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  • samuele.zilio/clustering
  • URS/justnature/clustering
2 results
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......@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ raw = read_data()
selected = raw.loc[:, cols].dropna()
selected.rename(columns=conv, inplace=True)
# %%
# Remove error observation
mask = selected.index == 8888888
selected = selected[~ mask]
# %%
# Explore clustering pre-processing
......@@ -77,7 +72,7 @@ pre_key = (
"d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, fit_algorithm='cd', n_jobs=-1)"
"d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, fit_algorithm='cd')"
# "s:QuantileTransformer()|w:false|d:DictionaryLearning(alpha=0.1, fit_algorithm='cd', n_jobs=-1)"
......@@ -102,6 +97,7 @@ if my_paths.clfile.exists():
fi = pd.read_excel(my_paths.fimpfile, header=0, index_col=0)
print(f"File: {my_paths.clfile} does not exist. Start computing the clusters")
print(f"Preprocessing: {pre_key}")
geo_out = raw.loc[:, sez_cols]
models = get_algclusters(preprocs=pre)
......@@ -133,7 +129,7 @@ else:
# %%
# Export the clusters into separate files
# split file to make them not too heavy
......@@ -7,14 +7,22 @@ import justclust.paths.paths as paths
my_paths = paths.define_paths(city = 'bolzano')
# %%
# columns selected for the columns of the outputs
sez_cols = [
"SEZ", "geometry",
id_col = ['SEZ']
#---- Air Quality ----
# Define available files
aq_scr_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Air quality" / "street_canyon_risk.shp"
prisk_scr_shp = my_paths.rawdata_dir / "Air quality" / "street_canyon_risk.shp"
# Define columns and other constant values
aq_raw_cols = ["Area_r1", "Area_r2", "Area_r3", "Area_r4", "Area_r6", "Area_r9"]
aq_nor_cols = [
prisk_raw_cols = ["Area_r1", "Area_r2", "Area_r3", "Area_r4", "Area_r6", "Area_r9"]
prisk_nor_cols = [
......@@ -39,9 +47,6 @@ ems = ["gasolio_em", "gpl_em", "ee_em", "metano_em", "legno_em", "tot_em", "c_ee
co2_em_raw_cols = ["finale"]
co2_em_nor_cols = ["finale/m²"]
# columns selected for the columns of the outputs
sez_cols = ["geometry", "SEZ", "SEZ2011", "COD_REG", "COD_ISTAT", "PRO_COM"]
#---- FFH ----
# Define available files
......@@ -116,13 +121,13 @@ socio_perc_cols = [
cols_dict = {
# Air quality
"P_Area_r1": "area very-low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r2": "area low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r3": "area medium-low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r4": "area medium-high P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r6": "area high P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r9": "area very-high P-risk [%]"
"P_Area_r1": "Area very-low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r2": "Area low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r3": "Area medium-low P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r4": "Area medium-high P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r6": "Area high P-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r9": "Area very-high P-risk [%]"
# Carbon
......@@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ conv = {k:v for values in cols_dict.values() for k,v in values.items()}
# define subset of columns according to categories
selected_col = {
'col_aq': list(cols_dict.get('air_q').values()),
'col_prisk': list(cols_dict.get('prisk').values()),
......@@ -181,7 +186,7 @@ selected_col = {
def read_data():
aq_scr = gpd.read_file(aq_scr_shp)
prisk_scr = gpd.read_file(prisk_scr_shp)
co2_ab = gpd.read_file(co2_ab_shp)
co2_ab["SEZ"] = co2_ab["SEZ"].astype(int)
co2_ab["kgCO2/m²"] = co2_ab["CO2"] / co2_ab.area
......@@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ def read_data():
raw = pd.concat(
co2_ab.loc[:, sez_cols],
aq_scr.loc[:, aq_raw_cols + aq_nor_cols],
prisk_scr.loc[:, prisk_raw_cols + prisk_nor_cols],
co2_ab.loc[:, co2_raw_cols + co2_nor_cols],
co2_em.loc[:, co2_em_raw_cols + co2_em_nor_cols + ems],
ffh_pa.loc[:, ffh_raw_cols + ffh_nor_cols],
......@@ -221,4 +226,9 @@ def read_data():
raw.index = co2_ab["SEZ"] = None
# Remove error observation
mask = raw.index == 8888888
raw = raw[~ mask]
return raw
......@@ -525,7 +525,10 @@ def explore_models(
# avoid to pre-process the data for every attempt
trans[mname] = tdata
# compute Hopkins statistics to test the clusterability of the daset
hop = hopkins(tdata, sampling_size=150)
# check sample is no greater than df size
sampling_size = min(tdata.shape[0], 150)
hop = hopkins(tdata, sampling_size=sampling_size)
print(f"{mname}, Hopkins: {hop:.5f}")
# print_hopkins(mname, hopkins)
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def get_preprocs(selected=None, apply_weight=None):
pre.StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True),
pre.Normalizer(norm="max"), # create sparse matrixes that lead to error in fast ica
......@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ def get_preprocs(selected=None, apply_weight=None):
dec.PCA(n_components="mle", svd_solver="full"),
dec.PCA(svd_solver="randomized", whiten=True),
dec.DictionaryLearning(fit_algorithm="lars", alpha=0.1, n_jobs=-1),
dec.DictionaryLearning(fit_algorithm="cd", alpha=0.1, n_jobs=-1),
dec.FastICA(whiten="warn", max_iter= 500),
dec.FastICA(whiten="unit-variance", max_iter= 500),
dec.DictionaryLearning(fit_algorithm="lars", alpha=0.1, n_jobs=None),
dec.DictionaryLearning(fit_algorithm="cd", alpha=0.1, n_jobs=None),
preprocs = {
f"s:{s}|w:{'true' if w else 'false'}|d:{d}": (s, w, d)
......@@ -142,7 +142,10 @@ def preprocs_worker(
dn = "None"
hop = hopkins(df, sampling_size=150)
# check sample is no greater than df size
sampling_size = min(df.shape[0], 150)
hop = hopkins(df, sampling_size=sampling_size)
long_label = f"s:{s!r}|w:{w!r}|d:{d!r}"
pre_id = shake_128(long_label.encode()).hexdigest(4)
......@@ -53,26 +53,17 @@ def get_nearest_sample(df: pd.DataFrame, uniformly_selected_observations: pd.Dat
def simulate_df_with_same_variation(
df: pd.DataFrame, sampling_size: int
) -> pd.DataFrame:
max_data_frame = df.max()
min_data_frame = df.min()
uniformly_selected_values_0 = np.random.uniform(
min_data_frame[0], max_data_frame[0], sampling_size
uniformly_selected_values_1 = np.random.uniform(
min_data_frame[1], max_data_frame[1], sampling_size
uniformly_selected_observations = np.column_stack(
(uniformly_selected_values_0, uniformly_selected_values_1)
if len(max_data_frame) >= 2:
for i in range(2, len(max_data_frame)):
uniformly_selected_values_i = np.random.uniform(
min_data_frame[i], max_data_frame[i], sampling_size
to_stack = (uniformly_selected_observations, uniformly_selected_values_i)
uniformly_selected_observations = np.column_stack(to_stack)
uniformly_selected_observations_df = pd.DataFrame(uniformly_selected_observations)
return uniformly_selected_observations_df
max_data_frame = df.max()
obs_all = []
for min, max in zip(min_data_frame, max_data_frame):
obs = np.random.uniform(min, max, sampling_size)
res = pd.DataFrame(obs_all).T
return res
def get_distance_sample_to_nearest_neighbours(df: pd.DataFrame, data_frame_sample):
......@@ -311,7 +311,11 @@ def plot_profiles2(
row = floor(c / ncols)
col = floor(c - (row * ncols))
print(f"cl: {cl}, row: {row}, col: {col}")
ax1 = axes[row][col]
if nrows > 1:
ax1 = axes[row][col]
ax1 = axes[col]
data = [clf[vname][cl] for vname in vnames]
......@@ -530,7 +534,12 @@ def plot_stats(
for c, cl in enumerate(cl_cat):
irow = floor(c / ncols)
icol = floor(c - (irow * ncols))
ax = axes[irow][icol]
if nrows > 1:
ax = axes[irow][icol]
ax = axes[icol]
light_bg = is_light(*cmap[cl], hsp_threshold=hsp_threshold)
sdf = stdfs[cl]
if idx_order is None:
This diff is collapsed.