import pandas as pd import numpy as np from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde from sklearn.svm import SVR from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV,TimeSeriesSplit from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import pdb def shift_series_(s, shift_range,t_unit): s_shifts = [s.shift(-t_unit * shift, freq='D').rename(f'{}_{shift}') for shift in range(*shift_range)] return pd.concat(s_shifts, axis=1) def create_it_matrix_lt(daily_input, t_length,t_unit, lead_t): # This function takes as input the daily temperature, precipitation and runoff and generates the input-target matrix # Read the daily input and extract runoff, evaporation, temperature and precipitation dataframe if isinstance(daily_input, str): daily_input = pd.read_csv(daily_input, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) runoff = daily_input[['Q']] temp = daily_input[[c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'T']] prec = daily_input[[c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'P']] evap = daily_input[[c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'E']] # Compute the t_unit days average runoff runoff_t_unit = runoff.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).mean() #runoff_t_unit_shifted = runoff_t_unit.shift(t_unit * lead_t,freq='D') #pdb.set_trace() # Compute the t_unit days average temperature if not temp.empty: temp_t_unit = temp.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).mean() temp_t_unit = pd.concat([shift_series_(temp_t_unit.loc[:, col], (-t_length + 1, 1-lead_t),t_unit) for col in temp_t_unit], axis=1) # Compute the t_unit days sum precipitation if not prec.empty: prec_t_unit = prec.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).sum() prec_t_unit = pd.concat([shift_series_(prec_t_unit.loc[:, col], (-t_length + 1, 1-lead_t),t_unit) for col in prec_t_unit], axis=1) # Compute the t_unit days sum evapotranspiration if not evap.empty: evap_t_unit = evap.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).sum() evap_t_unit = pd.concat([shift_series_(evap_t_unit.loc[:, col], (-t_length + 1, 1-lead_t),t_unit) for col in evap_t_unit], axis=1) result = pd.concat([runoff_t_unit, temp_t_unit, prec_t_unit, evap_t_unit], axis=1).dropna() #result = result.shift(-t_unit * lead_t,freq='D') # Create the input-target matrix return result """ def sf_input_matrix(input_matrix, seasonal_forecast, lead_time, member): X = input_matrix.copy() X = X.loc[X.index.is_month_end, :] for offset in range(0, -lead_time, -1): sf_dates = X.index + pd.offsets.MonthBegin(offset - 1) X_columns = [c for c in X.columns if int(c.split('_')[1]) == offset] sf_columns = [f'SF_{c.split("_")[0]}_lt{lead_time + offset}_m{member}' for c in X_columns] X.loc[:, X_columns] = seasonal_forecast.loc[sf_dates, sf_columns].values return X """ def svr_gridSearch(daily_input, t_length,t_unit, C_range=np.logspace(-3, 1, 5), epsilon_range=np.logspace(-5, 0, 5), plot=False, n_splits=8): # svr_gridSearch run the grid search on C and epsilon svr parameters. # Read the input-target matrix it_matrix = create_it_matrix(daily_input, t_length) X = it_matrix.drop(columns='Q') y = it_matrix['Q'] # Set up the splits respecting of the time-series nature of the dataset tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(gap=t_unit,n_splits=n_splits, test_size=365) tscv.split(X) #pdb.set_trace() # Set up the grid search parameters svr_estimator = SVR(kernel='rbf', gamma='scale', cache_size=1000) svr_estimator = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), TransformedTargetRegressor(regressor=svr_estimator, transformer=StandardScaler())) parameters = {'transformedtargetregressor__regressor__C': C_range, 'transformedtargetregressor__regressor__epsilon': epsilon_range} svr_model = GridSearchCV(svr_estimator, cv=tscv, param_grid=parameters, n_jobs=-1, verbose=1, refit=True) # execute the grid