diff --git a/climax/main/downscale_infer.py b/climax/main/downscale_infer.py
index 5d2689478bb40de3e859a4b3ded2eab9f2961cb4..a023e00c2b73128ff8d1709fb4e51ce0ecef79af 100644
--- a/climax/main/downscale_infer.py
+++ b/climax/main/downscale_infer.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from climax.core.utils import split_date_range
 from climax.main.config import (ERA5_PREDICTORS, ERA5_PLEVELS, PREDICTAND, NET,
                                 VALID_PERIOD, BATCH_SIZE, NORM, DOY, NYEARS,
                                 DEM, DEM_FEATURES, LOSS, ANOMALIES, OPTIM,
-                                OPTIM_PARAMS, CHUNKS, LR_SCHEDULER)
+                                OPTIM_PARAMS, CHUNKS, LR_SCHEDULER, OVERWRITE)
 from climax.main.io import ERA5_PATH, DEM_PATH, MODEL_PATH, TARGET_PATH
 # module level logger
@@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # path to model state
     state_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND, state_file)
+    # load pretrained model
+    if state_file.exists():
+        # load pretrained network
+        net, _ = Network.load_pretrained_model(state_file, NET)
+    else:
+        # initialize OBS predictand dataset
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(state_file))
+        sys.exit()
+    # check if target dataset already exists
+    target = TARGET_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND, net.state_file.name.replace(
+        net.state_file.suffix, '.nc'))
+    if target.exists() and not OVERWRITE:
+        LogConfig.init_log('{} already exists.'.format(target))
+        sys.exit()
     # initialize logging
     log_file = MODEL_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND,
                                    state_file.name.replace('.pt', '_log.txt'))
@@ -78,15 +94,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         # add dem to set of predictor variables
         Era5_ds = xr.merge([Era5_ds, dem]).chunk(Era5_ds.chunks)
-    # load pretrained model
-    if state_file.exists():
-        # load pretrained network
-        net, _ = Network.load_pretrained_model(state_file, NET)
-    else:
-        # initialize OBS predictand dataset
-        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(state_file))
-        sys.exit()
     # subset to reference period and predict in NYEAR intervals
     trg_ds = []
     for dates in split_date_range(VALID_PERIOD[0], VALID_PERIOD[-1],
@@ -103,8 +110,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     trg_ds = xr.concat(trg_ds, dim='time')
     # save model predictions as NetCDF file
-    target = TARGET_PATH.joinpath(PREDICTAND, net.state_file.name.replace(
-        net.state_file.suffix, '.nc'))
     if not target.parent.exists():
         target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     LOGGER.info('Saving network predictions: {}.'.format(target))