From 49a505a5cd03d0eb9ea286baf493107f14cc74cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francesco Corcoglioniti <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 15:37:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Further suggestions for exercise 2

 .env.example                                           |  2 +-                                              |  2 +-
 .../src/main/java/it/unibz/inf/rtbdp/    |  9 +++++++--
 processor-python/                          | 10 +++++++---
 4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example
index aba667c..13d7a4f 100644
--- a/.env.example
+++ b/.env.example
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ PROCESSOR_JAVA_CLASS=it.unibz.inf.rtbdp.Processor
 # - huobi(192 pairs, 96 trades/s),
 # - hitbtc(714 pairs, 1.3 trades/s), bitso(27 pairs, 0.8 trades/s)
 # - luno(23 pairs, 0.2 trades/s), gemini(68 pairs, 0.1 trades/s)
 # PostgreSQL DB parameters (no need to change them)
diff --git a/ b/
index 3fc7c01..ce4319a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Macro-components:
   - as a self-contained (Flink Mini Cluster) application outside Docker, which is what you can use for developing the processor code
   - as a Flink cluster (http://localhost:8081/) inside Docker comprising three containers: Job Manager, Task Manager, and a Flink client that submits the processor job to the Job Manager
 * *PostgreSQL + pgAdmin* (http://localhost:20080/) - stores time window data (prices and volumes) in two tables directly populated by Flink, with pgAdmin providing a web UI to browse DB content (may use `psql` as well)
-* *Grafana* (http://localhost:23000/) - displays a dashboard with candlesticks and volumes visualization for the data in PostgreSQL
+* *Grafana* (http://localhost:23000/) - displays a dashboard with [candlesticks]( and volumes visualization for the data in PostgreSQL
 Cryptocurrency trades obtained from *coincap* and injected into Kafka are JSON records like the following ones:
diff --git a/processor-java/src/main/java/it/unibz/inf/rtbdp/ b/processor-java/src/main/java/it/unibz/inf/rtbdp/
index c442624..9bfbeeb 100644
--- a/processor-java/src/main/java/it/unibz/inf/rtbdp/
+++ b/processor-java/src/main/java/it/unibz/inf/rtbdp/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class Processor {
                 ") WITH (" + getOutputConnectorConfig(cmd, "candlesticks") + ")");
         // Define the query to populate table 'candlesticks'
-        Table candlesticks = tenv.sqlQuery("" +
+        Table candlesticksQuery = tenv.sqlQuery("" +
                 "SELECT   `window_start` AS `ts_start`,\n" +
                 "         `window_end` AS `ts_end`,\n" +
                 "         `base` || ' / ' || `quote` AS `currency_pair`,\n" +
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class Processor {
                 "GROUP BY `base`, `quote`, `window_start`, `window_end`");
         // Enqueue an INSERT statement to populate table 'candlesticks' with the corresponding query
-        statementsToExecute.addInsert("candlesticks", candlesticks);
+        statementsToExecute.addInsert("candlesticks", candlesticksQuery);
         // Define sink table 'volumes' writing to PostgreSQL
         tenv.executeSql("" +
@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@ public class Processor {
         // more easily check whether your output is correct.
+        // Table volumesQuery = ... // compute via SQL/Table API expression (see how 'candlesticksQuery' as reference)
+        // statementsToExecute.addInsert("volumes", volumesQuery);  // Enqueue INSERT statement to populate table 'volumes'
         // <END EXERCISES>
         // Execute all statements as a single job
diff --git a/processor-python/ b/processor-python/
index 288e8b8..7527370 100755
--- a/processor-python/
+++ b/processor-python/
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def main():
     # Define the query to populate table 'candlesticks'
-    candlesticks = tenv.sql_query("""
+    candlesticks_query = tenv.sql_query("""
         SELECT   `window_start` AS `ts_start`,
                  `window_end` AS `ts_end`,
                  `base` || ' / ' || `quote` AS `currency_pair`,
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def main():
     # Enqueue an INSERT statement to populate table 'candlesticks' with the corresponding query
-    statements_to_execute.add_insert("candlesticks", candlesticks)
+    statements_to_execute.add_insert("candlesticks", candlesticks_query)
     # Define sink table 'volumes' writing to PostgreSQL
@@ -127,10 +127,14 @@ def main():
     # of the rows you have to produce. Refer to the 'SELECT' query generating table `candlesticks` above as a template
     # of window-based query you may start from (remember also to enqueue an INSERT statement to statements_to_execute
     # as otherwise your code won't run). To check your solution, you are suggested to run this script with option
-    # '--dry-run' that will print computed rows to stdout (instead of writing them to PostgreSQL), so that you# can
+    # '--dry-run' that will print computed rows to stdout (instead of writing them to PostgreSQL), so that you can
     # more easily check whether your output is correct.
+    # volumes_query: Table = ... # compute via SQL/Table API expression (see how 'candlesticks_query' as reference)
+    # statements_to_execute.add_insert("volumes", volumes_query)  # Enqueue an INSERT statement to populate table 'volumes'
     # Execute all statements as a single job