Explore projects
Code examples and resources for using Kafka with Docker, Java, and Python
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My term project for the KRO module. Client to query a relational database via OBDA, using the Ontop framework. The dataset is taken from the Trentino Trasporti Esercizio public dataset.
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End-to-end 'cryptocurrency trading' Docker Compose application using Flink, Kafka, PostgreSQL and Grafana
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Based on https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.14/docs/learn-flink/overview/ and https://github.com/apache/flink-training/ (with added exercises)
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End-to-end 'weather monitor' Docker Compose application using Flink (DataStream API), Kafka and Streamlit
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End-to-end 'cryptocurrency price tracker' Docker Compose application with Kafka producer/multiple consumers, Streamlit/Plotly
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End-to-end 'news tag cloud' Docker Compose application with Kafka Connect, Schema Registry, a Kafka producer/consumer processor, and a Java web-app frontend
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End-to-end 'wikipedia edit statistics' Docker Compose application using Kafka producer/consumer API, RxJS/ECharts
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rtbdp / labs / lab_reactive
Apache License 2.0Adapted from https://github.com/cescoffier/rxjava2-lab
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End-to-end 'ISS tracking' application featuring an RxJava/RxPY backend and an RxJS frontend
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Adapted from https://github.com/stuart-marks/LambdaHOLv2
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End-to-end RSS news classification app using Spark MLlib, Kafka, Flask/RxJS
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End-to-end 'wikipedia monitor' Docker Compose application using Kafka, Spark, RxJS/ECharts
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Amigoni Nicholas (Student Com20) / Linear Algebra Library
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterProject for the Programming Project course - Second semester, academic year 2020/2021
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Tweeters / Linear Algebra Library
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterProject for the Programming Project course - Second semester, academic year 2020/2021
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GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyLoRaWAN@NOI Web Portal
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