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This is an Ötzi-themed typing webgame; its name is:

  • "Ötzit!" (human readable)
  • "oetzit" (machine readable)


The backend is a fastify webserver exposing some APIs.

To spin it up for development,

cd backend
npm install
npm exec knex migrate:latest
npm exec knex seed:run
PORT=8080 npm run serve

The webserver will be abailable at http://localhost:8080.


NOTE: currently we have k8s 1.10.11 on cluster. This causes quite a few problems in reproducing the environment easily, mostly due to the fact that 1.10.11 schemas aren't around anymore and early versions of minikube are not easy to get.


# database (transcriptions)
npm exec knex seed:run
# object storage (images)
npm exec ts-node src/quack/os_seeder.ts

You can also use an env var like PAGE_FILTER=^ARBEI_1919 to filter issues.


First you get the latest minikube up and running:

winget install minikibe
minikube start

Then you build the backend image and push it to the runtime cache of minikube:

docker build -t oetzit:latest backend/
minikube image load oetzit:latest

Finally you apply the dev manifest and open a tunnel:

minikube kubectl -- apply -k backend/k8s/overlays/dev/

For your sanity, remember to open a tunnel and ensure the ingress is enabled:

minikube addons enable ingress
minikube tunnel

That's it!

Tentatively reproducing the cluster

Our current cluster has k8s 1.10.11.

The earliest minikube available via choco reaches that, but apparently even minikube 1.11.0 only supports up to k8s 1.13.0 so there's no use going down that road.

The earliest minikube available via winget is 1.15.1, so we might as well go with it.

winget install minikibe --version=1.15.1

This way we can get back to k8s 1.13.0:

minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.13.0

Finally, we can deploy:

# NOTE: we're using an updated kubectl on the host machine to run kustomize...
kubectl kustomize backend/k8s/overlays/dev | minikube kubectl -- apply -f -
# NOTE: ... a modern version would afford us this instead
#   minikube kubectl -- apply -k dev


IMPORTANT: while the cluster has k8s 1.10.11 and you can easily get kubectl 1.10.11, you must use kubectl 1.11.0 because 1.10.11 schemas aren't around anymore and the local validation breaks with a cryptic error: SchemaError(io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup_v2): invalid object doesn't have additional properties.

# Please validate before deploying (1.11.0 is the closest available schema version)
kustomize build backend/k8s/overlays/ENV/ | kubeval --kubernetes-version 1.11.0
# We're on an old version and there's no -k flag:
kustomize build backend/k8s/overlays/ENV/ | kubectl apply -f -


The frontend is a phaser webapp built parcel.

To spin it up for development,

cd frontend
npm install
npm run serve

Also, remember to

Change line 63/64 of main.js file in src/js folder by switching the comment.
This operation permits the ui to call the backend at `http://localhost:8080/oetzi_words/` instead of to the relative path.

The webapp will be abailable at http://localhost:1234.
