Description: This package implements a state-of-the-art version of the Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm (SPSO-2011 and SPSO-2007 capable), with a special focus on the calibration of environmental models. hydroPSO is model-independent, allowing the user to easily interface any model code with the calibration engine (PSO). It includes a series of controlling options and PSO variants to fine-tune the performance of the calibration engine to different calibration problems. An advanced sensitivity analysis function together with user-friendly plotting summaries facilitate the interpretation and assessment of the calibration results. Bugs reports/comments/questions are very welcomed.
Description: This package implements a state-of-the-art version of the Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm (SPSO-2011 and SPSO-2007 capable), with a special focus on the calibration of environmental models. hydroPSO is model-independent, allowing the user to easily interface any model code with the calibration engine (PSO). It includes a series of controlling options and PSO variants to fine-tune the performance of the calibration engine to different calibration problems. An advanced sensitivity analysis function together with user-friendly plotting summaries facilitate the interpretation and assessment of the calibration results. Bugs reports/comments/questions are very welcomed.
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ numeric, absolute convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if \code{gbest <= a
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ numeric, absolute convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if \code{gbest <= a
By default it is set to \code{-Inf} or \code{+Inf} for minimisation or maximisation problems, respectively
By default it is set to \code{-Inf} or \code{+Inf} for minimisation or maximisation problems, respectively
numeric, relative convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if the absolute difference between the best \sQuote{personal best} in the current iteration and the best \sQuote{personal best} in the previous iteration is lower or equal to \code{reltol}. Defaults to \code{sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)}, typically, about 1e-8\cr
numeric, relative convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if the absolute difference between the best \sQuote{personal best} in the current iteration and the best \sQuote{personal best} in the previous iteration is less or equal to \code{reltol}. Defaults to \code{sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)}, typically, about 1e-8\cr
If \code{reltol} is set to \code{0}, this stopping criterion is not used
If \code{reltol} is set to \code{0}, this stopping criterion is not used
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ three-element vector containing the number of function evaluations, number of it
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ three-element vector containing the number of function evaluations, number of it
integer code where \code{0} indicates that the algorithm terminated by reaching the absolute tolerance, otherwise:
integer code where \code{0} indicates that the algorithm terminated by reaching the absolute tolerance, otherwise:
\item{\code{1}:}{relative tolerance reached}
\item{1}{relative tolerance reached}
\item{\code{2}:}{maximum number of function evaluations reached}
\item{2}{maximum number of function evaluations reached}
\item{\code{3}:}{maximum number of iterations reached}
\item{3}{maximum number of iterations reached}
\item{message}{character string giving human-friendly information about \code{convergence}
\item{message}{character string giving human-friendly information about \code{convergence}