search, y) # Select the best C and epsilon best_C = svr_model.best_params_['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__C'] best_epsilon = svr_model.best_params_['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__epsilon'] print(f'For {t_length} months of data input: Best estimator: C={best_C}, epsilon={best_epsilon}') # Check if the best C (or epsion) is in the border of the grid if best_C == max(C_range) or best_C == min(C_range): print(f'Warning: best C found on the grid limit: C = {best_C}') if best_epsilon == max(epsilon_range) or best_epsilon == min(epsilon_range): print(f'Warning: best epsilon found on the grid limit: epsilon = {best_epsilon}') print() if plot: # Gridsearch plot plt.figure() scores = svr_model.cv_results_['mean_test_score'].reshape( len(svr_model.param_grid['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__C']), len(svr_model.param_grid['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__epsilon'])) plt.imshow(scores) plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(np.arange(len(svr_model.param_grid['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__epsilon'])), ['%.3f' % a for a in svr_model.param_grid['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__epsilon']], rotation=45) plt.yticks(np.arange(len(svr_model.param_grid['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__C'])), ['%.3f' % a for a in svr_model.param_grid['transformedtargetregressor__regressor__C']]) plt.xlabel('epsilon') plt.ylabel('C') plt.title(f'Heatmap for {t_length} months of input data') plt.tight_layout() # Scatterplot true vs. estimated training plt.figure() true_values = y est_values = svr_model.predict(X) xy = np.vstack([true_values, est_values]) z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy) idx = z.argsort() x, y, z = true_values[idx], est_values[idx], z[idx] plt.scatter(x, y, c=z) plt.plot([min(true_values), max(true_values)], [min(true_values), max(true_values)], color='black') plt.xlabel('True values') plt.ylabel('Estimated values') plt.title(f'Heatmap for {t_length} months of input data') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.draw() return {'C': best_C, 'epsilon': best_epsilon, 'score': svr_model.best_score_, 'best_estimator': svr_model.best_estimator_} def feature_sel(daily_input): # Find the best t_length and temperature/precipitation stations. Return score for each combination gridSearch_results = [] for t_len in range(1, 12): gridSearch_results.append(svr_gridSearch(daily_input, t_len, C_range=np.logspace(-2, 2, 6), epsilon_range=np.logspace(-3, 0, 6), plot=True)) return pd.DataFrame(data=gridSearch_results, index=range(1, 12)) # if isinstance(daily_input, str): # daily_input = pd.read_csv('/home/', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # # temp_col = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'T'] # prec_col = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'P'] # # for feat in itertools.product(temp_col, prec_col): # for t_len in range(1, 12): # svr_gridSearch(daily_input.loc[:, ('Q',) + feat], t_len, plot=False) def training(daily_input, t_length=None, svr_C=None, svr_epsilon=None): # This function takes as input the daily temperature, precipitation and runoff and train a model to predict the # monthly mean runoff using a time series of temperature and precipitation of length t_length as input features # Execute the feature selection if t_length is None if t_length is None: print('Finding the best input time series length...') fs = feature_sel(daily_input) fs_best = fs.loc[fs['score'].idxmax()] svr_C, svr_epsilon = fs_best['C'], fs_best['epsilon'] t_length = print(f'Best time series length: {t_length}. ' f'Best C={svr_C}, epsilon={svr_epsilon} (score={fs_best["score"]})') svr_model = fs_best['best_estimator'] else: it_matrix = create_it_matrix(daily_input, t_length) X = it_matrix.drop(columns='Q') y = it_matrix['Q'] # Fit