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Commit 91539b52 authored by Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini's avatar Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
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new hydroPSO2pest.R file

parent dbe6bd3e
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Package: hydroPSO
Type: Package
Title: Model-Independent Particle Swarm Optimisation for Environmental Models
Version: 0.1-58-21
Date: 2012-11-09
Version: 0.1-58-22
Date: 2012-11-12
Authors@R: c(person("Mauricio", "Zambrano-Bigiarini", email="", role=c("aut","cre")), person("Rodrigo", "Rojas", email="", role=c("ctb")) )
Maintainer: Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini <>
Description: This package implements a state-of-the-art version of the Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm (SPSO-2011 and SPSO-2007 capable), with a special focus on the calibration of environmental models. hydroPSO is model-independent, allowing the user to easily interface any model code with the calibration engine (PSO). It includes a series of controlling options and PSO variants to fine-tune the performance of the calibration engine to different calibration problems. An advanced sensitivity analysis function together with user-friendly plotting summaries facilitate the interpretation and assessment of the calibration results. Bugs reports/comments/questions are very welcomed.
......@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ export(hydroPSO,
S3method(params2ecdf, matrix)
......@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ NEWS/ChangeLog for hydroPSO
Only available when '"hydromod"'
-) new 'normalise' parameter for the 'control' variable, in order to improve the performance when the search space is not
a hypercube
-) new function 'pest2hydroPSO' for importing PEST input files
-) normalised swarm radius now it is computed using the median distance of all the particles the global best, instead of using the maximum distance
(as proposed in Evers and Ghalia 2009). This was done in order to make easier the identification of the stagnation point for activating regrouping
-) when 'use.RG=TRUE', the default values for 'RG.thr', 'RG.r', and 'RG.miniter' were changed (related to the change in the computation of swarm
......@@ -95,7 +93,10 @@ NEWS/ChangeLog for hydroPSO
o 'hydromod' : -) now it is able to handle sub-daily models
-) if the 'hydroGOF' package is not available, a simple correlation plot is produced between observations and
the best simulation
-) improved documentation
-) improved documentation
o new function 'pest2hydroPSO' for importing PEST input files into hydroPSO
o new function 'hydroPSO2pest' for exporting hydroPSO input files to PEST
0.1-58 14-Sep-2012
# File hydroPSO2pest.R
# Part of the hydroPSO package,
# Copyright 2012-2012 Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
# Distributed under GPL 2 or later
## .read_paramrange ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To read the 'ParamRanges.txt' hydroPSO input file ##
# 'drty.model': character, with the name of the directory with the input and exe
# files of the model
.read_paramranges <- function(drty.model, fname="ParamRanges.txt") {
# Reading the file
x <- read.table(fname, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} # '.read_paramranges' END
## .read_paramfiles ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To read the 'ParamFiles.txt' hydroPSO input file ##
# 'drty.model': character, with the name of the directory with the input and exe
# files of the model
.read_paramfiles <- function(fname="ParamFiles.txt") {
x <- read.table(fname, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} # '.read_paramfiles' END
## .read_observations ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To read the 'Observations.txt' hydroPSO output file ##
# 'drty.model': character, with the name of the directory with the input and exe
# files of the model
.read_observations <- function(fname="Observations.txt") {
# reading the first line of the file
x <- read.table(fname, header=FALSE, nrows=1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (NCOL(x) == 1) {
x <- read.table(fname, header=FALSE)
} else x <- coredata(read.zoo(fname, header=FALSE))
} # '.read_observations' END
## .write.tpl ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To write a .tpl PEST input file ##
.write.tpl <- function(tpl.fname, modelin.fname, paramfiles, token="#") {
# Getting the line for the input file
row.index <- which(paramfiles[,3] == basename(modelin.fname))
# Reading the model input file
x <- readLines(tpl.fname)
# Writing the tpl file
for (r in row.index ) {
# parameter name
ParameterName <- as.character(paramfiles[r, 2])
# Row location
RowNumber <- paramfiles[r, 4]
# Columns location
ColStart <- paramfiles[r, 5]
ColEnd <- paramfiles[r, 6]
L <- ColEnd - ColStart + 1
nspaces <- L - 2 - nchar(ParameterName)
spaces <- paste(rep(" ", nspaces), collapse="")
new.stg <- paste(token, ParameterName, spaces, token, sep="")
# Replacing the line with the token and parameter name
substr(x[RowNumber], start=ColStart, stop=ColEnd) <- new.stg
} # FOR end
# writing the .tpl to disk
writeLines(x, con=tpl.fname)
} # '.write.tpl' END
## hydroPSO2pest ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 12-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To export the content of the hydroPSO files 'ParamRanges.txt' ##
# 'ParamFiles.txt' to PEST, as a single .pst files with its corres-##
# ponding .tpl and .ins files ##
hydroPSO2pest <- function(
) {
if (missing(paramfiles.fname))
stop("Missing argument: 'paramfiles.fname'")
if (missing(paramranges.fname))
stop("Missing argument: 'paramranges.fname'")
if (missing(exe.fname))
stop("Missing argument: 'exe.fname'")
if (missing(observations.fname))
stop("Missing argument: 'observations.fname'")
if (!file.exists(drty.model)) stop("Invalid argument: 'drty.model' does not exist !")
