mvn 3
jdk 8
mvn compile
mvn test
test integration (manual invocation)
for person vplit scenario:
mvn -Dtest=PersonVSplitScenarioTI test
for sakila scenario (it requires postgres db access and configuration):
mvn -Dtest=SakilaScenarioTI test
Mostly required IntelliJ IDEA for Kotlin.
idea . &
package / naming conventions
main package
unibz. univerity name
cs. computer science faculty name
semint. project name
kprime subproject name
main class entry point
Starter where all it starts and components get put toghether
technology free packages
domain/ where aggregates, entities, values lives.
usecase/ where domain components play toghether using services, repositories interfaces.
technology depenent packages
adapter/ where services, repositories implementations lives.
support/ where domain indipendent sherable implementation components lives.
scenario/ where usecases are applied to real technology dependent case.
classes conventions
- A UseCase will return always a UseCaseResult.
- A UseCase may use only domain, service, repository components.
- An Adapter ha always to implement a service or repository interface.
- A domain component has to depends on nothing.
SQL-based migrations add liquibase adapter add flyway adapter
to fix
- jdbc read views metainfo
- film_id doppio nella tabella film_core.
- redirect FOREIGN_KEY from splitted table.
- remove select PRIMARY KEY not by name, but by source table.
to do
- horizontal simple decomposition to remove null columns
- merge selected input database out template process
- (probably) xpath with use of result of previous xpath computation as parameter
- (probably) sql xml representation to add database representation
- (probably) sql xml for relational algebra representation for selection