import { Suspense, lazy } from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import Header from 'components/navigation/Header';
const Tasks = lazy(() => import('pages/Tasks'));

Planoetscher Daniel (Student Com20)
const TaskDetail = lazy(() => import('pages/Tasks/TaskDetail'));
const TaskStart = lazy(() => import('pages/Tasks/TaskStart'));

Planoetscher Daniel (Student Com20)
const ProjectDetail = lazy(() => import('pages/Projects/ProjectDetail'));
const ProjectCreate = lazy(() => import('pages/Projects/ProjectCreate'));
const TaskCreate = lazy(() => import('pages/Tasks/TaskCreate'));
const TaskEdit = lazy(() => import('pages/Tasks/TaskEdit'));
const ProjectEdit = lazy(() => import('pages/Projects/ProjectEdit'));
const Projects = lazy(() => import('pages/Projects'));
const Stats = lazy(() => import('pages/Stats'));
const TeamsEdit = lazy(() => import('pages/Teams/TeamsEdit'));

Planoetscher Daniel (Student Com20)
const Teams = lazy(() => import('pages/Teams'));
const TeamsCreate = lazy(() => import('pages/Teams/TeamsCreate'));

Planoetscher Daniel (Student Com20)
const Settings = lazy(() => import('pages/Settings'));
* This component is a wrapper for all pages for the main application. It includes the header,
* sidebar and navigation. It also does the routing for the main application.
export default function AppWrapper() {
<Suspense fallback={false}>
<Route path="/tasks/:taskId/start" component={TaskStart} />
<Route path="/tasks/:taskId/edit" component={TaskEdit} />
<Route path="/tasks/:taskId" component={TaskDetail} />
<Route path="/tasks" exact component={Tasks} />
<Route path="/projects/create" component={ProjectCreate} />
<Route path="/projects/:projectId/tasks/create" component={TaskCreate} />
<Route path="/projects/:projectId/edit" component={ProjectEdit} />
<Route path="/projects/:projectId" component={ProjectDetail} />
<Route path="/projects" component={Projects} />
<Route path={['/stats/:time', '/stats']} component={Stats} />
<Route path="/settings" component={Settings} />
<Route path="/teams/create" exact component={TeamsCreate} />
<Route path="/teams/:teamId/edit" exact component={TeamsEdit} />
<Route path={['/teams/:teamId', '/teams']} component={Teams} />