# Cloud Computing Project: Deployment of a Docker Application in the Cloud
To start the application, open a commandline in the root folder and type *docker-compose up --build*
### Available commands
* **apartments** Microservice: Add apartments with */add?name=...&size=...)"*
* **apartments** Microservice: Remove apartments with */remove?name=...)*
* **apartments** Microservice: See existing apartments with */apartments)*
* **Reserve** Microservice: Add a reservation with */add?name=...&start=yyyymmdd&duration=...&vip=1*
+ Adding a reservation for a non-existing apartment is blocked
+ Adding a reservation that conflicts with another reservation is blocked
* **Reserve** Microservice: remove a reservation with */remove?id=...*
* **Reserve** Microservice: See existing reservations with */reservations*
* **Search** Microservice: Search for apartments with */search?date=...&duration=...*
+ Apartments that are already booked are not shown in the search results
* The **Gateway** Microservice forwards the following commands to the correct microservices:
+ /apartments
+ /apartments/apartments
+ /apartments/add
+ /apartments/remove
+ /search
+ /reserve
+ /reserve/reservations
+ /reserve/add
+ /reserve/remove
| Microservice | Port |
| ------------ | ------ |
| Gateway | 5004 |
The correct URL for adding an apartment would be, for instance, *localhost:5001/add?name=apartment1&size=15*