# ryoko
## About
This is the source code repository for the Web and Internet Engineering Project 2020/21.
### Group Members
* Roland Bernard,
* Daniel Planötscher,
### Project Idea
Do you want to boost your productivity and agility of your development? With Ryoko you are able to
effectively plan your tasks and manage your projects. It is build with developers in mind and
facilitates effective collaboration.
## Getting Started
You can test out our web application at
### Simple deployment
If you have [yarn]( or [npm]( installed it is possible
to build and start the complete project the same way it is deployed on our server.
For this simply enter the root directory of the repository and execute the following three command in order:
1. `yarn install` (or `npm install`) This will install all the dependencies for both the frontend and backend
2. `yarn build` (or `npm run build`) This will bundle the source for the frontend and transpile backend
3. `yarn start` (or `npm run start`) This will start the web server and host the webserver at `localhost:8000`
* The server can use a public and private key pair to sign the authentication web token. They can
either be placed into the directory `server/keys/` with the name `cert.pem` (public key) and
`cert.key` (private key), or they can be given using the `JWT_PUBLIC_KEY` and `JWT_PRIVATE_KEY`
envirenvironment variables. In any case the keys must be suitable for ES384 signatures. If these
keys are not given it will use a simple password to sign the tokens.
* If your `PORT` environment variable is set that will be used as the port to host the webserver in stead of port 8000.
* If your `NODE_ENV` environment variable is set to `production` (with SSL) or `staging` (without SSL) the server will try
to connect to a postgres database using the connection url inside `DATABASE_URL` or
`postgresql://postgres@localhost/ryoko` if no such variable is present in the environment.
The source code for the repository is split into two parts. The backend code can be found inside the
`server` directory while the frontend code can be found inside the `client` directory. Both parts
are managed using the `yarn` package manager, but can also be used with `npm` if necessary. The
server and client parts also use the same commands for running building and testing.
Before building or running you will have to make sure that you have installed all dependencies. This
can be done by executing `yarn install` (or `npm install --legacy-peer-deps`).
To start a development server you can execute `yarn start` (or `npm run start`) inside the `server`
and the `client` directories. Most parts of the client will also require the server to be running
To build a production build enter the respective directory (either `server` or `client`) and execute
`yarn build` (or `npm run build`). The build output will be created inside a directory named `build`
and can then be executed using node for the server, or served staticaly for the client.
After starting the development server inside `client`, the website is accessible at
`http://localhost:3000`. Depending on your configuration the site will probably be opened
automatically in your default browser after execution of `yarn start`.