o 'plot_particles' : -) new argument 'do.pairs' (by default 'do.pairs=FALSE'), to control if the correlation matrix among parameters has to be plotted or not
o 'plot_particles' : -) new argument 'do.pairs' (by default 'do.pairs=FALSE'), to control if the correlation matrix among parameters has to be plotted or not
(up to hydroPSO <=0.1.58 it was always plotted)
(up to hydroPSO <=0.1.58 it was always plotted)
-) arguments 'MinMax' and 'beh.thr' are now passed to 'plot_NparOF'
o 'plot_results' : -) new argument 'do.pairs' (by default 'do.pairs=FALSE'), to control if the correlation matrix among parameters has to be plotted or not
o 'plot_results' : -) new argument 'do.pairs' (by default 'do.pairs=FALSE'), to control if the correlation matrix among parameters has to be plotted or not
(up to hydroPSO <=0.1.58 it was always plotted)
(up to hydroPSO <=0.1.58 it was always plotted)
o 'plot_out' : -) argument 'MinMax' is not required any more!
o 'plot_out' : -) argument 'MinMax' is not required any more!
-) argument 'sim' may also be 'integer' (before it had to be 'numeric', which does not allow 'integer' objects !)
-) argument 'sim' may also be 'integer' (before it had to be 'numeric', which does not allow 'integer' objects !)
o 'plot_NparOF' : -) new argument 'beh.thr' to allow selecting only behavioral parameter sets
o new function 'pest2hydroPSO' for importing PEST input files into hydroPSO
o new function 'pest2hydroPSO' for importing PEST input files into hydroPSO
o new function 'hydroPSO2pest' for exporting hydroPSO input files to PEST
o new function 'hydroPSO2pest' for exporting hydroPSO input files to PEST