From 3f51854ff6cdddc33fe38f16084316a7ce034072 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Daniel.Frisinghelli" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 17:18:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added new utility function to restructure a dataset

 pysegcnn/core/ | 264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 264 insertions(+)

diff --git a/pysegcnn/core/ b/pysegcnn/core/
index 1729a4a..c9e6cce 100644
--- a/pysegcnn/core/
+++ b/pysegcnn/core/
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ License
 # builtins
 import os
 import re
+import shutil
 import logging
+import pathlib
+import tarfile
+import zipfile
 import datetime
 # externals
@@ -703,3 +707,263 @@ def item_in_enum(name, enum):
         return enum.__members__[name].value
+def destack_tiff(image, outpath=None, overwrite=False, remove=False,
+                 suffix=''):
+    """Destack a TIFF with more than one band into a TIFF file for each band.
+    Each band in ``image`` is saved to ``outpath`` as distinct TIFF file.
+    The default filenames are: "filename(``image``) + _B(i).tif", where i is
+    the respective number of each band in ``image``.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    image : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
+        The TIFF to destack.
+    outpath : `str`, optional
+        Path to save the output TIFF files. The default is None. If None,
+        ``outpath`` is the path to ``image``.
+    remove : `bool`, optional
+        Whether to remove ``image`` from disk after destacking. The default is
+        False.
+    overwrite : `bool`, optional
+        Whether to overwrite existing TIFF files.
+    suffix : `str`, optional
+        String to append to the filename of ``image``. If specified, the TIFF
+        filenames for each band in ``image`` are, "filename(``image``) +
+        + _B(i)_ + ``suffix``.tif". The default is ''.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    None.
+    """
+    # stop gdal printing warnings and errors to STDERR
+    gdal.PushErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler')
+    # raise Python exceptions for gdal errors
+    gdal.UseExceptions()
+    # convert to pathlib.Path
+    image = pathlib.Path(image)
+    if not image.exists():
+        raise FileNotFoundError('{} does not exist.'.format(image))
+    # name of the TIFF
+    imgname = image.stem
+    # default: output directory is equal to the input directory
+    if outpath is None:
+        outpath = image.parent
+    else:
+        outpath = pathlib.Path(outpath)
+        # check if output directory exists
+        if not outpath.exists():
+            outpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    # open the raster
+    img = gdal.Open(str(image))
+    # check whether the file was already processed
+    processed = list(outpath.glob(imgname + '_B*'))
+    if len(processed) == img.RasterCount and not overwrite:
+'{} already processed.'.format(imgname))
+        del img
+        return
+    # image driver
+    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
+    driver.Register()
+    # image size and tiles
+    cols = img.RasterXSize
+    rows = img.RasterYSize
+    bands = img.RasterCount
+    # print progress
+'Processing: {}'.format(imgname))
+    # iterate the bands of the raster
+    for b in range(1, bands + 1):
+        # read the data of band b
+        band = img.GetRasterBand(b)
+        data = band.ReadAsArray()
+        # output file: replace for band name
+        fname = str(outpath.joinpath(imgname + '_B{:d}.tif'.format(b)))
+        if suffix:
+            fname = fname.replace('.tif', '_{}.tif'.format(suffix))
+        outDs = driver.Create(fname, cols, rows, 1, band.DataType)
+        # define output band
+        outband = outDs.GetRasterBand(1)
+        # write array to output band
+        outband.WriteArray(data)
+        outband.FlushCache()
+        # Set the geographic information
+        outDs.SetProjection(img.GetProjection())
+        outDs.SetGeoTransform(img.GetGeoTransform())
+        # clear memory
+        del outband, band, data, outDs
+    # remove old stacked GeoTIFF
+    del img
+    if remove:
+        os.unlink(image)
+def standard_eo_structure(source_path, target_path, overwrite=False,
+                          move=False, parser=parse_landsat_scene):
+    """Modify the directory structure of a remote sensing dataset.
+    This function assumes that ``source_path`` points to a directory containing
+    remote sensing data, where each file in ``source_path`` and its sub-folders
+    should contain a scene identifier in its filename. The scene identifier is
+    used to restructure the dataset.
+    Currently, Landsat and Sentinel-2 datasets are supported.
+    The directory tree in ``source_path`` is modified to the following
+    structure in ``target_path``:
+        target_path/
+            scene_id_1/
+                files matching scene_id_1
+            scene_id_2/
+                files matching scene_id_2
+            .
+            .
+            .
+            scene_id_n/
+                files matching scene_id_n
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    source_path : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
+        Path to the remote sensing dataset.
+    target_path : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
+        Path to save the restructured dataset.
+    overwrite : `bool`, optional
+        Whether to overwrite existing files in ``target_path``.
+        The default is True.
+    move : `bool`, optional
+        Whether to move the files from ``source_path`` to ``target_path``. If
+        True, files in ``source_path`` are moved to ``target_path``, if False,
+        files in ``source_path`` are copied to ``target_path``. The default is
+        False.
+    parser : `function`, optional
+        The scene identifier parsing function. Depends on the sensor of the
+        dataset. See e.g., `pysegcnn.core.utils.parse_landsat_scene`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    None.
+    """
+    # create a directory for each scene
+    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(source_path):
+        # check if there are files in the current folder
+        if not filenames:
+            continue
+        # iterate over the files to modify
+        for file in filenames:
+            # get the path to the file
+            old_path = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
+            # get name of the scene
+            scene = parser(old_path)
+            if scene is None:
+                # path to copy files not matching a scene identifier
+                new_path = pathlib.Path(target_path).joinpath('misc', file)
+                # file a warning if the file does not match a scene identifier
+                LOGGER.warning('{} does not match a scene identifier. Copying '
+                               'to {}.'.format(os.path.basename(old_path),
+                                               new_path.parent))
+            else:
+                # the name of the scene
+                scene_name = scene['id']
+                # define the new path to the file
+                new_path = pathlib.Path(target_path).joinpath(scene_name, file)
+            # move files to new directory
+            if new_path.is_file() and not overwrite:
+      '{} already exists.'.format(new_path))
+                continue
+            else:
+                new_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+                if move:
+                    shutil.move(old_path, new_path)
+          'mv {}'.format(new_path))
+                else:
+          'cp {}'.format(new_path))
+                    shutil.copy(old_path, new_path)
+    # remove old file location
+    if move:
+        shutil.rmtree(source_path)
+def extract_archive(inpath, outpath, overwrite=False):
+    """Extract files from an archive.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    inpath : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
+        Path to an archive.
+    outpath : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
+        Path to save extracted files.
+    overwrite : `bool`, optional
+        Whether to overwrite existing extracted files.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    subdir : str
+        path to the extracted files
+    """
+    inpath = pathlib.Path(inpath)
+    # create the output directory
+    outpath = pathlib.Path(outpath)
+    if not outpath.exists():
+        outpath.mkdir(parents=True)
+    # name of the archive
+    archive = inpath.stem
+    # path to the extracted files
+    target = outpath.joinpath(archive)
+    if target.exists():
+        if overwrite:
+  'Overwriting: {}'.format(target))
+            shutil.rmtree(target)
+        else:
+  'Extracted files are located in: {}'.format(target))
+            return target
+    # create output directory
+    target.mkdir(parents=True)
+    # read the archive
+    if'.tgz') or'.tar.gz'):
+        tar =, "r:gz")
+    elif'.zip'):
+        tar = zipfile.ZipFile(inpath, 'r')
+    # extract files to the output directory
+'Extracting: {}'.format(archive))
+    tar.extractall(target)
+    return target