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Commit 0f867da4 authored by Claudio Zandonella's avatar Claudio Zandonella
Browse files

update bolzano analysis

parent 88ac748d
Branches main
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......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import cols, conv, read_data, sez_cols, wcols
from import cols, conv, read_data, sez_cols, wcols, selected_col
from justclust.explore.algclusters import explore_models, get_algclusters
from justclust.explore.preprocs import ApplyW, explore_preprocs, get_preprocs
import justclust.paths.paths as paths
......@@ -66,15 +66,19 @@ print(pre_scores["hopkins"].describe())
# %%
# select a preprocessing
pre_key = (
# "s:RobustScaler(quantile_range=(2, 98))|"
# "w:true|"
# "d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, fit_algorithm='cd', n_jobs=-1)"
"d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, fit_algorithm='cd')"
# "s:QuantileTransformer()|w:false|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, fit_algorithm='cd', n_jobs=-1)"
"s:MaxAbsScaler()|w:true|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-1
# "s:MinMaxScaler()|w:true|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-2
# "s:Normalizer(norm='max')|w:true|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-3
# "s:Normalizer(norm='l1')|w:true|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-4
# "s:QuantileTransformer(random_state=2023)|w:true|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-5
# "s:Normalizer()|w:true|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-6
# "s:RobustScaler(quantile_range=(20, 80))|w:true|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, fit_algorithm='cd', max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-7
# "s:Normalizer(norm='max')|w:false|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, max_iter=2000, n_jobs=-1, random_state=2023)" # try-8
if pre_key not in preprocs.keys():
skeys = "\n".join([f" - {k!r}" for k in sorted(preprocs.keys())])
......@@ -108,12 +112,12 @@ else:
("n_clusters", (5.0, 12.0)),
("n_clusters", (5.0, 10.0)),
# silhouette_score: The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1.
# Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters. Negative values generally
# indicate that a sample has been assigned to the wrong cluster, as a
# different cluster is more similar.
("silhouette", (0.5, None)),
("silhouette", (0.85, None)),
# davies_bouldin_score: The minimum score is zero, with lower values
# indicating better clustering.
# ("davies bouldin", (None, 0.6)),
......@@ -160,16 +164,21 @@ else:
# Select the cluster id that need to be compared
# the ID can be taken from the `clscorefile`
sel_clsts = [
# label
# "hdbscan__mcs-15_ms-05_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # k06 @51.6%
# "hdbscan__mcs-15_ms-05_m-sqeuclidean_csm-eom", # k07 @50.2%
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-05_m-sqeuclidean_csm-eom", # k09 @60.3%
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-01_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # k12 @74.5%
# "hdbscan__mcs-07_ms-05_m-chebyshev_csm-eom", # k15 @77.5%
"hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-00_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # k6 96% .91 .17 2653
# "hdbscan__mcs-12_ms-02_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # k7 91% .85 .27 2338
# "hdbscan__mcs-02_ms-05_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # k10 96% .87 .25 1674
# try-1
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-00_m-braycurtis_csm-eom", # 8 clst 84.558824 0.961501 0.097361 7967.110672
"hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-00_m-euclidean_csm-eom" # 9 clst 91.911765 0.916117 0.488055 1082.154275
# # try-2
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-00_m-braycurtis_csm-eom", # 8 clst 84.926471 0.938385 0.306445 1210.865543
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-05_m-chebyshev_csm-eom" # 9 clst 89.705882 0.921724 0.379492 2048.702598
# # try-8
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-00_m-braycurtis_csm-eom", # 5 clst 86.397059 0.991400 0.068170 38957.400453
