import datetime import os import pystac from pystac.utils import str_to_datetime import rasterio from pathlib import Path import copy # Import extension version from rio_stac.stac import ( PROJECTION_EXT_VERSION, RASTER_EXT_VERSION, EO_EXT_VERSION ) # Import rio_stac methods from rio_stac.stac import ( get_dataset_geom, get_projection_info, get_raster_info, get_eobands_info, bbox_to_geom, ) import pandas as pd import json import xarray as xr from typing import Callable, Optional, Union import logging _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Raster2STAC(): def __init__(self,data: xr.DataArray, t_dim: Optional[str] = "t", b_dim: Optional[str] = "bands", collection_id: Optional[str] = None, #collection id as string (same of collection and items) collection_url: Optional[str] = None, output_folder: Optional[str] = None, output_file: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = "", verbose=False ): = data self.t_dim = t_dim self.b_dim = b_dim self.pystac_assets = [] self.media_type = None # additional properties to add in the item = {} # datetime associated with the item self.input_datetime = None # name of collection the item belongs to self.collection_id = collection_id self.collection_url = collection_url self.description = description self.extensions = [ f"{PROJECTION_EXT_VERSION}/schema.json", f"{RASTER_EXT_VERSION}/schema.json", f"{EO_EXT_VERSION}/schema.json", ] self.set_media_type(pystac.MediaType.COG) # we could also use rio_stac.stac.get_media_type) if output_folder is not None: self.output_folder = output_folder else: self.output_folder = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')[:-3] if output_file is not None: self.output_file = output_file else: self.output_file = "collection.json" if not os.path.exists(self.output_folder): os.mkdir(self.output_folder) self.stac_collection = None self.verbose = verbose def set_media_type(self,media_type: pystac.MediaType): self.media_type = media_type def generate_stac(self): spatial_extents = [] temporal_extents = [] item_list = [] # Create a list to store the items # Get the time dimension values time_values =[self.t_dim].values #Cycling all timestamps if self.verbose: _log.debug("Cycling all timestamps") for t in time_values: if self.verbose: _log.debug(f"\nts: {t}") # Convert the time value to a datetime object timestamp = pd.Timestamp(t) # Format the timestamp as a string to use in the file name time_str = timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') # Create a unique directory for each time slice time_slice_dir = os.path.join(self.output_folder, time_str) if not os.path.exists(time_slice_dir): os.makedirs(time_slice_dir) # Get the band name (you may need to adjust this part based on your data) bands =[self.b_dim].values pystac_assets = [] # Cycling all bands if self.verbose: _log.debug("Cycling all bands") for band in bands: if self.verbose: _log.debug(f"b: {band}") # Define the GeoTIFF file path for this time slice and band path = os.path.join(time_slice_dir, f"{band}_{time_str}.tif") # Write the result to the GeoTIFF file[{self.t_dim:t,self.b_dim:band}].rio.to_raster(raster_path=path, driver='COG') bboxes = [] # Create an asset dictionary for this time slice with as src_dst: # Get BBOX and Footprint dataset_geom = get_dataset_geom(src_dst, densify_pts=0, precision=-1) bboxes.append(dataset_geom["bbox"]) proj_info = { f"proj:{name}": value for name, value in get_projection_info(src_dst).items() } raster_info = { "raster:bands": get_raster_info(src_dst, max_size=1024) } eo_info = {} eo_info = {"eo:bands": get_eobands_info(src_dst)} cloudcover = src_dst.get_tag_item("CLOUDCOVER", "IMAGERY") # TODO: try to add this field to the COG. Currently not present in the files we write here. if cloudcover is not None:{"eo:cloud_cover": int(cloudcover)}) pystac_assets.append( ( band, pystac.Asset( href=path, media_type=self.media_type, extra_fields={ **proj_info, **raster_info, **eo_info }, roles=None, ), ) ) minx, miny, maxx, maxy = zip(*bboxes) bbox = [min(minx), min(miny), max(maxx), max(maxy)] # item item = pystac.Item( id=time_str, geometry=bbox_to_geom(bbox), bbox=bbox, collection=None,#self.collection_id, stac_extensions=self.extensions, datetime=str_to_datetime(str(t)),, #href=metadata_item_path # Commented on Oct 12 ) # Calculate the item's spatial extent and add it to the list item_bbox = item.bbox spatial_extents.append(item_bbox) # Calculate the item's temporal extent and add it to the list item_datetime = item.datetime temporal_extents.append([item_datetime, item_datetime]) for key, asset in pystac_assets: item.add_asset(key=key, asset=asset) # TODO: produce single metatada for all items if specified by flag """ metadata_item_path = f"{time_slice_dir}/metadata.json" json_str = (json.dumps(item.to_dict(), indent=4)) #printing metadata.json test output file with open(metadata_item_path, "w+") as metadata: metadata.write(json_str) """ item.validate() #if we add a collection we MUST add a link if self.collection_id: item.add_link( pystac.Link( pystac.RelType.COLLECTION, self.collection_url or self.collection_id, media_type=pystac.MediaType.JSON, ) ) # Append the item to the list instead of adding it to the collection item_dict = item.to_dict() item_list.append(copy.deepcopy(item_dict)) # If we don't get a deep copy, the properties datetime gets overwritten in the next iteration of the loop, don't know why. # Calculate overall spatial extent minx, miny, maxx, maxy = zip(*spatial_extents) overall_bbox = [min(minx), min(miny), max(maxx), max(maxy)] # Calculate overall temporal extent min_datetime = min(temporal_extents, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] max_datetime = max(temporal_extents, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] overall_temporal_extent = [min_datetime, max_datetime] s_ext = pystac.SpatialExtent([overall_bbox]) t_ext = pystac.TemporalExtent([overall_temporal_extent]) self.stac_collection = pystac.collection.Collection( id=self.collection_id, description=self.description, extent=pystac.Extent(spatial=s_ext, temporal=t_ext), extra_fields={"stac_version": "1.0.0"}, ) # Create a single JSON file with all the items stac_collection_dict = self.stac_collection.to_dict() stac_collection_dict["features"] = item_list # Replace the "features" field with the list of items json_str = json.dumps(stac_collection_dict, indent=4) #printing metadata.json test output file #TS_tmp ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") #with open(f"metadata_{TS_tmp}.json", "w+") as metadata: output_path = Path(self.output_folder) / Path(self.output_file) with open(output_path, "w+") as metadata: metadata.write(json_str)