""" Raster2STAC - Generate STAC metadata from raster data This module provides a class `Raster2STAC` for extracting from raster data, represented as an `xr.DataArray` or a file path to netCDF(s) file(s), SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) format metadata JSON files. Authors: Mercurio Lorenzo, Eurac Research - Inst. for Earth Observation, Bolzano/Bozen IT Authors: Michele Claus, Eurac Research - Inst. for Earth Observation, Bolzano/Bozen IT Date: 2024-03-24 """ import datetime import json import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse import boto3 import botocore import dask import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pystac import rasterio import ujson import xarray as xr from fsspec.implementations.local import LocalFileSystem from openeo.local import LocalConnection from pystac.utils import str_to_datetime # Import rio_stac methods # Import extension version from rio_stac.stac import ( EO_EXT_VERSION, PROJECTION_EXT_VERSION, RASTER_EXT_VERSION, bbox_to_geom, get_dataset_geom, get_eobands_info, get_projection_info, get_raster_info, ) from .rioxarray_stac import ( rioxarray_get_dataset_geom, rioxarray_get_projection_info, rioxarray_get_raster_info, ) _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATACUBE_EXT_VERSION = "v1.0.0" class Raster2STAC: """ Raster2STAC Class - Convert raster data format into STAC metadata. Args: data: str or xr.DataArray Raster data as xr.DataArray or file path referring to a netCDF file. collection_id: str Identifier of the collection as a string (Example: 'blue-river-basin') collection_url: str Collection URL (must refer to the FastAPI URL where this collection will be uploaded). item_prefix: Optional[str] = "" Prefix to add before the datetime as item_id, if the same datetime can occur in multiple items. output_folder: Optional[str] = None Local folder for rasters and STAC metadata outputs. Default folder will be set as run timestamp folder (ex: ./20231215103000/) description: Optional[str] = "" Description of the STAC collection. title: Optional[str] = None, Title of the STAC collection. ignore_warns: Optional[bool] = False, If True, warnings during processing (such as xr lib warnings) will be ignored. keywords: Optional[list] = None, Keywords associated with the STAC item. providers: Optional[list] = None, Data providers associated with the STAC item. stac_version: str = "1.0.0", Version of the STAC specification to use. s3_upload: bool = True, If True, upload files to Amazon S3 Bucket. 1. For the "COG" output format: upload to S3 the COG files 2. For the "KERCHUNK" output format: upload the netCDFs and the json Kerchunk files to S3. bucket_name: str = None, Part of AWS S3 configuration: bucket name. bucket_file_prefix: str = None, Part of AWS S3 configuration: prefix for files in the S3 bucket. aws_region: str = None, Part of AWS S3 configuration: AWS region for S3. version: Optional[str] = None, Version of the STAC collection. license: Optional[str] = None, License information about STAC collection and its assets. sci_citation: Optional[str] = None Scientific citation(s) reference(s) about STAC collection. write_collection_assets = False, Include all assets in the STAC Collection, with unique keys. """ def __init__( self, data, collection_id, collection_url=None, item_prefix: Optional[str] = "", output_folder: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = "", title: Optional[str] = None, ignore_warns: Optional[bool] = False, keywords: Optional[list] = None, providers: Optional[list] = None, links: Optional[list] = None, stac_version="1.0.0", s3_upload=False, bucket_name=None, bucket_file_prefix=None, aws_region=None, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None, version=None, license=None, sci_doi=None, sci_citation=None, write_collection_assets=False, ): if ignore_warns: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.data = data self.data_ds = None self.X_DIM = None self.Y_DIM = None self.T_DIM = None self.B_DIM = None self.output_format = None self.media_type = None self.properties = {} # additional properties to add in the item self.collection_id = collection_id # name of collection the item belongs to self.collection_url = collection_url self.item_prefix = item_prefix self.description = description self.keywords = keywords self.providers = providers self.links = links self.stac_version = stac_version self.sci_doi = sci_doi self.write_collection_assets = write_collection_assets