# "hdbscan__mcs-07_ms-00_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # 6 clst 90.073529 0.991330 0.067792 34901.021320
# "hdbscan__mcs-07_ms-03_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # 7 clst 92.647059 0.989539 0.074449 25493.584344
if len(sel_clsts) == 0:
......@@ -232,6 +241,7 @@ for clname in sel_clsts:
city = 'bolzano',
clname= clname,
selected_col = selected_col,
cdir = my_paths.report_dir / clname
# %%
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
......@@ -8,64 +10,47 @@ my_paths = paths.define_paths(city = 'bolzano')
# %%
# columns selected for the columns of the outputs
sez_cols = [
"SEZ", "geometry",
sez_cols = ["SEZ", "geometry"]
id_col = ['SEZ']
#---- Air Quality ----
# Define available files
prisk_scr_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Air quality" / "street_canyon_risk.shp"
airq_scr_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Air quality" / "street_canyon_risk.shp"
pm25_scr_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Air quality" / "pm_25_concentration.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
prisk_raw_cols = ["Area_r1", "Area_r2", "Area_r3", "Area_r4", "Area_r6", "Area_r9"]
prisk_nor_cols = [
airq_cols = ["risk_1_n", "risk_2_n", "risk_3_n"]
pm25_cols = ["pm_25_n"]
#---- Carbon ----
# Define available files
co2_ab_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Carbon" / "c_absorption.shp"
co2_em_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Carbon" / "c_emission.shp"
co2_ab_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Carbon" / "carbon_absorption.shp"
co2_em_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Carbon" / "carbon_emission.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
# Absorption
co2_raw_cols = ["CO2"]
co2_nor_cols = ["kgCO2/m²"]
# Emmissions
ems = ["gasolio_em", "gpl_em", "ee_em", "metano_em", "legno_em", "tot_em", "c_ee_em"]
co2_em_raw_cols = ["finale"]
co2_em_nor_cols = ["finale/m²"]
co2_ab_cols = ["c_ab_n"]
co2_em_cols = ["c_em_n"]
#---- FFH ----
# Define available files
ffh_pa_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "FFH" / "protected_areas.shp"
ffh_vegetation_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "FFH" / "degree_of_vegetation.shp"
ffh_na_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "FFH" / "connectivity_natural_areas.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
ffh_raw_cols = ["F_Area_m2"]
ffh_nor_cols = ["P_Prot_are"]
ffh_vegetation_cols = ["veg_n"]
ffh_na_cols = ["conn_n"]
#---- Spatial ----
# Define available files
spt_ag_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Spatial" / "accessibility_green_areas.shp"
spt_wk_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Spatial" / "walkability.shp"
spt_ag_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Spatial" / "accessibility_urban_green_areas.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
spt_ag_raw_cols = ["Area_300m_", "Area_750m_"]
spt_ag_nor_cols = ["P_area_300", "P_area_750"]
spt_wk_nor_cols = ["MEAN_Resul"]
spt_ag_cols = ["area_800_n"]
#---- Temporal ----
......@@ -73,47 +58,28 @@ spt_wk_nor_cols = ["MEAN_Resul"]
tem_ss_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Temporal" / "soil_sealing.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
tem_raw_cols = ["Area_diff"]
tem_nor_cols = ["P_Area_dif"]
tem_ss_cols = ["s_area_n"]
#---- Thermal ----
# Define available files
thm_sh_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Thermal" / "suhi.shp"
thm_sh_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Thermal" / "heat_stress_zones.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
thm_nor_cols = ["mean_norm"]
thm_sh_cols = ["stress_n"]
#---- Socio ----
# Define available files
socio_gpkg = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Socio" / "bz_pop_2021.gpkg"
socio_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Socio" / "demographic_data.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
socio_abs_cols = [
"Totale popolazione",
"65 e oltre",
"indice di vecchiaia",
"Media componenti",
"Totale famiglie con figli",
"Totale famiglie senza figli",
"Totale famiglie",
socio_perc_cols = [
"%con figli",
"%senza figli",
socio_cols = [
# %%
......@@ -121,37 +87,36 @@ socio_perc_cols = [