the SVR with standardized input and target svr_estimator = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=svr_C, epsilon=svr_epsilon, gamma='scale', cache_size=1000) svr_model = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), TransformedTargetRegressor(regressor=svr_estimator, transformer=StandardScaler())), y) return svr_model def monthly_climatology(daily_input,t_unit): if isinstance(daily_input, str): daily_input = pd.read_csv(daily_input, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) monthly_mean_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] in ['Q', 'T']] monthly_mean = daily_input.loc[:, monthly_mean_columns].groupby(by=daily_input.index.month).mean() #remember to add ['E', 'P'] monthly_sum_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] in ['P','E']] monthly_sum = daily_input.loc[:, monthly_sum_columns].groupby(by=daily_input.index.month).mean() * t_unit #pdb.set_trace() return pd.concat([monthly_mean, monthly_sum], axis=1)#[monthly_mean_columns,monthly_sum_columns] def daily_climatology(daily_input,t_unit): runoff = daily_input[['Q']] temp = daily_input[[c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'T']] prec = daily_input[[c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'P']] evap = daily_input[[c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] == 'E']] # Compute the t_unit days average runoff runoff_t_unit = runoff.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).mean() # Compute the t_unit days average temperature if not temp.empty: temp_t_unit = temp.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).mean() #temp_t_unit = pd.concat([shift_series_t_unitdays(temp_t_unit.loc[:, col], (-t_length + 1, 1)) for col in temp_t_unit], axis=1) # Compute the t_unit days sum precipitation if not prec.empty: prec_t_unit = prec.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).sum() #prec_t_unit = pd.concat([shift_series_t_unitdays(prec_t_unit.loc[:, col], (-t_length + 1, 1)) for col in prec_t_unit], axis=1) # Compute the t_unit days sum evapotranspiration if not evap.empty: evap_t_unit = evap.rolling(t_unit, min_periods=t_unit).sum() #evap_t_unit = pd.concat([shift_series_t_unitdays(evap_t_unit.loc[:, col], (-t_length + 1, 1)) for col in evap_t_unit], axis=1) daily_t_unit = pd.concat([runoff_t_unit, temp_t_unit, prec_t_unit, evap_t_unit], axis=1) daily_mean = daily_t_unit.groupby(by=daily_t_unit.index.day_of_year).mean() #pdb.set_trace() return daily_mean def loyo_cv_lc_nofor(daily_input,output_folder, t_length=None, svr_C=None, svr_epsilon=None, lead_time=range(1, 8)): # Compute the climatology for all the inputs if isinstance(daily_input, str): daily_input = pd.read_csv(daily_input, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) monthly_clim = monthly_climatology(daily_input) # Create the total input-target matrix and select the start and end year for the loo-cv it_matrix = create_it_matrix(daily_input, t_length) year_start = min(it_matrix.index[(it_matrix.index.month == 1) & ( == 31)].year) year_end = max(it_matrix.index[(it_matrix.index.month == 12) & ( == 31)].year) # For each training length and each year train a different model and test with different configurations for Nyears_training in range(1, year_end-year_start+1): prediction = [] for year in range(year_start, year_end+1): print(f'Testing on year {year}; Training years: {Nyears_training} ...') # Drop the years that should not be considered in the training and train the model daily_input_loo = daily_input.copy() training_years = (list(range(year+1, year_end+1)) + list(range(year_start, year)))[-Nyears_training:] daily_input_loo.loc[[i for i in daily_input.index if i.year not in training_years], 'Q'] = np.nan # daily_input_loo.loc[daily_input.index.year == year, 'Q'] = np.nan svr_model = training(daily_input_loo, t_length, svr_C, svr_epsilon) # Select the dates on which to execute