from sf_runoff import create_it_matrix, create_gap from climatology_ensemble import daily_climatology_p_et_ensemble import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.svm import SVR from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV,TimeSeriesSplit, KFold from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score from sf_runoff import smape import pdb import seaborn as sns def classic_CV_SVR_predict(daily_input, C, eps,gamma,t_length,t_unit, n_splits):#, radius_for_ensemble): #compute the daily climatology and the quantile analysis daily_clim = daily_climatology_p_et_ensemble(daily_input,0,t_unit) #get the input-target matrix it_matrix=create_it_matrix(daily_input,t_length,t_unit) #split in train-test sets tscv = KFold(n_splits=n_splits) sets = tscv.split(it_matrix.index) j=0; prediction=pd.DataFrame(data=None) for train_index, test_index in sets: #reduce train_set to have a gap with test index and ensure independence train_index=create_gap(train_index, test_index,t_unit) #set up training features X = it_matrix.drop(columns='Q').iloc[train_index] y = it_matrix['Q'].iloc[train_index] #set up the model according to the parameters svr_model_tuned = SVR(kernel='rbf', gamma=gamma, C=C, epsilon=eps, cache_size=1000) svr_model_tuned = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), TransformedTargetRegressor(regressor=svr_model_tuned, transformer=StandardScaler())) #fit the model, y) # get the test dates (end of the month) test_dates = it_matrix.index[test_index]#[daily_input.index.is_month_end] # and their day of the year doy_test_dates = test_dates.day_of_year # Save the true runoff values (with t_unit days rolling average) target = {} target['true_runoff'] = daily_input.Q.rolling(30, min_periods=30).mean().loc[test_dates] # Compute runoff monthly climatology using the whole dataset runoff_daily_clim = daily_input.Q.rolling(30, min_periods=30).mean() target['runoff_clim'] = [runoff_daily_clim.loc[runoff_daily_clim.index.day_of_year == d].mean() for d in doy_test_dates] X_trueTP = it_matrix.loc[test_dates, :].drop(columns='Q') target['prediction'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_trueTP) """ # Predict using temperature and precipitation climatology # predict also for 25th and 75th quantile situations. X_climTP = X_trueTP.copy() X_climTP_Q25=X_trueTP.copy() X_climTP_Q75=X_trueTP.copy() #predict till 6 months of advance lead_times = range(1,6) for lt in lead_times: # modify the X matrix by substituting the climatology to the real meteo vars for lt months. change_dest = [c for c in X_climTP.columns if c.split('_')[1] == str(-lt + 1)] change_source = [c.split('_')[0] for c in change_dest] X_climTP.loc[:, change_dest]=daily_clim.loc[(test_dates-np.timedelta64(t_unit*(lt-1),'D')).day_of_year][change_source].values #predict target[f'climTP_lt{lt}'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_climTP) # modify the X matrix by substituting the climatology to the extreme (25th and 75th quantiles) meteo vars for lt months. change_source_25 = [] change_source_75 = [] #modify the source, by taking the daily climathological data referred to the quantiles situations for i in change_source: change_source_25.append(i+'_Q25') change_source_75.append((i+'_Q75')) X_climTP_Q25.loc[:, change_dest]=daily_clim.loc[(test_dates-np.timedelta64(t_unit*(lt-1),'D')).day_of_year][change_source_25].values target[f'climTP_lt{lt}_Q25'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_climTP_Q25) X_climTP_Q75.loc[:, change_dest]=daily_clim.loc[(test_dates-np.timedelta64(t_unit*(lt-1),'D')).day_of_year][change_source_75].values target[f'climTP_lt{lt}_Q75'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_climTP_Q75) """ target['split']= np.repeat(j,test_index.shape[0]) #add this split prediction to the #pdb.set_trace() prediction=prediction.append(pd.DataFrame(data=target, index=test_dates)) j=j+1 return prediction.drop(columns='split') def classic_CV_PCA_SVR_predict(daily_input, C, eps,gamma, n, t_length,t_unit ,n_splits): #radius_for_ensemble): #compute the daily climatology and the quantile analysis daily_clim = daily_climatology_p_et_ensemble(daily_input,0,t_unit) #get the input-target matrix it_matrix=create_it_matrix(daily_input,t_length,t_unit) #split in train-test sets tscv = KFold(n_splits=n_splits) sets = tscv.split(it_matrix.index) j=0; prediction=pd.DataFrame(data=None) for train_index, test_index in sets: #reduce train_set to have a gap with test index and ensure independence train_index=create_gap(train_index, test_index,t_unit) #set up training features X = it_matrix.drop(columns='Q').iloc[train_index] y = it_matrix['Q'].iloc[train_index] #set up the model according to the parameters svr_model_tuned = SVR(kernel='rbf', gamma=gamma, C=C, epsilon=eps, cache_size=1000) svr_model_tuned = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), PCA(n_components=n), TransformedTargetRegressor(regressor=svr_model_tuned, transformer=StandardScaler())) #fit the model, y) # get the test dates (end of the month) test_dates = it_matrix.index[test_index] # and their day of the year doy_test_dates = test_dates.day_of_year # Save the true runoff values (with t_unit days rolling average) target = {} target['true_runoff'] = daily_input.Q.rolling(30, min_periods=30).mean().loc[test_dates] # Compute runoff monthly climatology using the whole dataset runoff_daily_clim = daily_input.Q.rolling(30, min_periods=30).mean() target['runoff_clim'] = [runoff_daily_clim.loc[runoff_daily_clim.index.day_of_year == d].mean() for d in doy_test_dates] X_trueTP = it_matrix.loc[test_dates, :].drop(columns='Q') target['prediction'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_trueTP) """ # Predict using temperature and precipitation climatology # predict also for 25th and 75th quantile situations. X_climTP = X_trueTP.copy() X_climTP_Q25=X_trueTP.copy() X_climTP_Q75=X_trueTP.copy() #predict till 6 months of advance lead_times = range(1,6) for lt in lead_times: # modify the X matrix by substituting the climatology to the real meteo vars for lt months. change_dest = [c for c in X_climTP.columns if c.split('_')[1] == str(-lt + 1)] change_source = [c.split('_')[0] for c in change_dest] X_climTP.loc[:, change_dest]=daily_clim.loc[(test_dates-np.timedelta64(t_unit*(lt-1),'D')).day_of_year][change_source].values #predict target[f'climTP_lt{lt}'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_climTP) # modify the X matrix by substituting the climatology to the extreme (25th and 75th quantiles) meteo vars for lt months. change_source_25 = [] change_source_75 = [] #modify the source, by taking the daily climathological data referred to the quantiles situations for i in change_source: change_source_25.append(i+'_Q25') change_source_75.append((i+'_Q75')) X_climTP_Q25.loc[:, change_dest]=daily_clim.loc[(test_dates-np.timedelta64(t_unit*(lt-1),'D')).day_of_year][change_source_25].values target[f'climTP_lt{lt}_Q25'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_climTP_Q25) X_climTP_Q75.loc[:, change_dest]=daily_clim.loc[(test_dates-np.timedelta64(t_unit*(lt-1),'D')).day_of_year][change_source_75].values target[f'climTP_lt{lt}_Q75'] = svr_model_tuned.predict(X_climTP_Q75) """ target['split']= np.repeat(j,test_index.shape[0]) #pdb.set_trace() #add this split prediction to the prediction=prediction.append(pd.DataFrame(data=target, index=test_dates)) j=j+1 return prediction.drop(columns='split')