@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ list with the arguments to be passed to \code{model.FUN}
By default the hydroPSO function performs minimization of \code{fn}, but it will maximize \code{fn} if \code{MinMax='max'} \cr
The default control arguments in hydroPSO implements the Standard PSO 2007 - SPSO2007 (see Clerc 2005; Clerc et al., 2010). At the same time, hydroPSO function provides options for clamping the maximal velocity, regrouping strategy when premature convergence is detected, time-variant acceleration coefficients, time-varying maximum velocity, (non-)linear / random / adaptive / best-ratio inertia weight definitions, random or LHS initialization of positions and velocities, synchronous or asynchronous update, 4 alternative neighbourhood topologies among others
The \code{control} argument is a list that can supply any of the following components: