package exercises; /* * LAMBDA PROGRAMMING LABORATORY * * For each exercise, develop a solution using Java SE 8 Lambda/Streams * and remove the @Ignore tag. Then run the tests. * * In NetBeans, Ctrl-F6 will run the project's tests, which default to * the unsolved exercises (as opposed to the solutions). Alt-F6 [PC] or * or Cmd-F6 [Mac] will run just the tests in the currently selected file. * * Several of the exercises read data from a text file. The field named * "reader" is a BufferedReader which will be opened for you on the text file. * In any exercise that refers to reading from the text file, you can simply * use the "reader" variable without worry about opening or closing it. * This is setup by JUnit using the @Before and @After methods at the bottom of * this file. The text file is "SonnetI.txt" (Shakespeare's first sonnet) which * is located at the root of this NetBeans project. */ import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.OptionalInt; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class G_Challenges { /** * Denormalize this map. The input is a map whose keys are the number of legs of an animal * and whose values are lists of names of animals. Run through the map and generate a * "denormalized" list of strings describing the animal, with the animal's name separated * by a colon from the number of legs it has. The ordering in the output list is not * considered significant. * * Input is Map<Integer, List<String>>: * { 4=["ibex", "hedgehog", "wombat"], * 6=["ant", "beetle", "cricket"], * ... * } * * Output should be a List<String>: * [ "ibex:4", * "hedgehog:4", * "wombat:4", * "ant:6", * "beetle:6", * "cricket:6", * ... * ] */ @Test @Ignore public void ex26_denormalizeMap() { Map<Integer, List<String>> input = new HashMap<>(); input.put(4, Arrays.asList("ibex", "hedgehog", "wombat")); input.put(6, Arrays.asList("ant", "beetle", "cricket")); input.put(8, Arrays.asList("octopus", "spider", "squid")); input.put(10, Arrays.asList("crab", "lobster", "scorpion")); input.put(750, Arrays.asList("millipede")); List<String> result = null; // TODO assertEquals(13, result.size()); assertTrue(result.contains("ibex:4")); assertTrue(result.contains("hedgehog:4")); assertTrue(result.contains("wombat:4")); assertTrue(result.contains("ant:6")); assertTrue(result.contains("beetle:6")); assertTrue(result.contains("cricket:6")); assertTrue(result.contains("octopus:8")); assertTrue(result.contains("spider:8")); assertTrue(result.contains("squid:8")); assertTrue(result.contains("crab:10")); assertTrue(result.contains("lobster:10")); assertTrue(result.contains("scorpion:10")); assertTrue(result.contains("millipede:750")); } // Hint 1: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"> // There are several ways to approach this. You could use a stream of map keys, // a stream of map entries, or nested forEach() methods. // </editor-fold> // Hint 2: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"> // If you use streams, consider using Stream.flatMap(). // </editor-fold> // ======================================================== // NEW FOR 2016 // ======================================================== /** * Invert a "multi-map". (P. Sandoz) * * Given a Map<X, Set<Y>>, convert it to Map<Y, Set<X>>. */ @Test @Ignore public void ex27_invertMultiMap() { Map<String, List<Integer>> input = new HashMap<>(); input.put("a", Arrays.asList(1, 2)); input.put("b", Arrays.asList(2, 3)); input.put("c", Arrays.asList(1, 3)); input.put("d", Arrays.asList(1, 4)); input.put("e", Arrays.asList(2, 4)); input.put("f", Arrays.asList(3, 4)); Map<Integer, List<String>> result = null; // TODO assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "c", "d")), result.get(1)); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "e")), result.get(2)); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("b", "c", "f")), result.get(3)); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("d", "e", "f")), result.get(4)); assertEquals(4, result.size()); } /** * Select from the input list each word that longer than the immediately * preceding word. Include the first word, since it is longer than the * (nonexistent) word that precedes it. * * XXX - compare to ex11 */ @Test @Ignore public void ex28_selectLongerThanPreceding() { List<String> input = Arrays.asList( "alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo", "foxtrot", "golf", "hotel"); List<String> result = null; // TODO assertEquals("[alfa, bravo, charlie, foxtrot, hotel]", result.toString()); } // Hint: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"> // Instead of a stream of words (Strings), run an IntStream of positions. // </editor-fold> /** * Generate a list of words that is the concatenation of each adjacent * pair of words in the input list. For example, if the input is * [x, y, z] * the output should be * [xy, yz] * * XXX - compare to ex11 */ @Test @Ignore public void ex29_concatenateAdjacent() { List<String> input = Arrays.asList( "alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo", "foxtrot"); List<String> result = null; // TODO assertEquals("[alfabravo, bravocharlie, charliedelta, deltaecho, echofoxtrot]", result.toString()); } // Hint: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"> // Instead of a stream of words (Strings), run an IntStream of positions. // </editor-fold> /** * Select the longest words from the input list. That is, select the words * whose lengths are equal to the maximum word length. For this exercise, * it's easiest to perform two passes over the input list. * * XXX - compare to ex09 and ex10 */ @Test @Ignore public void ex30_selectLongestWords() { List<String> input = Arrays.asList( "alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo", "foxtrot", "golf", "hotel"); List<String> result = null; // TODO assertEquals("[charlie, foxtrot]", result.toString()); } /** * Select the longest words from the input stream. That is, select the words * whose lengths are equal to the maximum word length. For this exercise, * you must compute the result in a single pass over the input stream. * * XXX - compare to ex30 */ @Test @Ignore public void ex31_selectLongestWordsOnePass() { Stream<String> input = Stream.of( "alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo", "foxtrot", "golf", "hotel"); List<String> result = null; // TODO assertEquals("[charlie, foxtrot]", result.toString()); } /** * Create a list of non-overlapping sublists of the input list, where each * sublist (except for the first one) starts with a word whose first character is a ":". * For example, given the input list * [w, x, :y, z] * the output should be * [[w, x], [:y, z]] */ @Test @Ignore public void ex32_partitionIntoSublists() { List<String> input = Arrays.asList( "alfa", "bravo", ":charlie", "delta", ":echo", ":foxtrot", "golf", "hotel"); List<List<String>> result = null; // TODO assertEquals("[[alfa, bravo], [:charlie, delta], [:echo], [:foxtrot, golf, hotel]]", result.toString()); } /** * Given a stream of integers, compute separate sums of the even and odd values * in this stream. Since the input is a stream, this necessitates making a single * pass over the input. */ @Test @Ignore public void ex33_separateOddEvenSums() { IntStream input = new Random(987523).ints(20, 0, 100); int sumEvens = 0; // TODO int sumOdds = 0; // TODO assertEquals(516, sumEvens); assertEquals(614, sumOdds); } // Hint: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"> // Use Collectors.partitioningBy(). // </editor-fold> /** * Given a string, split it into a list of strings consisting of * consecutive characters from the original string. Note: this is * similar to Python's itertools.groupby function, but it differs * from Java's Collectors.groupingBy() collector. * * XXX - compare to ex32 */ @Test @Ignore public void ex34_splitCharacterRuns() { String input = "aaaaabbccccdeeeeeeaaafff"; List<String> result = null; // TODO assertEquals("[aaaaa, bb, cccc, d, eeeeee, aaa, fff]", result.toString()); } /** * Given a string, find the substring containing the longest run of consecutive, * equal characters. * * XXX - compare to ex34 */ @Test @Ignore public void ex35_longestCharacterRuns() { String input = "aaaaabbccccdeeeeeeaaafff"; String result = null; // TODO assertEquals("eeeeee", result); } /** * Given a parallel stream of strings, collect them into a collection in reverse order. * Since the stream is parallel, you MUST write a proper combiner function in order to get * the correct result. */ @Test @Ignore public void ex36_reversingCollector() { Stream<String> input = IntStream.range(0, 100).mapToObj(String::valueOf).parallel(); Collection<String> result = input.collect(Collector.of(null, null, null)); // TODO fill in collector functions above assertEquals( IntStream.range(0, 100) .map(i -> 99 - i) .mapToObj(String::valueOf) .collect(Collectors.toList()), new ArrayList<>(result)); } /** * Given an array of int, find the int value that occurs a majority * of times in the array (that is, strictly more than half of the * elements are that value), and return it in an OptionalInt. If there * is no majority value, return an empty OptionalInt. */ OptionalInt majority(int[] array) { return null; // TODO } @Test @Ignore public void ex37_majority() { int[] array1 = { 3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4 }; int[] array2 = { 3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4 }; OptionalInt result1 = majority(array1); OptionalInt result2 = majority(array2); assertEquals(OptionalInt.of(4), result1); assertFalse(result2.isPresent()); } }