Docker Compose Template with Ontop and LodView
This repository contains a Docker Compose application providing a template for running the Ontop VKG engine side-by-side with LodView to provide URI dereferencing.
For demonstration purposes, the application makes use of a simple PostgreSQL database with a company
table with straightforward VKG mappings towards the vocabulary.
You may start from this template and adapt it to your database, ontology and mappings.
Beware that URI dereferencing requires generated URIs to resolve to a server under your control, that you should configure separately to forward them to LodView, e.g., using Apache as reverse proxy (this part is not covered here and we skip it by simply generating localhost
- Docker, version 17.09.0 or higher
- Docker Compose, version 1.17.0 or higher
- (optional) Ontop Protégé bundle to more easily browse and develop ontology and mappings
How to run the application
The application is configured and controlled using Docker Compose and/or Docker, as described next.
Note that all the following commands reported here must be executed from the top-level directory of this repository containing docker-compose.yml
Configuration. Before running it for the first time, the application may be configured to fit the local environment by either editing docker-compose.yml
or, better, by editing the property values used therein and specified in a file .env
. This .env
file is not under version control (as it depends on your environment), but can be created starting from the template in .env.example
. Besides .env
, also file lodview/conf.ttl
can be edited to tune LodView (not strictly required, defaults should be good). Here is the configuration process:
starting from the versioned template.env.example
:cp .env.example .env
edit file
with the editor of your choice- you may change the variable
that will be used (together withUSERID
that you may change) by all the services of the application; - optionally, you may tune the other configuration variables, e.g., to change the ports used to avoid clashes with other services running on the machine
- you may change the variable
edit file
- refer to LodView documentation in the wiki and in the default
file itself - editing this file is required in case you changed the setting
(must change the port similarly inconf.ttl
) - editing this file is also required in case you deploy a reverse proxy (e.g., Apache) to expose LodView externally to handle external URI dereferencing requests (must change
in this file to a the base URI used in your VKG mappings)
- refer to LodView documentation in the wiki and in the default
Execution. Use the following Docker Compose / Docker commands:
to start the application, downloading / building the required images and containers if needed
docker-compose up
(note: may add option
to run in background, in which case logs are not displayed to standard output but are still accessible viadocker-compose logs
) -
to test everything is running properly
- open the Ontop portal at
in a browser, click on tabExample query
and run the query titledAll companies
, which should produce 3 results - click on any URI under column
, which should open the LodView visualization of that individual in another browser tab, including title, description, properties and image
- open the Ontop portal at
to stop the application, if running
docker-compose down
to stop the application, if running, and also clean any image / container / data associating to it (useful for cleaning up)
docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans
(note: the above command does not remove Docker images, such as the PostgreSQL one, which may result being unused after stopping and removing this application containers; to remove such images, add option
--rmi all
) -
to check the status of the containers forming the application
docker-compose ps
to check the logs of specific container(s) or of all containers (if no container name is supplied)
docker-compose logs <container name 1> ... <contaner name N>
Services When running, the application exposes the following services:
a PostgreSQL server with example company data, accessible using any PostgreSQL client such as
, e.g. (assuming default admin username and passworduser
and port15432
were not changed):PGPASSWORD=user psql -h localhost -p 15432 -U user -d db
a SPARQL endpoint backed by Ontop at URL http://localhost:18080/sparql (assuming default port
is used), which may be accessed using any HTTP client, including SPARQL clients and tools using the standard SPARQL HTTP protocol. For instance, using curl:curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:18080/sparql \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/sparql-query' \ --data 'SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 5'
a ReST API complementing the SPARQL endpoint with additional Ontop-specific services, such as the
one that returns (without executing) the SQL translation of a SPARQL query (replace the SPARQL query accordingly):curl -G http://localhost:18080/ontop/reformulate --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }'
a web portal UI at URL http://localhost:18080/ that users can open in a browser to enter and submit SPARQL queries and browse their results, also trying some predefined queries (configured in file
) -
a LodView instance that will provide HTML / RDF representations of URLs of type
(which is the base URL used in VKG mappings ofontop/vkg.obda
Repository organization
The repository is structured as follows:
- file
defines the Docker Compose application forming the application; - files
(and its local version.env
to be created) contain the environment properties used indocker-compose.yml
to configure the application; - directory
contains the SQL / bash scripts creating and populating the schema and data excerpt of the database; scripts are numbered and executed in alphanumeric order and
populates the data of tables starting from compressed TSV files underdb/data
- directory
contains the configuration files of the VKG:-
contains the VKG ontology in RDF Turtle format; it may be edited with any editor or Protégé; -
contains the mappings between the ontology and the database, in ontop native.obda
format; they may be edited either with a text editor or the ontop plugin of Protègè; -
contains the configuration properties required by ontop in order to access the database (e.g., host, port, username, password, database name, JDBC driver to use - no need to change them) inside the docker network; -
is the properties file used by Ontop Protégé bundle. It is similar
but with different JDBC URL so that it can be accessed from outside of the docker environment; -
contains some configuration the predefined queries for the web portal UI;
- directory
contains the PostgreSQL JDBC driver used by ontop to access PostgreSQL (no need to change it); - directory
contains additional scripts used to run ontop inside docker (e.g.,
to have ontop waiting for PostgreSQL to start). - directory
contains the configuration for LodView-
is the Dockerfile for creating a LodView image starting from the LodView sources on GitHub. This Dockerfile differs from the one included in LodView in that it does not compress the web application as a.war
file, but rather deploys it in expanded form into Tomcat, so that individual files (e.g.,conf.ttl
) can be overridden using Docker volume mappings; -
is the configuration file for LodView, customized for this example application; -
is the logging configuration file for Tomcat, customized so to reduce (a bit) log verbosity