self.extensions = [ f"https://stac-extensions.github.io/projection/{PROJECTION_EXT_VERSION}/schema.json", f"https://stac-extensions.github.io/raster/{RASTER_EXT_VERSION}/schema.json", f"https://stac-extensions.github.io/eo/{EO_EXT_VERSION}/schema.json", # f"https://stac-extensions.github.io/datacube/{DATACUBE_EXT_VERSION}/schema.json", ] if output_folder is not None: self.output_folder = output_folder else: self.output_folder = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")[ :-3 ] self.output_file = f"{self.collection_id}.json" Path(self.output_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.stac_collection = None self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.bucket_file_prefix = bucket_file_prefix self.aws_region = aws_region self.s3_upload = s3_upload self.s3_client = None self.version = version self.title = title if self.s3_upload: # Initializing an S3 client self.s3_client = boto3.client( "s3", aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_key, ) # region_name=aws_region, # available_output_formats = ["csv","json_full"] # if output_format not in available_output_formats: # raise ValueError(f"output_format can be set to one of {available_output_formats}") # self.output_format = output_format self.license = license self.sci_citation = sci_citation # TODO: implement following attributes: self.overwrite, def fix_path_slash(self, res_loc): return res_loc if res_loc.endswith("/") else res_loc + "/" # TODO/FIXME: maybe better to put this method as an external static function? (and s3_client attribute as global variable) def upload_s3(self, file_path): if self.s3_client is not None: prefix = self.bucket_file_prefix file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) object_name = f"{self.fix_path_slash(prefix)}{file_name}" try: self.s3_client.upload_file(file_path, self.bucket_name, object_name) _log.debug( f"Successfully uploaded {file_name} to {self.bucket_name} as {object_name}" ) except botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: _log.debug( "AWS credentials not found. Make sure you set the correct access key and secret key." ) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: _log.debug(f'Error uploading file: {e.response["Error"]["Message"]}') def get_root_url(self, url): parsed_url = urlparse(url) # Extract protocol + domain root_url = urlunparse((parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.netloc, "", "", "", "")) return root_url def generate_kerchunk_stac(self): from kerchunk.hdf import SingleHdf5ToZarr def gen_json(u, so, json_dir): fs = LocalFileSystem(skip_instant_cache=True) with fs.open(u, **so) as inf: h5chunks = SingleHdf5ToZarr(inf, u, inline_threshold=300) with open(f"{str(json_dir)}/{u.split('/')[-1]}.json", "wb") as outf: outf.write(ujson.dumps(h5chunks.translate()).encode()) return f"{str(json_dir)}/{u.split('/')[-1]}.json" # Create the output folder for the Kerchunk files kerchunk_folder = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "kerchunk") Path(kerchunk_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) kerchunk_files_list = [] # Read the list of netCDFs for same_time_netcdfs in self.data: t_labels = [] for var in same_time_netcdfs: source_nc = var source_path = os.path.dirname(var) local_conn = LocalConnection(source_path) tmp = local_conn.load_collection(source_nc).execute() t_labels.append(tuple(tmp[tmp.openeo.temporal_dims[0]].values)) t_steps = [len(x) for x in t_labels] if len(set(t_steps)) != 1: raise ValueError( f"The provided netCDFs contain a different number of dates! {same_time_netcdfs}" ) if len(set(t_labels)) != 1: raise ValueError( "The provided netCDFs contain a different set of dates!" ) so = dict(mode="rb", anon=True, default_fill_cache=False) same_time_kerchunks = dask.compute( *[ dask.delayed(gen_json)(var, so, kerchunk_folder) for var in same_time_netcdfs ] ) kerchunk_files_list.append(same_time_kerchunks) # List of List json Kerchunk. # First list: each element (list) different year/time # Second list: each element different variables datasets_list = [] for same_time_data in kerchunk_files_list: for d in same_time_data: if d.endswith(".json"): self.data = xr.open_dataset( "reference://", engine="zarr", decode_coords="all", backend_kwargs={ "storage_options": { "fo": d, }, "consolidated": False, }, chunks={}, ).to_dataarray(dim="bands") # IS_KERCHUNK = True # UNUSED VARIABLE IS_KERCHUNK datasets_list.append(self.data) # Need to create one Item per time/netCDF self.data = xr.combine_by_coords(datasets_list, combine_attrs="drop_conflicts") # raise ValueError("'data' paramter must be either xr.DataArray, a str (path to a netCDF) or a list of lists with paths to JSON Kerchunk files.") self.X_DIM = self.data.openeo.x_dim self.Y_DIM = self.data.openeo.y_dim self.T_DIM = self.data.openeo.temporal_dims[0] self.B_DIM = self.data.openeo.band_dims[0] _log.debug( f"Extracted label dimensions from input are:\nx dimension:{self.X_DIM}\ny dimension:{self.Y_DIM}\nbands dimension:{self.B_DIM}\ntemporal dimension:{self.T_DIM}" ) self.output_format = "KERCHUNK" self.media_type = pystac.MediaType.JSON spatial_extents = [] temporal_extents = [] # item_list = [] # Create a list to store the items # unused variable # Get the time dimension values # time_values = self.data[self.T_DIM].values # unused variable eo_info = {} # resetting CSV file open(f"{Path(self.output_folder)}/inline_items.csv", "w+") _log.debug("Cycling all timestamps") # Loop over the kerchunk files for same_time_data in kerchunk_files_list: _log.debug(f"\nts: {same_time_data}") time_ranges = [] bands_data = {} for d in same_time_data: if d.endswith(".json"): band_data = xr.open_dataset( "reference://", engine="zarr", decode_coords="all", backend_kwargs={ "storage_options": { "fo": d, }, "consolidated": False, }, chunks={}, ).to_dataarray(dim="bands") bands_data[d] = band_data time_ranges.append(band_data[self.T_DIM].values) # for i,t_r in enumerate(time_ranges): # if i==0: # first_range = t_r # _are_all_time_steps_equal = True # else: # _are_all_time_steps_equal = np.array_equal(first_range,t_r) and _are_all_time_steps_equal # _log.debug(f"Are the time steps provided in the kerchunks aligned {_are_all_time_steps_equal}") # if not _are_all_time_steps_equal: # raise Exception(f"The time steps provided in the kerchunk files {same_time_data} are not the same, can't continue.") # Now we can create one STAC Item for this time range, with one asset each band/variable start_datetime = np.min(time_ranges[0]) end_datetime = np.max(time_ranges[0]) # Convert the time value to a datetime object # Format the timestamp as a string to use in the file name start_datetime_str = pd.Timestamp(start_datetime).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") end_datetime_str = pd.Timestamp(end_datetime).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") _log.debug( f"Extracted temporal extrema for this time range: {start_datetime_str} {end_datetime_str}" ) item_id = f"{f'{self.item_prefix}_' if self.item_prefix != '' else ''}{start_datetime_str}_{end_datetime_str}" # Create a unique directory for each time slice time_slice_dir = os.path.join( self.output_folder, f"{start_datetime_str}_{end_datetime_str}" ) Path(time_slice_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Get the band name (you may need to adjust this part based on your data) # bands = self.data[self.B_DIM].values pystac_assets = [] # Cycling all bands/variables _log.debug("Cycling all bands") eo_bands_list = [] for b_d in bands_data: band = bands_data[b_d][self.B_DIM].values[0] kerchunk_file = b_d _log.debug(f"b: {band}") link_path = kerchunk_file # if self.s3_upload: # #Uploading file to s3 # _log.debug(f"Uploading {path} to {self.fix_path_slash(self.bucket_file_prefix)}{os.path.basename(path)}") # self.upload_s3(path) # link_path = f"https://{self.bucket_name}.{self.aws_region}.amazonaws.com/{self.fix_path_slash(self.bucket_file_prefix)}{curr_file_name}" bboxes = [] # Create an asset dictionary for this time slice # Get BBOX and Footprint _log.debug(bands_data[b_d].rio.crs) _log.debug(bands_data[b_d].rio.bounds()) dataset_geom = rioxarray_get_dataset_geom( bands_data[b_d], densify_pts=0, precision=-1 ) bboxes.append(dataset_geom["bbox"]) proj_info = { f"proj:{name}": value for name, value in rioxarray_get_projection_info( bands_data[b_d] ).items() } raster_info = { "raster:bands": rioxarray_get_raster_info( bands_data[b_d], max_size=1024 ) } band_dict = {"name": band} eo_bands_list.append(band_dict) eo_info["eo:bands"] = [band_dict] pystac_assets.append( ( band, pystac.Asset( href=link_path, media_type=self.media_type, extra_fields={**proj_info, **raster_info, **eo_info}, roles=["data", "index"], ), ) ) eo_info["eo:bands"] = eo_bands_list minx, miny, maxx, maxy = zip(*bboxes) bbox = [min(minx), min(miny), max(maxx), max(maxy)] # item item = pystac.Item( id=item_id, geometry=bbox_to_geom(bbox), bbox=bbox, collection=None, # self.collection_id, #FIXME: da errore se lo si decommenta stac_extensions=self.extensions, datetime=None, start_datetime=pd.Timestamp(start_datetime), end_datetime=pd.Timestamp(end_datetime), properties=self.properties, ) # Calculate the item's spatial extent and add it to the list spatial_extents.append(item.bbox) # Calculate the item's temporal extent and add it to the list # item_datetime = item.start_datetime temporal_extents.append( [pd.Timestamp(start_datetime), pd.Timestamp(end_datetime)] ) for key, asset in pystac_assets: item.add_asset(key=key, asset=asset) item.validate() item.