the prediction test_dates = daily_input.index[daily_input.index.is_month_end & (daily_input.index.year == year)] # Save the true runoff values y = {} y['true_runoff'] = daily_input.loc[daily_input.index.year == year, 'Q'].resample("M").mean().values # Compute runoff monthly climatology considering the subset used for training the svr y['runoff_clim'] = [daily_input_loo.loc[daily_input_loo.index.month == m, 'Q'].mean() for m in range(1, 13)] # Predict using true temperature and precipitation (no forecast) X_trueTP = it_matrix.loc[test_dates, :].drop(columns='Q') y['trueTP'] = svr_model.predict(X_trueTP) # Predict using temperature and precipitation climatology (no forecast) for all lead times X_climTP = X_trueTP.copy() for lt in lead_time: change_dest = [c for c in X_climTP.columns if c.split('_')[1] == str(-lt + 1)] change_source = [c.split('_')[0] for c in change_dest] X_climTP.loc[:, change_dest] = monthly_clim.loc[(test_dates - pd.offsets.MonthBegin(lt)).month, change_source].values y[f'climTP_lt{lt}'] = svr_model.predict(X_climTP) ''' # Predict using seasonal forecast with different lead times for lt in lead_time: for m in range(1, 26): X_sf = sf_input_matrix(X_trueTP, seasonal_forecast, lt, m) y[f'sfTP_m{m}_lt{lt}'] = svr_model.predict(X_sf) ''' # Store the results in a dataframe prediction.append(pd.DataFrame(data=y, index=test_dates-pd.offsets.MonthBegin())) pd.concat(prediction, axis=0).to_csv( os.path.join(output_folder, f'Runoff_forecast_{Nyears_training}_trainingyears.csv')) def loyo_cv_lc(daily_input, seasonal_forecast, output_folder, t_length=None, svr_C=None, svr_epsilon=None, lead_time=range(1, 8)): # Compute the climatology for all the inputs if isinstance(daily_input, str): daily_input = pd.read_csv(daily_input, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) monthly_clim = monthly_climatology(daily_input) # Read the seasonal forecast of temperature and precipitation if isinstance(seasonal_forecast, str): seasonal_forecast = pd.read_csv(seasonal_forecast, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # Create the total input-target matrix and select the start and end year for the loo-cv it_matrix = create_it_matrix(daily_input, t_length) year_start = min(it_matrix.index[(it_matrix.index.month == 1) & ( == 31)].year) year_end = max(it_matrix.index[(it_matrix.index.month == 12) & ( == 31)].year) # For each training length and each year train a different model and test with different configurations for Nyears_training in range(1, year_end-year_start+1): prediction = [] for year in range(year_start, year_end+1): print(f'Testing on year {year}; Training years: {Nyears_training} ...') # Drop the years that should not be considered in the training and train the model daily_input_loo = daily_input.copy() training_years = (list(range(year+1, year_end+1)) + list(range(year_start, year)))[-Nyears_training:] daily_input_loo.loc[[i for i in daily_input.index if i.year not in training_years], 'Q'] = np.nan # daily_input_loo.loc[daily_input.index.year == year, 'Q'] = np.nan svr_model = training(daily_input_loo, t_length, svr_C, svr_epsilon) # Select the dates on which to execute the prediction test_dates = daily_input.index[daily_input.index.is_month_end & (daily_input.index.year == year)] # Save the true runoff values y = {} y['true_runoff'] = daily_input.loc[daily_input.index.year == year, 'Q'].resample("M").mean().values # Compute runoff monthly climatology considering the subset used for training the svr y['runoff_clim'] = [daily_input_loo.loc[daily_input_loo.index.month == m, 'Q'].mean() for m in range(1, 13)] # Predict using true temperature and precipitation (no forecast) X_trueTP = it_matrix.loc[test_dates, :].drop(columns='Q') y['trueTP'] = svr_model.predict(X_trueTP) # Predict using temperature and precipitation climatology (no forecast) for all lead times X_climTP = X_trueTP.copy() for lt in