diff --git a/pysegcnn/core/utils.py b/pysegcnn/core/utils.py
index 1db0a9750199ae82abb0d392e047b4f0b92756b2..867abc35d2954dd31741b93865b1b06d343acb98 100644
--- a/pysegcnn/core/utils.py
+++ b/pysegcnn/core/utils.py
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ def img2np(path, tile_size=None, tile=None, pad=False, cval=0):
 def np2tif(array, filename, no_data=None, names=None, src_ds=None, epsg=None,
-           geotransform=None):
+           geotransform=None, overwrite=False):
     """Save a :py:class`numpy.ndarray` as a GeoTIFF.
     The spatial coordinate reference system can be specified in two ways:
@@ -299,6 +299,8 @@ def np2tif(array, filename, no_data=None, names=None, src_ds=None, epsg=None,
         A tuple with six elements of the form,
         (x_top_left, x_res, x_shift, y_top_left, -y_res, y_shift), describing
         the spatial reference.
+    overwrite : `bool`, optional
+        Whether to overwrite ``filename`` if it exists. The default is `False`.
     .. _EPSG:
@@ -333,12 +335,20 @@ def np2tif(array, filename, no_data=None, names=None, src_ds=None, epsg=None,
         raise ValueError('{} is not a file.'.format(filename))
     filename = pathlib.Path(str(filename).replace(filename.suffix, '.tif'))
+    # check if file exists
+    if filename.exists() and not overwrite:
+        LOGGER.info('{} already exists.'.format(filename))
+        return
+    # create temporary file
+    tmp_path = _tmp_path(filename)
     # create output GeoTIFF
-    trg_ds = driver.Create(str(filename), width, height, bands, dtype)
+    tmp_ds = driver.Create(str(tmp_path), width, height, bands, dtype)
     # iterate over the number of bands and write to output file
     for b in range(bands):
-        trg_band = trg_ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1)
+        trg_band = tmp_ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1)
         trg_band.WriteArray(array[b, ...])
         # set the band description, if specified
@@ -353,8 +363,8 @@ def np2tif(array, filename, no_data=None, names=None, src_ds=None, epsg=None,
     # set spatial reference
     if src_ds is not None:
         # inherit spatial reference from source dataset
-        trg_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection())
-        trg_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform())
+        tmp_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection())
+        tmp_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform())
         # check whether both the epsg code and the geotransform tuple are
         # specified
@@ -363,16 +373,17 @@ def np2tif(array, filename, no_data=None, names=None, src_ds=None, epsg=None,
             sr = osr.SpatialReference().ImportFromEPSG(epsg).ExporttoWkt()
             # set spatial reference from epsg
-            trg_ds.SetProjection(sr)
-            trg_ds.SetGeoTransform(geotransform)
+            tmp_ds.SetProjection(sr)
+            tmp_ds.SetGeoTransform(geotransform)
             raise ValueError('Both "epsg" and "geotransform" required to set '
                              'spatial reference if "src_ds" is None.')
     # clear dataset
-    del trg_band, trg_ds
+    del trg_band, tmp_ds
-    return
+    # compress raster
+    compress_raster(tmp_path, filename)
 def read_hdf(path, **kwargs):
@@ -431,6 +442,8 @@ def hdf2tifs(path, outpath=None, overwrite=False, create_stack=True, **kwargs):
     The default (``outpath=None``) is to save the GeoTIFFs in a directory named
     after the filename of ``path``, within the parent directory of ``path``.
+    The output GeoTIFFs are compressed by default.
     path : `str` or py:class:`pathlib.Path`
@@ -504,7 +517,8 @@ def hdf2tifs(path, outpath=None, overwrite=False, create_stack=True, **kwargs):
             # convert hdf subdataset to GeoTIFF
             LOGGER.info('Converting: {}'.format(tif_name.name))
-            gdal.Translate(str(tif_name), gdal.Open(ds[0]), **kwargs)
+            gdal.Translate(str(tif_name), gdal.Open(ds[0]), creationOptions=[
+                'COMPRESS=DEFLATE', 'PREDICTOR=1', 'TILED=YES'], **kwargs)
         # check whether to create a GeoTIFF stack
         if create_stack:
@@ -526,6 +540,8 @@ def hdf2tifs(path, outpath=None, overwrite=False, create_stack=True, **kwargs):
 def stack_tifs(filename, tifs, **kwargs):
     """Create a stacked GeoTIFF from a list of single-band GeoTIFFs.