if (basename(paramfiles.fname)==paramfiles.fname)
paramfiles.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/", paramfiles.fname, sep="")
if (basename(paramranges.fname)==paramranges.fname)
paramranges.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/", paramranges.fname, sep="")
if (basename(observations.fname)==observations.fname)
observations.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/PSO.out/", observations.fname, sep="")
if (basename(pst.fname)==pst.fname)
pst.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/", pst.fname, sep="")
if (!file.exists(paramfiles.fname)) stop("Invalid argument: 'paramfiles.fname' does not exist !")
if (!file.exists(paramranges.fname)) stop("Invalid argument: 'paramranges.fname' does not exist !")
if (!file.exists(observations.fname)) stop("Invalid argument: 'observations.fname' does not exist in '", dirname(observations.fname), "' !")
# 1) Reading ParamRanges.txt
x <- .read_paramranges(drty.model, fname=paramranges.fname)
# Param numbers
param.nmbrs <- x[, 1]
# Param names
param.names <- x[, 2]
# Param boundaries
param.min <- x[, 3]
param.max <- x[, 4]
# Number of parameters
nparam <- length(param.names)
# 2) Reading Observations.txt
obs <- .read_observations(fname=observations.fname)
# Number of observations
nobs <- length(obs)
# 3) Reading ParamFiles.txt
x <- .read_paramfiles(fname=paramfiles.fname)
# Param numbers
ParameterNmbr <- x[, 1]
# Param names
ParameterName <- x[, 2]
# Model input names
Filename <- as.factor(x[, 3])
# Row location
RowNumber <- x[, 4]
# Columns location
ColStart <- x[, 5]
ColEnd <- x[, 6]
# Number of decimal places
DecimalPlaces <- x[, 7]
# Name of single-occurrence input files to be modified
tpl.fnames <- as.character(levels(Filename))
# Number of tpl files
ntpls <- length(tpl.fnames)
# 4) tpl creation
for (t in 1:ntpls) {
tmp <- t
l <- nchar(t)
if (l < 3) tmp <- paste(paste(rep("0", 3-l), collapse=""), t, sep="")
tpl.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/", "file", tmp, ".tpl", sep="") <- paste(drty.model, "/", tpl.fnames[t], sep="")
file.copy(, tpl.fname, overwrite=TRUE)
# Reading the new .tpl
tmp <- readLines(tpl.fname)
# Adding a 1st line with the token
token <- "#"
first.line <- paste("ptf ", token, sep="")
tmp <- c(first.line, tmp)
# writing the .tpl to disk
writeLines(tmp, con=tpl.fname)
.write.tpl(tpl.fname=tpl.fname,, paramfiles=x, token=token)
} # FOR 't' end
# 5) ins creation
x <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
x[2] <- "pif @ "
x[3] <- "@***OUTPUT KEYWORD***@"
x[4] <- "l1 (obs1)StartCol:EndCol"
x[5] <- "..."
# writing to disk
fname.out <- paste(drty.model, "/ModelOut.ins", sep="")
writeLines(x, con=fname.out)
# 6) pst creation
##pst.template <- system.file("hydroPSO2pest.pst", package="hydroPSO")
pst.template <- "/dataMZB/2012/mzb_functions/R-mzb_packages/SVN/hydroPSO/trunk/inst/hydroPSO2pest.pst"
if (!file.exists(dirname(pst.fname))) dir.create(dirname(pst.fname), recursive=TRUE)
file.copy(pst.template, pst.fname, overwrite=TRUE)
# modifying the .pst
x <- readLines(pst.fname)
L <- length(x)
# Number of parameters
tmp <- as.character(nparam)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 4) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 4-l), collapse=""), nparam, sep="")
substr(x[4], start=2, stop=5) <- tmp
# Number of observations
tmp <- as.character(nobs)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 6) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 6-l), collapse=""), nobs, sep="")
substr(x[4], start=7, stop=12) <- tmp
# Number of parameter groups
tmp <- as.character(nparam)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 5) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 5-l), collapse=""), nparam, sep="")
substr(x[4], start=14, stop=18) <- tmp
# Number of .tpl
tmp <- as.character(ntpls)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 4) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 4-l), collapse=""), ntpls, sep="")
substr(x[5], start=2, stop=5) <- tmp
# Number of .ins
#substr(x[5], start=7, stop=12) <- "1"
# it should be changed by the user
# * parameter groups
x <- c(x[1:11], rep(x[12], nparam), x[13:L])
L <- L + nparam - 1
for (i in 1:nparam) {
tmp <- param.names[i]
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 17) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 17-l), collapse=""), param.names[i], sep="")
substr(x[11+i], start=1, stop=17) <- tmp
} # FOR end
# * parameter data
x <- c(x[1:(13+nparam-1)], rep(x[14+nparam-1], nparam), x[(15+nparam-1):L])
L <- L + nparam - 1
for (i in 1:nparam) {
# param names
tmp <- param.names[i]
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 17) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 17-l), collapse=""), param.names[i], sep="")
substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=1, stop=17) <- tmp
# param ini
tmp <- format((param.max[i] + param.min[i])/2, scientific=TRUE, digits=7)
tmp <- as.character(tmp)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 13) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 13-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=33, stop=45) <- tmp
# param min
tmp <- format(param.min[i], scientific=TRUE, digits=7)
tmp <- as.character(tmp)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 13) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 13-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=47, stop=59) <- tmp
# param max
tmp <- format(param.max[i], scientific=TRUE, digits=7)
tmp <- as.character(tmp)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 15) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 15-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=61, stop=76) <- tmp
} # FOR end
# * observation data
x <- c(x[1:(17+2*(nparam-1))], rep(x[17+2*(nparam-1)+1], nobs), x[(17+2*(nparam-1)+2):L])
L <- L + nobs - 1
for (i in 1:nobs) {
# i-th observation name
l <- nchar(i)
if (l < 5) tmp <- paste("obs", paste(rep("0", 5-l), collapse=""), i, sep="")
substr(x[17+2*(nparam-1)+i], start=1, stop=8) <- tmp
# i-th observation value
tmp <- format(obs[i], scientific=TRUE, digits=18)
tmp <- as.character(tmp)
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 23) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 23-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
substr(x[17+2*(nparam-1)+i], start=14, stop=36) <- tmp
} # FOR end
# * model command line
x[20+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)] <- exe.fname
# * model input/output
x <- c(x[1:(21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1))], rep(x[21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+1], ntpls), x[(21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+2):L])
L <- L + ntpls - 1
for (i in 1:ntpls) {
# i-th .tpl filename
l <- nchar(i)
if (l < 3) tmp <- paste("file", paste(rep("0", 3-l), collapse=""), i, sep="")
substr(x[21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+i], start=1, stop=11) <- tmp
# i-th model input file
tmp <- as.character(tpl.fnames[i])
l <- nchar(tmp)
if (l < 12) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 12-l), collapse=""), tpl.fnames[i], sep="")
substr(x[21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+i], start=13, stop=13+l+1) <- tmp
} # FOR end
# writing to disk
writeLines(x, con=pst.fname)
# 8) Output
message("[ ]")
message("[ hydroPSO2PEST finished !! ]")
message("[ PEST input files available in: '", drty.model, "']")
message("[ Before running PEST, you MUST check *.pst and *.ins files")
} # 'pest2hydroPSO' END
hydroPSO2pest( paramfiles.fname="ParamFiles.txt",
.pst2paramranges <- function(drty.model, names, ini, min, max, fname.out="ParamRanges.txt") {
# File pest2hydroPSO.R
# Part of the hydroPSO package,
# Copyright 2012-2012 Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
# Distributed under GPL 2 or later
## .pst2paramranges ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 08-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 09-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To write the 'ParamRanges.txt' hydroPSO input file ##
# 'drty.model': character, with the name of the directory with the input and exe
# files of the model
# 'names' : character vector, with the names of the parameters to be calibrated
# 'ini' : numeric, with the initial guess used in PEST for each parameter
# to be calibrated (not used in hydroPSO)
# 'min' : numeric, with the lowest boundaries for the the parameters to be
# calibrated
# 'max' : numeric, with the highest boundaries for the the parameters to be
# calibrated
# 'fname.out' : character, with the name of the output text file with the boudaries
# for each parameter to be calibrated
.pst2paramranges <- function(drty.model, names, ini, min, max,
fname.out="ParamRanges.txt") {
drty.bak <- getwd()
......@@ -28,7 +58,18 @@
.pst2paramfiles <- function(drty.model, tpls, inputs, param.names, fname.out="ParamFiles.txt", DecimalPlaces=5) {
## .pst2paramfiles ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 08-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 09-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To write the 'ParamFiles.txt' hydroPSO input file ##
.pst2paramfiles <- function(drty.model, tpls, inputs, param.names,
fname.out="ParamFiles.txt", DecimalPlaces=5) {
drty.bak <- getwd()
......@@ -107,9 +148,17 @@
} # '.pst2paramfiles' END
## pest2hydroPSO ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas ##
# Created: 08-Nov-2012 ##
# Updates: 09-Nov-2012 ##
# Purpose : To import the PEST input files (.pst, .tpl) to be used within ##
# hydroPSO (ParamFiles.txt, ParamRanges.txt, hydroPSO_Rscript.R) ##
pest2hydroPSO <- function(pst.fname,
* control data
restart estimation
npar nobs npar 0 1
ntpl nins single point 1 0 0
5.0 2.0 0.3 0.03 10 999
3.0 3.0 0.001 0
30 0.01 3 3 0.01 3
1 1 1
* parameter groups relative 0.01 0.0 switch 2.0 parabolic
* parameter data none relative param.ini param.min param.max 1.0000 0.0000 1
* observation groups
* observation data
obs00001 obs.value 1.0 obsgroup
* model command line
* model input/output
file001.tpl input001.txt
ModelOut.ins output.txt
* prior information
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