lead_time: change_dest = [c for c in X_climTP.columns if c.split('_')[1] == str(-lt + 1)] change_source = [c.split('_')[0] for c in change_dest] X_climTP.loc[:, change_dest] = monthly_clim.loc[(test_dates - pd.offsets.MonthBegin(lt)).month, change_source].values y[f'climTP_lt{lt}'] = svr_model.predict(X_climTP) # Predict using seasonal forecast with different lead times for lt in lead_time: for m in range(1, 26): X_sf = sf_input_matrix(X_trueTP, seasonal_forecast, lt, m) y[f'sfTP_m{m}_lt{lt}'] = svr_model.predict(X_sf) # Store the results in a dataframe prediction.append(pd.DataFrame(data=y, index=test_dates-pd.offsets.MonthBegin())) pd.concat(prediction, axis=0).to_csv( os.path.join(output_folder, f'Runoff_forecast_{Nyears_training}_trainingyears.csv')) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read and plot results def root_mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred): return np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)) def smape(A, F): return 100/len(A) * np.sum(2 * np.abs(F - A) / (np.abs(A) + np.abs(F))) def monthly_rmse(fileName, plot=True): # Open the result file runoff = pd.read_csv(fileName, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # Create the ensamble mean for lt in range(1, 8): columns = [c for c in runoff.columns if 'sfTP_m' in c and f'lt{lt}' in c] runoff[f'sfTP_em_lt{lt}'] = runoff.loc[:, columns].mean(axis=1) # Compute the RMSE for each month runoff_error = [] for m in range(1, 12): runoff_m = runoff.loc[runoff.index.month == m, :] runoff_error.append( runoff_m.apply(lambda y_pred: root_mean_squared_error(runoff_m['true_runoff'], y_pred), axis=0) ) runoff_error = pd.DataFrame(data=runoff_error, index=range(1, 12)) if plot: plt.figure() for lt in range(1, 8): runoff_error.loc[:, f'sfTP_em_lt{lt}'].plot(marker='o', label=f'lead_time={lt}') runoff_error.loc[:, 'runoff_clim'].plot(marker='o', color='black', label='climatology', linewidth=3) runoff_error.loc[:, 'trueTP'].plot(marker='o', color='red', label='era5', linewidth=3) plt.legend() plt.ylabel('RMSE ($m^3/s$)') plt.xlabel('Month') def plot_it_matrix(daily_input, var, common_ylim=True): # ## Plot each variable of the input-target matrix # Create the input-target matrix from the daily_input it_matrix = create_it_matrix(daily_input, 1).rename(columns=lambda c: c[:2]) # Create the ylabel dictionary plt_ylabel = {'P': 'Total precipitation (m)', 'T': 'Mean temperature (K)', 'Q': 'Runoff ($m^3/s$)'} # Set the ylim if common_ylim: selected_vars = it_matrix.loc[:, [c for c in it_matrix.columns if c[0] == var[0]]].values b = (selected_vars.max() - selected_vars.min()) * 0.03 plt_ylim = (selected_vars.min()-b, selected_vars.max()+b) # Plot each year with a different color using the day of the year as x axis plt.figure() for y in range(it_matrix.index.year.min(), it_matrix.index.year.max() + 1): curr = it_matrix[it_matrix.index.year == y] curr.set_index(curr.index.dayofyear, inplace=True) curr[var].plot(label='_nolegend_') # Plot the daily climatology clim = it_matrix[var].groupby(it_matrix.index.dayofyear).mean().loc[1:365] clim.plot(label='Mean', color='black', linewidth=5) # Set the figure properties if common_ylim: plt.ylim(plt_ylim) plt.xlabel('Day') plt.ylabel(plt_ylabel[var[0]]) plt.legend() def lead_time_rmse(fileName): # fileName = '/home/' # Open the result file runoff = pd.read_csv(fileName, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # Create the ensamble mean for lt in range(1, 8): columns = [c for c in runoff.columns if 'sfTP_m' in c and f'lt{lt}' in c] runoff[f'sfTP_em_lt{lt}'] = runoff.loc[:, columns].mean(axis=1) # Compute the RMSE runoff_error = runoff.apply(lambda y_pred: root_mean_squared_error(runoff['true_runoff'], y_pred), axis=0) plt.figure() plt.plot([1, 7], [runoff_error['runoff_clim']]*2, color='black', label='runoff climatology') plt.plot([1, 7], [runoff_error['trueTP']] * 