
-    Era5_valid, Obs_valid = Era5_ds.sel(time=valid), Obs_ds.sel(time=valid)
-    # create PyTorch compliant dataset and dataloader instances for model
-    # training
-    train_ds = NetCDFDataset(Era5_train, Obs_train, normalize=NORM, doy=DOY,
-                             anomalies=ANOMALIES)
-    valid_ds = NetCDFDataset(Era5_valid, Obs_valid, normalize=NORM, doy=DOY,
-                             anomalies=ANOMALIES)
-    train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=SHUFFLE,
-                          drop_last=False)
-    valid_dl = DataLoader(valid_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=SHUFFLE,
-                          drop_last=False)
-    # initialize network trainer
-    trainer = NetworkTrainer(net, optimizer, net.state_file, train_dl,
-                             valid_dl, loss_function=LOSS,
-                             lr_scheduler=LR_SCHEDULER, **TRAIN_CONFIG)
-    # train model
-    state = trainer.train()
-    # log execution time of script
-    LogConfig.init_log('Execution time of script {}: {}'
-                       .format(__file__, timedelta(seconds=time.monotonic() -
-                                                   start_time)))