From f655da60a47c95e1a9cb9470ae95b78be3df99a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Daniel.Frisinghelli" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 17:25:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Setup for hyperparameter grid search.

 Scripts/   | 63 -------------------------------
 Scripts/ | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 climax/main/  | 50 ++++++++++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Scripts/
 create mode 100644 Scripts/

diff --git a/Scripts/ b/Scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index d607826..0000000
--- a/Scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# activate conda environment
-conda activate climax
-# move to project repository
-cd ~/git/climax
-# loss functions
-# LOSS=(L1Loss BernoulliGammaLoss BernoulliWeibullLoss MSELoss)
-LOSS=(L1Loss BernoulliGammaLoss MSELoss)
-# wet day thresholds to test
-# WET_DAY_THRESHOLDS=(0 0.5 1 2 3 5)
-# weight decay values to test
-LAMBDA=(0 0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 1)
-# learning rate values to test
-LR=(0.1 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005)
-# iterate over loss functions
-for loss in ${LOSS[@]}; do
-    # change loss function in configuration
-    if [ "$loss" = "L1Loss" ] || [ "$loss" = "MSELoss" ]; then
-	    sed -i "s/LOSS\s*=.*/LOSS=$loss()/" ./climax/main/
-    else
-	    sed -i "s/LOSS\s*=.*/LOSS=$loss(min_amount=1)/" ./climax/main/
-    fi
-    # iterate over weight decay values
-    for lambda in ${LAMBDA[@]}; do
-        # change weight regularization in configuration
-    	sed -i "s/'weight_decay':.*/'weight_decay': $lambda/" ./climax/main/
-       	# run downscaling
-        # python climax/main/
-        python climax/main/
-        python climax/main/
-    done
-    # iterate over learning rate values
-    for lr in ${LR[@]}; do
-        # change weight regularization in configuration
-    	sed -i "s/'lr':.*/'lr': $lr/" ./climax/main/
-       	# run downscaling
-        # python climax/main/
-        python climax/main/
-        python climax/main/
-    done
-    # for w in ${WET_DAY_THRESHOLDS[@]}; do
-        # change wet day threshold in configuration
-        # sed -i "s/min_amount\s*=.*/min_amount=$w)/" ./climax/main/
-        # run downscaling
-        # python climax/main/
-        # python climax/main/
-        # python climax/main/
-    # done
diff --git a/Scripts/ b/Scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b65f43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# activate conda environment
+conda activate climax
+# move to project repository
+cd ~/git/climax
+# predictands
+# PREDICTAND=(pr tasmin tasmax)
+# optimizers
+# OPTIM=(torch.optim.Adam torch.optim.SGD)
+# learning rate scheduler
+LRSCHEDULER=(None torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CyclicLR)
+# wet day thresholds to test
+# WET_DAY_THRESHOLDS=(0 0.5 1 2 3 5)
+# weight decay values to test
+LAMBDA=(0 0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 1)
+# iterate over predictands
+for predictand in ${PREDICTAND[@]}; do
+    # change predictand in configuration
+    sed -i "s/PREDICTAND\s*=.*/PREDICTAND='$predictand'/" ./climax/main/
+    # define available loss functions for current predictand
+    if [ "$predictand" = "pr" ]; then
+        LOSS=(L1Loss BernoulliGammaLoss MSELoss)
+    else
+        LOSS=(L1Loss MSELoss)
+    fi
+    # iterate over loss functions
+    for loss in ${LOSS[@]}; do
+        # change loss function in configuration
+        if [ "$loss" = "L1Loss" ] || [ "$loss" = "MSELoss" ]; then
+    	    sed -i "s/LOSS\s*=.*/LOSS=$loss()/" ./climax/main/
+        else
+    	    sed -i "s/LOSS\s*=.*/LOSS=$loss(min_amount=1)/" ./climax/main/
+        fi
+        # iterate over the optimizer
+        for optim in ${OPTIM[@]}; do
+            # change optimizer in configuration