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.COLLECTION, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) item.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.PARENT, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) item.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.SELF, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/{item_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) item_dict = item.to_dict() # FIXME: persistent pystac bug or logical error (urllib error when adding root link to current item) # now this link is added manually by editing the dict item_dict["links"].append( { "rel": "root", "href": self.get_root_url( f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}" ), "type": "application/json", } ) # self.stac_collection.add_item(item) # Append the item to the list instead of adding it to the collection # item_dict = item.to_dict() item_dict["collection"] = self.collection_id # if self.output_format == "json_full": # item_list.append(copy.deepcopy(item_dict)) # If we don't get a deep copy, the properties datetime gets overwritten in the next iteration of the loop, don't know why. # elif self.output_format == "csv": item_oneline = json.dumps( item_dict, separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False ) output_path = Path(self.output_folder) with open(f"{output_path}/inline_items.csv", "a+") as out_csv: out_csv.write(f"{item_oneline}\n") jsons_path = f"{output_path}/items/" Path(jsons_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open( f"{self.fix_path_slash(jsons_path)}{item_id}.json", "w+" ) as out_json: out_json.write(json.dumps(item_dict, indent=4)) # Calculate overall spatial extent minx, miny, maxx, maxy = zip(*spatial_extents) overall_bbox = [min(minx), min(miny), max(maxx), max(maxy)] # Calculate overall temporal extent min_datetime = min(temporal_extents, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] max_datetime = max(temporal_extents, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] overall_temporal_extent = [min_datetime, max_datetime] s_ext = pystac.SpatialExtent([overall_bbox]) t_ext = pystac.TemporalExtent([overall_temporal_extent]) extra_fields = {} extra_fields["stac_version"] = self.stac_version if self.keywords is not None: extra_fields["keywords"] = self.keywords if self.providers is not None: extra_fields["providers"] = self.providers if self.version is not None: extra_fields["version"] = self.version if self.title is not None: extra_fields["title"] = self.title if self.sci_citation is not None: extra_fields["sci:citation"] = self.sci_citation if self.sci_doi is not None: extra_fields["sci:doi"] = self.sci_doi if self.sci_citation is not None or self.sci_doi is not None: self.extensions.append( "https://stac-extensions.github.io/scientific/v1.0.0/schema.json" ) extra_fields["summaries"] = eo_info self.extensions.append( "https://stac-extensions.github.io/datacube/v2.2.0/schema.json" ) extra_fields["stac_extensions"] = self.extensions cube_dimensons = { self.X_DIM: { "axis": "x", "type": "spatial", "extent": [ float(self.data.coords[self.X_DIM].min()), float(self.data.coords[self.X_DIM].max()), ], "reference_system": int((self.data.rio.crs.to_string()).split(":")[1]), }, self.Y_DIM: { "axis": "y", "type": "spatial", "extent": [ float(self.data.coords[self.Y_DIM].min()), float(self.data.coords[self.Y_DIM].max()), ], "reference_system": int((self.data.rio.crs.to_string()).split(":")[1]), }, self.T_DIM: { "type": "temporal", "extent": [ str(self.data[self.T_DIM].min().values), str(self.data[self.T_DIM].max().values), ], }, self.B_DIM: { "type": "bands", "values": list(self.data[self.B_DIM].values), }, } extra_fields["cube:dimensions"] = cube_dimensons self.stac_collection = pystac.collection.Collection( id=self.collection_id, description=self.description, extent=pystac.Extent(spatial=s_ext, temporal=t_ext), extra_fields=extra_fields, ) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.ITEMS, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/items", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.PARENT, self.get_root_url( f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/items" ), media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.SELF, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) # self.stac_collection.remove_links(rel=pystac.RelType.ROOT) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.ROOT, self.get_root_url( f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/items" ), media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) if self.license is not None: self.stac_collection.license = self.license # Create a single JSON file with all the items stac_collection_dict = self.stac_collection.to_dict() # in order to solve the double "root" link bug/issue links_dict = stac_collection_dict["links"] ctr_roots = 0 self_exists = False self_idx = 0 for idx, link in enumerate(links_dict): if link["rel"] == "root": ctr_roots = ctr_roots + 1 if link["rel"] == "self": self_exists = True self_idx = idx if ctr_roots == 2 and self_exists: for idx, link in enumerate(links_dict): if ( link["rel"] == "root" and link["href"] == links_dict[self_idx]["href"] and link["type"] == links_dict[self_idx]["type"] ): del links_dict[idx] break if self.links is not None: stac_collection_dict["links"] = stac_collection_dict["links"] + self.links # if self.output_format == "json_full": # stac_collection_dict["features"] = item_list # Replace the "features" field with the list of items json_str = json.dumps(stac_collection_dict, indent=4) # printing metadata.json test output file output_path = Path(self.output_folder) / Path(self.output_file) with open(output_path, "w+") as metadata: metadata.write(json_str) if self.s3_upload: # Uploading metadata JSON file to s3 _log.debug( f'Uploading metatada JSON "{output_path}" to {self.fix_path_slash(self.bucket_file_prefix)}{os.path.basename(output_path)}' ) self.upload_s3(output_path) def generate_cog_stac(self): if ( isinstance(self.data, xr.Dataset) or isinstance(self.data, xr.DataArray) or isinstance(self.data, str) ): if isinstance(self.data, xr.Dataset): # store datasets in a placeholder self.data_ds = self.data.copy(deep=True) self.data = self.data.to_dataarray(dim="bands") elif isinstance(self.data, xr.DataArray): pass elif isinstance(self.data, str): source_path = os.path.dirname(self.data) local_conn = LocalConnection(source_path) self.data = local_conn.load_collection(self.data).execute() self.data_ds = self.data.to_dataset(dim=self.B_DIM) self.output_format = "COG" self.media_type = ( pystac.MediaType.COG ) # we could also use rio_stac.stac.get_media_type) self.X_DIM = self.data.openeo.x_dim self.Y_DIM = self.data.openeo.y_dim self.T_DIM = self.data.openeo.temporal_dims[0] self.B_DIM = self.data.openeo.band_dims[0] _log.debug( f"Extracted label dimensions from input are:\nx dimension:{self.X_DIM}\ny dimension:{self.Y_DIM}\nbands dimension:{self.B_DIM}\ntemporal dimension:{self.T_DIM}" ) spatial_extents = [] temporal_extents = [] # item_list = [] # Create a list to store the items collection_assets = {} # Get the time dimension values time_values = self.data[self.T_DIM].values eo_info = {} # resetting CSV file open(f"{Path(self.output_folder)}/inline_items.csv", "w+") _log.debug("Cycling all timestamps") # Cycling all timestamps for t in time_values: _log.debug(f"\nts: {t}") # Convert the time value to a datetime object timestamp = pd.Timestamp(t) # Format the timestamp as a string to use in the file name time_str = timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") item_id = ( f"{f'{self.item_prefix}_' if self.item_prefix != '' else ''}{time_str}" ) # Create a unique directory for each time slice time_slice_dir = os.path.join(self.output_folder, time_str) if not os.path.exists(time_slice_dir): os.makedirs(time_slice_dir) # Get the band name (you may need to adjust this part based on your data) bands = self.data[self.B_DIM].values pystac_assets = [] # Cycling all bands _log.debug("Cycling all bands") eo_bands_list = [] for band in bands: _log.debug(f"b: {band}") curr_file_name = f"{band}_{time_str}.tif" # Define the GeoTIFF file path for this time slice and band path = os.path.join(time_slice_dir, curr_file_name) # Write the result to the GeoTIFF file if isinstance(self.data, xr.DataArray): self.data.loc[{self.T_DIM: t, self.B_DIM: band}].to_dataset( name=band ).rio.to_raster(raster_path=path, driver="COG") else: cog_file = self.data_ds.loc[{self.T_DIM: t}][band] cog_file.attrs["long_name"] = f"{band}" cog_file.to_dataset(name=band).rio.to_raster( raster_path=path, driver="COG" ) link_path = path if self.s3_upload: # Uploading file to s3 _log.debug( f"Uploading {path} to {self.fix_path_slash(self.bucket_file_prefix)}{os.path.basename(path)}" ) self.upload_s3(path) link_path = f"https://{self.bucket_name}.