+    The output GeoTIFF stack is compressed by default.
     filename : `str` or py:class:`pathlib.Path`
@@ -552,7 +568,8 @@ def stack_tifs(filename, tifs, **kwargs):
     # create GeoTIFF stack
-    gdal.Translate(str(filename), vrt_ds, **kwargs)
+    gdal.Translate(str(filename), vrt_ds, creationOptions=[
+        'COMPRESS=DEFLATE', 'PREDICTOR=1', 'TILED=YES'], **kwargs)
     del vrt_ds
@@ -1917,7 +1934,8 @@ def reproject_raster(src_ds, trg_ds, ref_ds=None, epsg=None, resample='near',
     # check whether the source dataset exists
     if not src_path.exists():
-        LOGGER.warning('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        return
     # check whether the output datasets exists
     trg_path = pathlib.Path(trg_ds)
@@ -1925,9 +1943,13 @@ def reproject_raster(src_ds, trg_ds, ref_ds=None, epsg=None, resample='near',
         trg_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         # check whether to overwrite existing files
-        if overwrite:
-            LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
-            trg_path.unlink()
+        if not overwrite:
+            LOGGER.info('{} already exists.'.format(trg_path))
+            return
+        # overwrite
+        LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
+        trg_path.unlink()
     # read the source dataset
     src_ds = gdal.Open(str(src_path))
@@ -1971,9 +1993,12 @@ def reproject_raster(src_ds, trg_ds, ref_ds=None, epsg=None, resample='near',
         ref_xres = pixel_size[0]
         ref_yres = pixel_size[1]
+    # create a temporary path
+    tmp_path = _tmp_path(trg_path)
     # reproject source dataset to target projection
-    LOGGER.info('Reproject {}:'.format(src_path.name))
-    gdal.Warp(str(trg_path), str(src_path),
+    LOGGER.info('Reproject: {}'.format(src_path.name))
+    gdal.Warp(str(tmp_path), str(src_path),
@@ -1982,6 +2007,9 @@ def reproject_raster(src_ds, trg_ds, ref_ds=None, epsg=None, resample='near',
+    # compress raster
+    compress_raster(tmp_path, trg_path)
     # clear gdal cache
     del src_ds, ref_ds
@@ -2015,18 +2043,22 @@ def reproject_vector(src_ds, trg_ds, ref_ds=None, epsg=None, overwrite=False):
     # check whether the source dataset exists
     if not src_path.exists():
-        LOGGER.warning('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        return
     # check whether the output datasets exists
     trg_path = pathlib.Path(trg_ds)
     if not trg_path.exists():
-        LOGGER.info('mkdir {}'.format(str(trg_path.parent)))
         trg_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         # check whether to overwrite existing files
-        if overwrite:
-            LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
-            trg_path.unlink()
+        if not overwrite:
+            LOGGER.info('{} already exists.'.format(trg_path))
+            return
+        # overwrite
+        LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
+        trg_path.unlink()
     # read the source vector dataset
     src_ds = ogr.Open(str(src_path))
@@ -2152,18 +2184,22 @@ def vector2raster(src_ds, trg_ds, pixel_size, out_type, attribute=None,
     # check whether the source dataset exists
     if not src_path.exists():
-        LOGGER.warning('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        return
     # check whether the output datasets exists
     trg_path = pathlib.Path(trg_ds)
     if not trg_path.exists():
-        LOGGER.info('mkdir {}'.format(str(trg_path.parent)))
         trg_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         # check whether to overwrite existing files
-        if overwrite:
-            LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
-            trg_path.unlink()
+        if not overwrite:
+            LOGGER.info('{} already exists.'.format(trg_path))
+            return
+        # overwrite
+        LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
+        trg_path.unlink()
     # read the source vector dataset
     src_ds = ogr.Open(str(src_path))
@@ -2189,12 +2225,19 @@ def vector2raster(src_ds, trg_ds, pixel_size, out_type, attribute=None,
             # attribute
             burn_value = None
+    # create a temporary path
+    tmp_path = _tmp_path(trg_path)
     # rasterize vector dataset to defined spatial resolution
-    gdal.Rasterize(str(trg_path), str(src_path),
+    LOGGER.info('Rasterizing: {}'.format(src_path))
+    gdal.Rasterize(str(tmp_path), str(src_path),
                    xRes=pixel_size[1], yRes=pixel_size[0],
                    noData=nodata, outputType=out_type, attribute=attribute,
                    outputSRS=src_lr.GetSpatialRef(), burnValues=burn_value)
+    # compress raster dataset
+    compress_raster(tmp_path, trg_path)
     # clear source dataset
     del src_ds
@@ -2261,7 +2304,7 @@ def dec2bin(number, nbits=8):
 def extract_by_mask(src_ds, mask_ds, trg_ds, overwrite=False,
                     src_no_data=None, trg_no_data=None):
-    """Extract raster values by mask.
+    """Extract raster values by a shapefile.
     Extract the extent of ``mask_ds`` from ``src_ds``. The masked values of
     ``src_ds`` are saved in ``trg_ds``.
