diff --git a/pysegcnn/core/trainer.py b/pysegcnn/core/trainer.py
index 88e0fc624c0999dd9a9ed2802a9e9f6dafa4b09d..bc20de3f6989fdf843dd3e3a04d2872d9ae339aa 100644
--- a/pysegcnn/core/trainer.py
+++ b/pysegcnn/core/trainer.py
@@ -2643,77 +2643,76 @@ class NetworkInference(BaseConfig):
                 # load existing model evaluation
                 if not self.overwrite:
                     inference[state.stem] = torch.load(self.eval_file(state))
+                    continue
                     # overwrite existing model evaluation
                     LOGGER.info('Overwriting model evaluation: {}.'
-            else:
+            # plot loss and accuracy
+            plot_loss(check_filename_length(state),
+                      outpath=self.perfmc_path)
-                # plot loss and accuracy
-                plot_loss(check_filename_length(state),
-                          outpath=self.perfmc_path)
+            # load the target dataset to evaluate the model on
+            self.trg_ds = self.load_dataset(
+                state, implicit=self.implicit, test=self.test,
+                domain=self.domain)
-                # load the target dataset to evaluate the model on
-                self.trg_ds = self.load_dataset(
-                    state, implicit=self.implicit, test=self.test,
-                    domain=self.domain)
+            # load the source dataset the model was trained on
+            self.src_ds = self.load_dataset(state, test=None)
-                # load the source dataset the model was trained on
-                self.src_ds = self.load_dataset(state, test=None)
+            # load the pretrained model
+            model, _ = Network.load_pretrained_model(state)
-                # load the pretrained model
-                model, _ = Network.load_pretrained_model(state)
-                # evaluate the model on the target dataset
-                output = self.predict(model)
-                # merge predictions of the different samples
-                y_true = np.asarray([v['y_true'].flatten() for _, v
-                                     in output.items()]).flatten()
-                y_pred = np.asarray([v['y_pred'].flatten() for _, v
-                                     in output.items()]).flatten()
-                # calculate classification report from sklearn
-                report_name = self.report_path.joinpath(
-                    self.report_name(state))
-                LOGGER.info('Calculating classification report: {}'
-                            .format(report_name))
-                report = classification_report(
-                    y_true, y_pred, target_names=self.class_names,
-                    output_dict=True)
-                # store report in output dictionary
-                output['report'] = report2df(report, self.class_names)
-                # plot classification report
-                fig = plot_classification_report(report, self.class_names)
-                fig.savefig(report_name, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
-                # check whether to calculate confusion matrix
-                if self.cm:
-                    # calculate confusion matrix
-                    LOGGER.info('Computing confusion matrix ...')
-                    conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
-                    # add confusion matrix to model output
-                    output['cm'] = conf_mat
-                    # plot confusion matrix
-                    plot_confusion_matrix(
-                        conf_mat, self.class_names, state_file=state,
-                        subset=self.trg_ds.name,
-                        outpath=self.perfmc_path)
-                # save model predictions to file
-                LOGGER.info('Saving model evaluation: {}'
-                            .format(self.eval_file(state)))
-                torch.save(output, self.eval_file(state))
+            # evaluate the model on the target dataset
+            output = self.predict(model)
+            # merge predictions of the different samples
+            y_true = np.asarray([v['y_true'].flatten() for _, v
+                                 in output.items()]).flatten()
+            y_pred = np.asarray([v['y_pred'].flatten() for _, v
+                                 in output.items()]).flatten()
+            # calculate classification report from sklearn
+            report_name = self.report_path.joinpath(
+                self.report_name(state))
+            LOGGER.info('Calculating classification report: {}'
+                        .format(report_name))
+            report = classification_report(
+                y_true, y_pred, target_names=self.class_names,
+                output_dict=True, zero_division=1)
+            # store report in output dictionary
+            output['report'] = report2df(report, self.class_names)
+            # plot classification report
+            fig = plot_classification_report(report, self.class_names)
+            fig.savefig(report_name, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
+            # check whether to calculate confusion matrix
+            if self.cm:
+                # calculate confusion matrix
+                LOGGER.info('Computing confusion matrix ...')
+                conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
+                # add confusion matrix to model output
+                output['cm'] = conf_mat
+                # plot confusion matrix
+                plot_confusion_matrix(
+                    conf_mat, self.class_names, state_file=state,
+                    subset=self.trg_ds.name,
+                    outpath=self.perfmc_path)
+            # save model predictions to file
+            LOGGER.info('Saving model evaluation: {}'
+                        .format(self.eval_file(state)))
+            torch.save(output, self.eval_file(state))
-                # save model predictions to list
-                inference[state.stem] = output
+            # save model predictions to list
+            inference[state.stem] = output
         # check whether to aggregate the results of the different model runs
         if self.aggregate: