package solutions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * This set of exercises is about lambdas and method references. * You will write a lambda or method reference corresponding to * each of several different functional interfaces. Each exercise * is named after the functional interface intended to be used * as the solution. */ public class A_LambdasAndMethodReferences { @Test public void a01predicate() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that is a predicate // that tests whether a string is longer than four characters. //UNCOMMENT//Predicate<String> pred = null; //BEGINREMOVE Predicate<String> pred = s -> s.length() > 4; //ENDREMOVE assertTrue(pred.test("abcde")); assertFalse(pred.test("abcd")); } @Test public void a02predicate() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that is a predicate // that tests whether a string is empty //UNCOMMENT//Predicate<String> pred = null; //BEGINREMOVE Predicate<String> pred = s -> s.isEmpty(); //ENDREMOVE assertTrue(pred.test("")); assertFalse(pred.test("a")); } @Test public void a03predicate() { // TODO: write a method reference that is a predicate // that tests whether a string is empty //UNCOMMENT//Predicate<String> pred = null; //BEGINREMOVE Predicate<String> pred = String::isEmpty; //ENDREMOVE assertTrue(pred.test("")); assertFalse(pred.test("a")); } @Test public void a04function() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that wraps the given // string in parentheses. //UNCOMMENT//Function<String, String> func = null; //BEGINREMOVE Function<String, String> func = s -> "(" + s + ")"; //ENDREMOVE assertEquals("(abc)", func.apply("abc")); } @Test public void a05function() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that converts the // given string to upper case. //UNCOMMENT//Function<String, String> func = null; //BEGINREMOVE Function<String, String> func = s -> s.toUpperCase(); //ENDREMOVE assertEquals("ABC", func.apply("abc")); } @Test public void a06function() { // TODO: write a method reference that converts the // given string to upper case. //UNCOMMENT//Function<String, String> func = null; //BEGINREMOVE Function<String, String> func = String::toUpperCase; //ENDREMOVE assertEquals("ABC", func.apply("abc")); } @Test public void a07consumer() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that appends the // string "abc" to the given StringBuilder. //UNCOMMENT//Consumer<StringBuilder> cons = null; //BEGINREMOVE Consumer<StringBuilder> cons = sb -> sb.append("abc"); //ENDREMOVE StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("xyz"); cons.accept(sb); assertEquals("xyzabc", sb.toString()); } @Test public void a08consumer() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that clears the given list. //UNCOMMENT//Consumer<List<String>> cons = null; //BEGINREMOVE Consumer<List<String>> cons = list -> list.clear(); //ENDREMOVE List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); cons.accept(list); assertTrue(list.isEmpty()); } @Test public void a09consumer() { // TODO: write a method reference that clears the given list. //UNCOMMENT//Consumer<List<String>> cons = null; //BEGINREMOVE Consumer<List<String>> cons = List::clear; //ENDREMOVE List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); cons.accept(list); assertTrue(list.isEmpty()); } @Test public void a10supplier() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that returns a new StringBuilder // containing the string "abc". Supplier<StringBuilder> sup = () -> new StringBuilder("abc"); assertEquals("abc", sup.get().toString()); } @Test public void a11supplier() { // TODO: write a lambda expression that returns a new, empty StringBuilder //UNCOMMENT//Supplier<StringBuilder> sup = null; //BEGINREMOVE Supplier<StringBuilder> sup = () -> new StringBuilder(); //ENDREMOVE assertEquals("", sup.get().toString()); } @Test public void a12supplier() { // TODO: write a method reference that returns a new, empty StringBuilder //UNCOMMENT//Supplier<StringBuilder> sup = null; //BEGINREMOVE Supplier<StringBuilder> sup = StringBuilder::new; //ENDREMOVE assertEquals("", sup.get().toString()); } @Test public void a13runnable() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("abc"); String suffix = "xyz"; // TODO: write a lambda expression that appends the 'suffix' // variable (a String) to the sb variable (a StringBuilder). Runnable r = () -> sb.append(suffix);;;; assertEquals("abcxyzxyzxyz", sb.toString()); } }