{self.aws_region}.amazonaws.com/{self.fix_path_slash(self.bucket_file_prefix)}{curr_file_name}" bboxes = [] # Create an asset dictionary for this time slice with rasterio.open(path) as src_dst: # Get BBOX and Footprint dataset_geom = get_dataset_geom( src_dst, densify_pts=0, precision=-1 ) bboxes.append(dataset_geom["bbox"]) proj_info = { f"proj:{name}": value for name, value in get_projection_info(src_dst).items() } raster_info = { "raster:bands": get_raster_info(src_dst, max_size=1024) } band_dict = get_eobands_info(src_dst)[0] # if type(band_dict) == dict: if isinstance(band_dict, dict): del band_dict["name"] band_dict["name"] = band_dict["description"] del band_dict["description"] else: pass # band_dict = {} eo_bands_list.append( band_dict ) # TODO: add to dict, rename description with name and remove name cloudcover = src_dst.get_tag_item("CLOUDCOVER", "IMAGERY") # TODO: try to add this field to the COG. Currently not present in the files we write here. if cloudcover is not None: self.properties.update({"eo:cloud_cover": int(cloudcover)}) eo_info["eo:bands"] = [band_dict] asset = pystac.Asset( href=link_path, media_type=self.media_type, extra_fields={**proj_info, **raster_info, **eo_info}, roles=["data"], ) pystac_assets.append( ( band, asset, ) ) if self.write_collection_assets: collection_assets[f"{item_id}_{band}"] = asset eo_info["eo:bands"] = eo_bands_list minx, miny, maxx, maxy = zip(*bboxes) bbox = [min(minx), min(miny), max(maxx), max(maxy)] # metadata_item_path = f"{self.fix_path_slash(time_slice_dir)}metadata.json" # item item = pystac.Item( id=item_id, geometry=bbox_to_geom(bbox), bbox=bbox, collection=None, # self.collection_id, #FIXME: da errore se lo si decommenta stac_extensions=self.extensions, datetime=str_to_datetime(str(t)), properties=self.properties, # href=metadata_item_path # no more needed after removing JSON for every item approach ) # Calculate the item's spatial extent and add it to the list item_bbox = item.bbox spatial_extents.append(item_bbox) # Calculate the item's temporal extent and add it to the list item_datetime = item.datetime temporal_extents.append([item_datetime, item_datetime]) for key, asset in pystac_assets: item.add_asset(key=key, asset=asset) item.validate() item.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.COLLECTION, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) item.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.PARENT, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) item.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.SELF, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/items/{item_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) item_dict = item.to_dict() # FIXME: persistent pystac bug or logical error (urllib error when adding root link to current item) # now this link is added manually by editing the dict item_dict["links"].append( { "rel": "root", "href": self.get_root_url( f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}" ), "type": "application/json", } ) # self.stac_collection.add_item(item) # Append the item to the list instead of adding it to the collection # item_dict = item.to_dict() item_dict["collection"] = self.collection_id # if self.output_format == "json_full": # item_list.append(copy.deepcopy(item_dict)) # If we don't get a deep copy, the properties datetime gets overwritten in the next iteration of the loop. # elif self.output_format == "csv": item_oneline = json.dumps( item_dict, separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False ) output_path = Path(self.output_folder) with open(f"{output_path}/inline_items.csv", "a+") as out_csv: out_csv.write(f"{item_oneline}\n") jsons_path = f"{output_path}/items/" Path(jsons_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open( f"{self.fix_path_slash(jsons_path)}{item_id}.json", "w+" ) as out_json: out_json.write(json.dumps(item_dict, indent=4)) # Calculate overall spatial extent minx, miny, maxx, maxy = zip(*spatial_extents) overall_bbox = [min(minx), min(miny), max(maxx), max(maxy)] # Calculate overall