@@ -2274,8 +2317,7 @@ def extract_by_mask(src_ds, mask_ds, trg_ds, overwrite=False,
     src_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
         The input raster to extract values from.
     mask_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
-        A mask defining the area of interest. Either a raster file or
-        a shapefile.
+        A shapefile defining the area of interest.
     trg_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
         The masked target dataset.
     overwrite : `bool`, optional
@@ -2295,11 +2337,13 @@ def extract_by_mask(src_ds, mask_ds, trg_ds, overwrite=False,
     # check whether the source dataset exists
     if not src_path.exists():
-        LOGGER.warning('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        return
     # check whether the mask exists
     if not mask_path.exists():
-        LOGGER.warning('{} does not exist.'.format(str(mask_path)))
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(str(mask_path)))
+        return
     # check whether the output datasets exists
     trg_path = pathlib.Path(trg_ds)
@@ -2307,65 +2351,138 @@ def extract_by_mask(src_ds, mask_ds, trg_ds, overwrite=False,
         trg_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         # check whether to overwrite existing files
-        if overwrite:
-            LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
-            trg_path.unlink()
+        if not overwrite:
+            LOGGER.info('{} already exists.'.format(trg_path))
+            return
+        # overwrite
+        LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
+        trg_path.unlink()
+    # create a temporary file
+    tmp_path = _tmp_path(trg_path)
     # read the source dataset
     src_ds = gdal.Open(str(src_path))
+    LOGGER.info('Extract: {}, {}'.format(src_path.name, mask_path.name))
-    # source dataset spatial reference
-    src_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
-    src_sr.ImportFromWkt(src_ds.GetProjection())
+    # extract raster values by shapefile
+    gdal.Warp(str(tmp_path), str(src_path),
+              cutlineDSName=str(mask_path),
+              cropToCutline=True,
+              xRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[1],
+              yRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[5],
+              srcNodata=src_no_data,
+              dstNodata=trg_no_data)
+    # compress raster
+    compress_raster(tmp_path, trg_path)
+    # clear source dataset
+    del src_ds
-    LOGGER.info('Extract: {}, {}'.format(src_path.name, mask_path.name))
-    # checkt the type of the mask dataset
-    if mask_path.name.endswith('.shp'):
-        # clip raster values by shapefile
-        gdal.Warp(str(trg_path), str(src_path),
-                  cutlineDSName=str(mask_path),
-                  cropToCutline=True,
-                  xRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[1],
-                  yRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[5],
-                  srcNodata=src_no_data,
-                  dstNodata=trg_no_data)
+def clip_raster(src_ds, mask_ds, trg_ds, overwrite=False, src_no_data=None,
+                trg_no_data=None):
+    """Clip raster to extent of another raster.
+    Clip the extent of ``src_ds`` to the extent of ``mask_ds``. The clipped
+    raster is saved in ``trg_ds``.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    src_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
+        The input raster to clip.
+    mask_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
+        The raster defining the extent of interest.
+    trg_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
+        The clipped raster dataset.
+    overwrite : `bool`, optional
+        Whether to overwrite ``trg_ds``, if it exists. The default is `False`.
+    src_no_data : `int` or `float`, optional
+        The value of NoData values in ``src_ds``. The default is `None`, which
+        means the value is read from ``src_ds``. If specified, values equal to
+        ``src_no_data`` are masked as ``trg_no_data`` in ``trg_ds``.
+    trg_no_data : `int` or `float`, optional
+        The value to assign to NoData values in ``trg_ds``. The default is
+        `None`, which means conserving the NoData value of ``src_ds``.
+    """
+    # convert path to source dataset and mask dataset to pathlib.Path object
+    src_path = pathlib.Path(src_ds)
+    mask_path = pathlib.Path(mask_ds)
+    # check whether the source dataset exists
+    if not src_path.exists():
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(str(src_path)))
+        return
+    # check whether the mask exists
+    if not mask_path.exists():
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist.'.format(str(mask_path)))
+        return
+    # check whether the output datasets exists
+    trg_path = pathlib.Path(trg_ds)
+    if not trg_path.exists():
+        trg_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        # mask is a raster dataset
-        mask_ds = gdal.Open(str(mask_path))
+        # check whether to overwrite existing files
+        if not overwrite:
+            LOGGER.info('{} already exists.'.format(trg_path))
+            return
+        # overwrite
+        LOGGER.info('Overwrite {}'.format(str(trg_path)))
+        trg_path.unlink()
-        # spatial extent of the mask: (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max)
-        gt = mask_ds.GetGeoTransform()
-        extent = [gt[0], gt[0] + gt[1] * mask_ds.RasterXSize,
-                  gt[3] + gt[5] * mask_ds.RasterYSize, gt[3]]
+    # mask is a raster dataset
+    mask_ds = gdal.Open(str(mask_path))
-        # mask dataset spatial reference
-        mask_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
-        mask_sr.ImportFromWkt(mask_ds.GetProjection())
+    # spatial extent of the mask: (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max)
+    gt = mask_ds.GetGeoTransform()
+    extent = [gt[0], gt[0] + gt[1] * mask_ds.RasterXSize,
+              gt[3] + gt[5] * mask_ds.RasterYSize, gt[3]]
-        # coordinate transformation: from mask to source
-        crs_tr = osr.CoordinateTransformation(mask_sr, src_sr)
+    # mask dataset spatial reference
+    mask_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
+    mask_sr.ImportFromWkt(mask_ds.GetProjection())
+    # source dataset spatial reference
+    src_ds = gdal.Open(str(src_path))
+    src_sr = osr.SpatialReference()
+    src_sr.ImportFromWkt(src_ds.GetProjection())
-        # transform extent of mask to source coordinate system
+    # coordinate transformation: from mask to source
+    crs_tr = osr.CoordinateTransformation(mask_sr, src_sr)
-        # TransfromPoint expects input:
-        #   - gdal >= 3.0: x, y, z = TransformPoint(y, x)
-        #   - gdal < 3.0 : x, y, z = TransformPoint(x, y)
-        x_tl, y_tl, _ = crs_tr.TransformPoint(extent[0], extent[-1])
-        x_br, y_br, _ = crs_tr.TransformPoint(extent[1], extent[2])
+    # transform extent of mask to source coordinate system
-        # extent of the mask in the source reference coordinate system:
-        # (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
-        extent = [x_tl, y_br, x_br, y_tl]
+    # TransfromPoint expects input:
+    #   - gdal >= 3.0: x, y, z = TransformPoint(y, x)
+    #   - gdal < 3.0 : x, y, z = TransformPoint(x, y)
+    x_tl, y_tl, _ = crs_tr.TransformPoint(extent[0], extent[-1])
+    x_br, y_br, _ = crs_tr.TransformPoint(extent[1], extent[2])
-        # extract values by mask
-        gdal.Warp(str(trg_path), str(src_path),
-                  outputBounds=extent,
-                  xRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[1],
-                  yRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[5],
-                  srcNodata=src_no_data,
-                  dstNodata=trg_no_data)
+    # extent of the mask in the source reference coordinate system:
+    # (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
+    extent = [x_tl, y_br, x_br, y_tl]
+    # create a temporary file
+    tmp_path = _tmp_path(trg_path)
+    # clip raster extent
+    LOGGER.info('Clipping: {}, Extent: (x_tl={:.2f}, y_br={:.2f}, x_br={:.2f},'
+                ' y_tl={:.2f})'.format(src_path.name, *extent))
+    gdal.Warp(str(tmp_path), str(src_path),
+              outputBounds=extent,
+              xRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[1],
+              yRes=src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[5],
+              srcNodata=src_no_data,
+              dstNodata=trg_no_data)
+    # compress raster dataset
+    compress_raster(tmp_path, trg_path)
     # clear source and mask dataset
     del src_ds, mask_ds
@@ -2466,5 +2583,55 @@ def merge_tifs(trg_ds, tifs):
         List of paths to the GeoTiffs to mosaic.
-    LOGGER.info('Creating mosaic: {}'.format(trg_ds))
-    gdal.Warp(str(trg_ds), [str(tif) for tif in tifs])
+    # create mosaic
+    tmp_path = _tmp_path(trg_ds)
+    LOGGER.info('Create mosaic: {}'.format(trg_ds))
+    gdal.Warp(str(tmp_path), [str(tif) for tif in tifs])
+    # compress raster
+    compress_raster(tmp_path, trg_ds)
+def compress_raster(src_ds, trg_ds):
+    """Compress a raster dataset using :py:func:`gdal.Translate`.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    src_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
+        Path to the raster dataset to compress.
+    trg_ds : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
+        Path to save the compressed raster dataset.
+    """
+    # check if the raster dataset exists
+    src_ds = pathlib.Path(src_ds)
+    if not src_ds.exists():
+        LOGGER.info('{} does not exist'.format(src_ds))
+        return
+    # compress raster dataset
+    LOGGER.info('Compressing: {}'.format(trg_ds))
+    gdal.Translate(str(trg_ds), str(src_ds), creationOptions=[
+    # remove uncompressed raster dataset
+    src_ds.unlink()
+def _tmp_path(path):
+    """Create a temporary filename from a given path.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    path : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
+        Path to a file for which a temporary path is required.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    tmp_path : `str` or :py:class:`pathlib.Path`
+        Path to the temporary file.
+    """
+    path = pathlib.Path(path)
+    return pathlib.Path(str(path).replace(path.suffix,
+                                          '_tmp{}'.format(path.suffix)))