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dockerized CLARIN DSpace

This is meant to provide an easy way to install CLARIN DSpace by providing a Docker Compose setup that automatizes the installation as far as possible. Additionally all files that need to be customized or added are also part of this repository.

How to use it

You need a Linux server (we tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7.3) with a recent install of Docker (we tested with 17.05.0-ce). Clone this git repository onto the server. Then you need to look through all the files in commul-customization and adapt the configuration to your server (domain name, user names, etc).

None of the files contain passwords, but all files which need passwords in them are in the repository as .dist files. To insert the passwords you need to remove the dist ending and then run (after you've modified it with your passwords).

Exemplary workflow

get Dockerfiles

git clone
cd clarin-dspace-docker

get my versions of dist files

cp commul-customization/ commul-customization/
cp commul-customization/ commul-customization/

change passwords

chmod +x

make sure the certificate and key are there

cp -r /tmp/certs ./commul-customization/

build the images

docker-compose up -d --build

enter the DSpace container

docker exec -ti clarindspacedocker_dspace_1 bash

deploy DSpace

make new_deploy

copy over modified aai_config.js

cp /tmp/aai_config.js /opt/lindat-dspace/installation/webapps/xmlui/themes/UFAL/lib/js/

create dspace admin as tomcat8, so that the log files have the right owner

su  -s /bin/sh tomcat8
/opt/lindat-dspace/installation/bin/dspace create-administrator

start the dspace webapp

cd /opt/repository/sources/dspace/utilities/project_helpers/scripts
/etc/init.d/tomcat8 start

DSpace directory structure

This is the directory structure

├── clarin-dspace-docker
│   └── commul-customization
└── kubernetes
    ├── helm
    │   └── dspace
    │       ├── charts
    │       │   └── postgresql
    │       │       └── templates
    │       └── templates
    └── yaml



  • Kubernetes cluster

To interact with cluster

To interact with Helm server (tiller) -- Coming soon

How to use it


First of all, check if a docker image already exists. If it exist, pull, otherwise, you need to build one. If necessary create a personal token and login into GitLab Registry.

docker login

Use existing Docker image

docker image ls -a*
docker pull<my_image>:<my tag>

Build images

  • build your docker image from /clarin-dspace-docker directory
  • push to
docker build -t<my_image>:<my tag> -f Dockerfile.XX .
docker push<my_image>:<my tag>


This step in a "workspace preparation" and is not directly related with dspace.

Provide gitlab & RBD credentials

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f gitlab-scientificnet-org-registry.yaml
$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f rbd-secret.yaml


To install PostgreSQL, we need some passwords, so we need Kubernetes secrets

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f postgresql-secret.yaml 
secret "dspace-postgresql" created
$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f dspace-secrets.yaml 
secret "dspace-secrets" created
$ kubectl -n dspace-dev get secrets
NAME                                TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
ceph-rbd-secret                                1         14m
default-token-c1pd4          3         4d
dspace-postgresql                   Opaque                                1         1h
dspace-secrets                      Opaque                                1         1m
gitlab-scientificnet-org-registry        1         46m

Next, create a RBD Claim

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f postgresql-pvc.yaml 
persistentvolumeclaim "dspace-postgresql" created

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev get pvc
NAME                STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
dspace-postgresql   Bound     pvc-610c358d-a518-11e7-b21c-b60483de6a40   8Gi        RWO           auto           2s

Ok, now we are ready to deploy our PostgreSQL!

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f postgresql.yaml 

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev get po
NAME                                 READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
dspace-postgresql-1806947503-cj077   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          2s

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev get po
NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dspace-postgresql-1806947503-qw8q4   0/1       Running   0          9s

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev get po
NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dspace-postgresql-1806947503-qw8q4   1/1       Running   0          46s

We have now launched the pod but we have to wait until the pod is up before accessing it

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev exec -it dspace-postgresql-1806947503-qw8q4 bash

Also, we can also test our PostgreSQL installation with a port forward

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev port-forward dspace-postgresql-1806947503-qw8q4 5432:5432

now we are able to connect to localhost:5432 pgAdmin_connect pgAdmin_showTables

$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f postgresql-service.yaml
service "dspace-postgresql" created
$ kubectl -n dspace-dev exec -it servlet env | grep POSTGRESQL


$ kubectl -n dspace-dev create -f servlet.yaml 
pod "servlet" created
$ kubectl -n dspace-dev get po
NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dspace-postgresql-1806947503-qw8q4   1/1       Running   0          4d
servlet                              1/1       Running   0          34s
$ kubectl -n dspace-dev logs servlet
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Starting 
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Cloning lindat-dspace repository...skip! /opt/repository/sources/dspace already exists 
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Creating workspace...skip! /opt/repository/workspace already exists 
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Copy makefile...skip! /opt/repository/workspace/config/variable.makefile already exists
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Copy! /opt/repository/workspace/sources/ already exists
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Compilation and Deployment of DSpace...already done 
already done 
already done 
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Copy aai_config.js...skip! /opt/lindat-dspace/installation/webapps/xmlui/themes/UFAL/lib/js/aai_config.js already exists
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Create dspace admin...already done 
[Wed Oct  4 12:24:25 UTC 2017] Starting Tomcat...Starting Tomcat 8...
Tomcat started.
$ kubectl -n dspace-dev port-forward servlet 8080:8080
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

connect to http://localhost:8080/repository/xmlui/#