temporal extent min_datetime = min(temporal_extents, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] max_datetime = max(temporal_extents, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] overall_temporal_extent = [min_datetime, max_datetime] s_ext = pystac.SpatialExtent([overall_bbox]) t_ext = pystac.TemporalExtent([overall_temporal_extent]) extra_fields = {} extra_fields["stac_version"] = self.stac_version if self.keywords is not None: extra_fields["keywords"] = self.keywords if self.providers is not None: extra_fields["providers"] = self.providers if self.version is not None: extra_fields["version"] = self.version if self.title is not None: extra_fields["title"] = self.title if self.sci_citation is not None: extra_fields["sci:citation"] = self.sci_citation if self.sci_doi is not None: extra_fields["sci:doi"] = self.sci_doi if self.sci_citation is not None or self.sci_doi is not None: self.extensions.append( "https://stac-extensions.github.io/scientific/v1.0.0/schema.json" ) extra_fields["summaries"] = eo_info self.extensions.append( "https://stac-extensions.github.io/datacube/v2.2.0/schema.json" ) extra_fields["stac_extensions"] = self.extensions cube_dimensons = { self.X_DIM: { "axis": "x", "type": "spatial", "extent": [ float(self.data.coords[self.X_DIM].min()), float(self.data.coords[self.X_DIM].max()), ], "reference_system": int( self.data.rio.crs.to_string().split(":")[1] ), }, self.Y_DIM: { "axis": "y", "type": "spatial", "extent": [ float(self.data.coords[self.Y_DIM].min()), float(self.data.coords[self.Y_DIM].max()), ], "reference_system": int( self.data.rio.crs.to_string().split(":")[1] ), }, self.T_DIM: { "type": "temporal", "extent": [ str(self.data[self.T_DIM].min().values), str(self.data[self.T_DIM].max().values), ], }, self.B_DIM: { "type": "bands", "values": list(self.data[self.B_DIM].values), }, } extra_fields["cube:dimensions"] = cube_dimensons if self.write_collection_assets: self.stac_collection = pystac.collection.Collection( id=self.collection_id, description=self.description, extent=pystac.Extent(spatial=s_ext, temporal=t_ext), extra_fields=extra_fields, assets=collection_assets, ) else: self.stac_collection = pystac.collection.Collection( id=self.collection_id, description=self.description, extent=pystac.Extent(spatial=s_ext, temporal=t_ext), extra_fields=extra_fields, ) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.ITEMS, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/items", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.PARENT, self.get_root_url( f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/items" ), media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.SELF, f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}", media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) # self.stac_collection.remove_links(rel=pystac.RelType.ROOT) self.stac_collection.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.ROOT, self.get_root_url( f"{self.fix_path_slash(self.collection_url)}{self.collection_id}/items" ), media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) if self.license is not None: self.stac_collection.license = self.license # Create a single JSON file with all the items stac_collection_dict = self.stac_collection.to_dict() # in order to solve the double "root" link bug/issue links_dict = stac_collection_dict["links"] ctr_roots = 0 self_exists = False self_idx = 0 for idx, link in enumerate(links_dict): if link["rel"] == "root": ctr_roots = ctr_roots + 1 if link["rel"] == "self": self_exists = True self_idx = idx if ctr_roots == 2 and self_exists: for idx, link in enumerate(links_dict): if ( link["rel"] == "root" and link["href"] == links_dict[self_idx]["href"] and link["type"] == links_dict[self_idx]["type"] ): del links_dict[idx] break if self.links is not None: stac_collection_dict["links"] = stac_collection_dict["links"] + self.links # if self.output_format == "json_full": # stac_collection_dict["features"] = item_list # Replace the "features" field with the list of items json_str = json.dumps(stac_collection_dict, indent=4) # printing metadata.json test output file output_path = Path(self.output_folder) / Path(self.output_file) with open(output_path, "w+") as metadata: metadata.write(json_str) if self.s3_upload: # Uploading metadata JSON file to s3 _log.debug( f'Uploading metatada JSON "{output_path}" to {self.fix_path_slash(self.bucket_file_prefix)}{os.path.basename(output_path)}' ) self.upload_s3(output_path)