import os import time import xarray as xr import rasterio from import MemoryFile import pyproj from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool from datetime import datetime def netcdf_to_cog(netcdf_path: str, cog_dir: str) -> None: """ Convert a SWE netCDF file to a series of Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) files. Parameters ---------- netcdf_path : str Path to the netCDF file. cog_dir : str Directory for the output COG files. swe_name_year : str Name of the SWE dataset and year. This is used in the COG file names. """ time_start: float = time.perf_counter() os.makedirs(cog_dir, exist_ok=True) dataset = xr.open_dataset(netcdf_path) spatial_ref = dataset["spatial_ref"].attrs["crs_wkt"] crs = pyproj.CRS.from_string(spatial_ref) transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds( dataset.x[0], dataset.y[-1], dataset.x[-1], dataset.y[0], dataset.sizes["x"], dataset.sizes["y"], ) for i in tqdm(range(dataset.sizes["time"])): time_slice = dataset.isel(time=i) timestamp = time_slice.time.values.astype("datetime64[D]").astype(str) date = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d") formatted_timestamp = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") generic_var_name = "swe" method_standard = "reconstruction" var_type = "c" spatial_support = "50m" depth_reference = "s" bounding_box = "it" epsg_code = "epsg.3035" current_date = version_code = "v" + current_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") cog_file = f"{generic_var_name}_{method_standard}_{var_type}_{spatial_support}_{depth_reference}_{formatted_timestamp}_{bounding_box}_{epsg_code}_{version_code}.tif" cog_path = os.path.join(cog_dir, cog_file) with "temp.tif", "w", driver="GTiff", height=time_slice.y.size, width=time_slice.x.size, count=1, dtype=str(time_slice.SWE.dtype), crs=crs, transform=transform, ) as temp: temp.write(time_slice.SWE.values, 1) with"temp.tif") as src: profile = src.profile profile.update( driver="COG", dtype=rasterio.float32, nodata=0, compress="deflate", predictor=2, blockxsize=256, blockysize=256, tiled=True, ) with, "w", **profile) as dst: dst.write(, 1) os.remove("temp.tif") time_end: float = time.perf_counter() print(f"COG creation time: {time_end - time_start:.2f} seconds") def process_multiple_datasets(netcdf_paths, cog_dirs): for netcdf_path, cog_dir in zip(netcdf_paths, cog_dirs): netcdf_to_cog(netcdf_path, cog_dir)