2, color='red', label='era5') plt.plot(range(1, 8), runoff_error[[f'climTP_lt{lt}' for lt in range(1, 8)]], marker='o', label='era5 climatology') plt.plot(range(1, 8), runoff_error[[f'sfTP_em_lt{lt}' for lt in range(1, 8)]], marker='o', label='SEAS5 ensamble mean') plt.plot(range(1, 8), runoff_error[[f'sfTP_m1_lt{lt}' for lt in range(1, 8)]], color='C1', alpha=0.5, label='SEAS5 members') for m in range(2, 26): plt.plot(range(1, 8), runoff_error[[f'sfTP_m{m}_lt{lt}' for lt in range(1, 8)]], color='C1', alpha=0.5) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Lead time (months)') plt.ylabel('RMSE ($m^3/s$)') def spatial_avg_daily_input(daily_input): t_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] =='T'] daily_input['T'] = daily_input[t_columns].mean(axis=1) daily_input=daily_input.drop(columns = t_columns) e_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] =='E'] daily_input['E'] = daily_input[e_columns].mean(axis=1) daily_input=daily_input.drop(columns = e_columns) p_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] =='P'] daily_input['P'] = daily_input[p_columns].mean(axis=1) daily_input=daily_input.drop(columns = p_columns) return daily_input; def spatial_stats_daily_input(daily_input): new_daily_input=pd.DataFrame(daily_input.Q) t_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] =='T'] t_vars=daily_input[t_columns] new_daily_input.loc[:,'T'] = t_vars.mean(axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'T5']=t_vars.quantile(q=0.05,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'T25']=t_vars.quantile(q=0.25,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'T75']=t_vars.quantile(q=0.75,axis=1) new_daily_input.insert(loc=5,column='T95',value=t_vars.quantile(q=0.95,axis=1)) e_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] =='E'] e_vars=daily_input[e_columns] new_daily_input.loc[:,'E'] = e_vars.mean(axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'E5']=e_vars.quantile(q=0.05,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'E25']=e_vars.quantile(q=0.25,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'E75']=e_vars.quantile(q=0.75,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'E95']=e_vars.quantile(q=0.95,axis=1) p_columns = [c for c in daily_input.columns if c[0] =='P'] p_vars=daily_input[p_columns] new_daily_input.loc[:,'P'] = p_vars.mean(axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'P5']=p_vars.quantile(q=0.05,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'P25']=p_vars.quantile(q=0.25,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'P75']=p_vars.quantile(q=0.75,axis=1) new_daily_input.loc[:,'P95']=p_vars.quantile(q=0.95,axis=1) return new_daily_input def create_gap(train_index,test_index,gap): right=((train_index+1 == test_index[0]).sum()==1) and ((train_index-1 == test_index[-1]).sum()==0) centre=((train_index+1 == test_index[0]).sum()==1) and ((train_index-1 == test_index[-1]).sum()==1) left = ((train_index+1 == test_index[0]).sum()==0) and ((train_index-1 == test_index[-1]).sum()==1) if right: train_index=train_index[0:-gap] if left: train_index=train_index[gap:] if centre: pos = np.where(train_index+1 == test_index[0])[0][0] train_index=np.concatenate((train_index[:pos-gap],train_index[pos+gap:]),axis=0) return train_index; def compute_anomalies(climatologies,pred): #compute real climatology anomalies=pd.DataFrame(pred.true_runoff-pred.runoff_clim,columns=['true_runoff']) #get the climatology of prediction on the wanted days clim_on_test_dates = pd.DataFrame(climatologies.loc[anomalies.index.day_of_year]) #create an array with the proper shape repeated_clim=np.repeat((np.array(clim_on_test_dates.prediction)[...,np.newaxis]), pred.shape[1]-2, axis=1) #subtract clim to predictions anomalies_pred= pred.iloc[:,2:]- repeated_clim #put together real and predicted anomalies anomalies=pd.concat([anomalies,anomalies_pred],axis=1) return anomalies