cols_dict = {
# Air quality
"P_Area_r1": "Area very-low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r2": "Area low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r3": "Area medium-low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r4": "Area medium-high P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r6": "Area high P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r9": "Area very-high P-risk [%]"
"pm_25_n" : "pm 2.5 concentrations [µg/m3]",
"risk_1_n" : "Area low AQ-risk [%]",
"risk_2_n" : "Area medium AQ-risk [%]",
"risk_3_n" : "Area high AQ-risk [%]"
# Carbon
"finale/m²": "Carbon emission building [ton CO2/m²]",
"kgCO2/m²": "Carbon absorption vegetation [kg CO2/m²]"
"c_ab_n" : "Carbon absorption vegetation [kg CO2/m2]",
"c_em_n" : "Carbon emission building [ton CO2/m²]"
'ffh':{"P_Prot_are": "Protected area [%]"},
"veg_n" : "Vegetation quality",
"conn_n" : "Betweenness centrality"
# Spatial
"P_area_300": "Accessibility public gardens (<5 min) [%]",
"MEAN_Resul": "Walkability Index"
"area_800_n" : "Accessibility urban green areas (<10 min) [%]",
# Temporal
'temporal':{"P_Area_dif":"Soil sealing between 2022 and 2018 [%]"},
'temporal':{"s_area_n" : "Soil sealing between 2022 and 2018 [%]"},
# Thermal
'thermal':{"mean_norm": "Surface urban heat island"},
'thermal':{"stress_n" : "Heat stress zones"},
# Socio
"indice di vecchiaia": "Age Index",
"%stranieri": "Foreign population [%]",
"%con figli": "Families with children [%]",
# "%senza figli": "Families without children [%]",
"%Single": "Families with one component [%]"
"pop_den" : "Population density [inhab/km2]",
"aging_in" : "Aging index",
"foreign" : "Foreign population [%]",
"fam_w_ch" : "Families with children [%]"
......@@ -170,7 +135,7 @@ conv = {k:v for values in cols_dict.values() for k,v in values.items()}
# define subset of columns according to categories
selected_col = {
'col_prisk': list(cols_dict.get('prisk').values()),
'col_airq': list(cols_dict.get('airq').values()),
......@@ -186,49 +151,43 @@ selected_col = {
def read_data():
prisk_scr = gpd.read_file(prisk_scr_shp)
pm25_scr = gpd.read_file(pm25_scr_shp)
airq_scr = gpd.read_file(airq_scr_shp)
co2_ab = gpd.read_file(co2_ab_shp)
co2_ab["SEZ"] = co2_ab["SEZ"].astype(int)
co2_ab["kgCO2/m²"] = co2_ab["CO2"] / co2_ab.area
co2_em = gpd.read_file(co2_em_shp)
co2_em["finale/m²"] = co2_em["finale"] / co2_em.area
ffh_pa = gpd.read_file(ffh_pa_shp)
ffh_na = gpd.read_file(ffh_na_shp)
ffh_vegetation = gpd.read_file(ffh_vegetation_shp)
spt_ag = gpd.read_file(spt_ag_shp)
spt_wk = gpd.read_file(spt_wk_shp)
tem_ss = gpd.read_file(tem_ss_shp)
thm_sh = gpd.read_file(thm_sh_shp)
socio_pk = gpd.read_file(socio_gpkg, driver="GPKG")
# fix column
res = []
for val in socio_pk["indice di vecchiaia"]:
v = float(val.strip().replace(",", "."))
except Exception:
v = np.nan
socio_pk["indice di vecchiaia"] = np.array(res, dtype=float)
raw = pd.concat(
co2_ab.loc[:, sez_cols],
prisk_scr.loc[:, prisk_raw_cols + prisk_nor_cols],
co2_ab.loc[:, co2_raw_cols + co2_nor_cols],
co2_em.loc[:, co2_em_raw_cols + co2_em_nor_cols + ems],
ffh_pa.loc[:, ffh_raw_cols + ffh_nor_cols],
spt_ag.loc[:, spt_ag_raw_cols + spt_ag_nor_cols],
spt_wk.loc[:, spt_wk_nor_cols],
tem_ss.loc[:, tem_raw_cols + tem_nor_cols],
thm_sh.loc[:, thm_nor_cols],
socio_pk.loc[:, socio_abs_cols + socio_perc_cols],
raw.index = co2_ab["SEZ"]
socio_pk = gpd.read_file(socio_shp)
list_data = [
pm25_scr.loc[:, id_col + ['geometry'] + pm25_cols],
airq_scr.loc[:, id_col + airq_cols],
co2_ab.loc[:, id_col + co2_ab_cols],
co2_em.loc[:, id_col + co2_em_cols],
ffh_na.loc[:, id_col + ffh_na_cols],
ffh_vegetation.loc[:, id_col + ffh_vegetation_cols],
spt_ag.loc[:, id_col + spt_ag_cols],
tem_ss.loc[:, id_col + tem_ss_cols],
thm_sh.loc[:, id_col + thm_sh_cols],
socio_pk.loc[:, id_col + socio_cols],
raw = list_data[0]
for df in list_data[1:]:
raw = pd.merge(raw, df, on = id_col)
raw = raw.set_index(id_col, drop = False) = None
# Remove error observation
mask = raw.index == 8888888
raw = raw[~ mask]
# rename columns
raw = raw.rename(columns = {id_col[0]:'SEZ'})
# set not valid values to Nan
raw = raw.replace(88888, np.nan)
return raw
# %%
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