+            sed -i "s/OPTIM\s*=.*/OPTIM=$optim/" ./climax/main/
+            # SGD with fixed and cyclic learning rate policy
+            if [ "$optim" = "torch.optim.SGD" ]; then
+                for scheduler in ${LRSCHEDULER[@]}; do
+                    # change learning rate scheduler in configuration
+                    sed -i "s/LR_SCHEDULER\s*=.*/LR_SCHEDULER=$scheduler/" ./climax/main/
+                    # iterate over weight decay values
+                    for lambda in ${LAMBDA[@]}; do
+                        # change weight regularization in configuration
+                    	sed -i "s/'weight_decay':.*/'weight_decay': $lambda/" ./climax/main/
+                       	# run downscaling
+                        # python climax/main/
+                        python climax/main/
+                        python climax/main/
+                    done
+                done
+            else
+                # iterate over weight decay values
+                for lambda in ${LAMBDA[@]}; do
+                    # change weight regularization in configuration
+                	sed -i "s/'weight_decay':.*/'weight_decay': $lambda/" ./climax/main/
+                   	# run downscaling
+                    # python climax/main/
+                    python climax/main/
+                    python climax/main/
+                done
+            fi
+        done
+    done
diff --git a/climax/main/ b/climax/main/
index c2dc303..1ca227b 100644
--- a/climax/main/
+++ b/climax/main/
@@ -123,29 +123,49 @@ LOSS = MSELoss()
 # LOSS = BernoulliGammaLoss(min_amount=1)
 # LOSS = BernoulliWeibullLoss(min_amount=1)
-# batch size: number of time steps processed by the net in each iteration
-# base learning rate: constant or CyclicLR policy
-BASE_LR = 1e-4
-# maximum learning rate for CyclicLR policy
-MAX_LR = 1e-3
 # stochastic optimization algorithm
 # OPTIM = torch.optim.SGD
 OPTIM = torch.optim.Adam
+# batch size: number of time steps processed by the net in each iteration
+# maximum learning rate determined from learning rate range test
+if PREDICTAND == 'tasmin':
+    if isinstance(LOSS, L1Loss):
+        MAX_LR = 0.001 if OPTIM is torch.optim.Adam else 0.004
+    if isinstance(LOSS, MSELoss):
+        MAX_LR = 0.001 if OPTIM is torch.optim.Adam else 0.002
+if PREDICTAND == 'tasmax':
+    if isinstance(LOSS, L1Loss):
+        MAX_LR = 0.001
+    if isinstance(LOSS, MSELoss):
+        MAX_LR = 0.001 if OPTIM is torch.optim.Adam else 0.004
+if PREDICTAND == 'pr':
+    if isinstance(LOSS, L1Loss):
+        MAX_LR = 0.001
+    if isinstance(LOSS, MSELoss):
+        MAX_LR = 0.0004
+    if isinstance(LOSS, BernoulliGammaLoss):
+        MAX_LR = 0.0005 if OPTIM is torch.optim.Adam else 0.001
+# base learning rate: MAX_LR / 4 (Smith L. (2017))
+# optimization parameters
 OPTIM_PARAMS = {'lr': BASE_LR, 'weight_decay': 0}
-if OPTIM == torch.optim.SGD:
+if OPTIM is torch.optim.SGD:
     OPTIM_PARAMS['momentum'] = 0.99  # SGD with momentum
 # learning rate scheduler: CyclicLR policy
 # LR_SCHEDULER = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CyclicLR
-LR_SCHEDULER_PARAMS = {'base_lr': BASE_LR, 'max_lr': MAX_LR,
-                       'mode': 'triangular', 'step_size_up': 400,
-                       'cycle_momentum': False, 'base_momentum': 0.9,
-                       'max_momentum': 0.99}
+    'base_lr': BASE_LR, 'max_lr': MAX_LR, 'mode': 'triangular',
+    'cycle_momentum': True if OPTIM is torch.optim.SGD else False,
+    'base_momentum': 0.9, 'max_momentum': 0.99, 'step_size_up': 400}
 # whether to randomly shuffle time steps or to conserve time series for model
 # training
@@ -157,7 +177,7 @@ NORM = True
 # network training configuration
     'checkpoint_state': {},
-    'epochs': 50,
+    'epochs': 100,
     'save': True,
     'save_loaders': False,
     'early_stop': True,