import React, { FC } from 'react'; import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import { Grid, Typography, CardContent, Card, Hidden } from '@material-ui/core'; import VpnKeyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/VpnKey'; import BookmarkIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Bookmark'; import RoomIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Room'; const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({ bodyIcon: { fontSize: '90px', paddingBottom: '10px', paddingTop: '10px', }, paddingBot: { paddingBottom: '40px', }, noShadow: { border: 'none', boxShadow: 'none', backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, })); export const Steps: FC = () => { const classes = useStyles(); return ( <Grid item container alignItems="stretch"> <Grid item xs={1} lg={2} /> <Grid item xs={10} lg={2} component={Card} className={classes.paddingBot}> <CardContent> <Typography variant="h4" align="center"> STEP 1 </Typography> <Grid container spacing={0} direction="column" alignItems="center" justify="center" > <Grid item xs={12}> <VpnKeyIcon color="primary" className={classes.bodyIcon} /> </Grid> </Grid> <Typography variant="h6"> Log In or Register an account on the site. Fill all the fields related to your personal information. </Typography> </CardContent> </Grid> <Grid item xs={1} /> <Hidden lgUp> <Grid item xs={12} component={Card} className={`${classes.paddingBot} ${classes.noShadow}`} /> <Grid item xs={1} /> </Hidden> <Grid item xs={10} lg={2} component={Card} className={classes.paddingBot}> <CardContent> <Typography variant="h4" align="center"> STEP 2 </Typography> <Grid container spacing={0} direction="column" alignItems="center" justify="center" > <Grid item xs={12}> <BookmarkIcon color="primary" className={classes.bodyIcon} /> </Grid> </Grid> <Typography variant="h6"> Book in the reservation section a free ride at least 48h than your appointment </Typography> </CardContent> </Grid> <Grid item xs={1} /> <Hidden lgUp> <Grid item xs={12} component={Card} className={`${classes.paddingBot} ${classes.noShadow}`} /> <Grid item xs={1} /> </Hidden> <Grid item xs={10} lg={2} component={Card} className={classes.paddingBot}> <CardContent> <Typography variant="h4" align="center"> STEP 3 </Typography> <Grid container spacing={0} direction="column" alignItems="center" justify="center" > <Grid item xs={12}> <RoomIcon color="primary" className={classes.bodyIcon} /> </Grid> </Grid> <Typography variant="h6"> Wait your free drive compfortably at home and reach the place you have booked in the reservation easily! </Typography> </CardContent> </Grid> <Grid item xs={1} lg={2} /> </Grid> ); };