@@ -9,22 +9,22 @@ The package has been written to be used in the master course of AI taught at the
You can download the source code from <https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus> and use `pip install .`, or install directly from the repository using
To write your own player you should create a subclass of `Player` (defined in [gridworld.py](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/wumpus/gridworld.py)) and then use an instance as a parameter of the `run_episode`method of `GridWorld` class (defined in [gridworld.py](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/wumpus/gridworld.py)).
To write your own player you should create a subclass of `OnlinePlayer` or `OfflinePlayer` (defined in [player.py](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/wumpus/player.py)) and then use an instance as a parameter of the `run_episode`function (defined in [runner.py](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/-/blob/master/wumpus/runner.py)).
Examples of the usage of the package can be found in the implementation of two players `RandomPlayer` and `UserPlayer`from [gridworld.py](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/wumpus/gridworld.py), and in the files [`wumpus-usage.py`](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/examples/wumpus-usage.py), [`eater-usage.py`](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/examples/eater-usage.py) in the [`examples`](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/examples) directory of the repository.
Examples of the usage of the package can be found in the implementation of two players `RandomPlayer` and `UserPlayer`in [player.py](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/wumpus/player.py), and in the files [`wumpus_usage.py`](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/examples/wumpus_usage.py), [`eater_usage.py`](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/examples/eater_usage.py) in the [`examples`](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/blob/master/examples) directory of the repository.
Your player could be also run using the script `gridrunner` script (in the repository is the `runner.py` file) and it'll be available once the package is installed (in alternative could be executed using `python -m wumpus.runner`):
Your player could be also run using the script `gridrunner` script (in the repository is the [`cli.py`](https://gitlab.inf.unibz.it/tessaris/wumpus/-/blob/master/wumpus/cli.py) file) and it'll be available once the package is installed (in alternative could be executed using `python -m wumpus.cli`):
Step 0: agent Eater_c881e1b0 executing N -> reward -1
Step 1: agent Eater_c881e1b0 executing W -> reward -1
Step 2: agent Eater_c881e1b0 executing E -> reward -1
Step 3: agent Eater_c881e1b0 executing W -> reward -1
Step 4: agent Eater_c881e1b0 executing E -> reward -1
Episode terminated by maximum number of steps (5).
Episode terminated with a reward of 5 for agent Eater_df9919cd
Episode terminated with a reward of -5for agent Eater_c881e1b0
You can also use a player defined in a script; e.g., if the player class `GooPlayer` is defined in the `eater_usage.py` you can use the `eater_usage:GooPlayer` entry. Remember Python rules for finding modules, where the current directory is added to the search path. If the script is in a different directory, you can use the `--path` argument to tell the script where to find it: