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  • samuele.zilio/clustering
  • URS/justnature/clustering
2 results
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import os import os
import sys import sys
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd import pandas as pd
from import cols, read_data, sez_cols, wcols from import cols, conv, read_data, sez_cols, wcols
from justclust.explore.algclusters import explore_models, get_algclusters from justclust.explore.algclusters import explore_models, get_algclusters
from justclust.explore.preprocs import ApplyW, explore_preprocs, get_preprocs from justclust.explore.preprocs import ApplyW, explore_preprocs, get_preprocs
from justclust.paths.bolzano import report_dir from justclust.paths.bolzano import (
from justclust.plots import reporting
# %% # %%
# read and filter/select data # read and filter/select data
...@@ -17,7 +26,7 @@ raw = read_data() ...@@ -17,7 +26,7 @@ raw = read_data()
# use selected columns # use selected columns
selected = raw.loc[:, cols].dropna() selected = raw.loc[:, cols].dropna()
selected.rename(columns=conv, inplace=True)
# %% # %%
# Explore clustering pre-processing # Explore clustering pre-processing
...@@ -33,13 +42,13 @@ preprocs = get_preprocs(selected, apply_weight) ...@@ -33,13 +42,13 @@ preprocs = get_preprocs(selected, apply_weight)
# pkeys = sorted(preprocs.keys())[:10] # pkeys = sorted(preprocs.keys())[:10]
# preprocs = {k: preprocs[k] for k in pkeys} # preprocs = {k: preprocs[k] for k in pkeys}
prescorefile = report_dir / "scores_preprocess.xlsx"
if prescorefile.exists(): if prescorefile.exists():
print(f"Reading pre-processed scores from: {prescorefile}") print(f"Reading pre-processed scores from: {prescorefile}")
pre_scores = pd.read_excel(prescorefile) pre_scores = pd.read_excel(prescorefile)
else: else:
print( print(
f"Pre-processed file ({prescorefile}) not found, start computing the main metrics" f"Pre-processed file ({prescorefile}) not found, "
"start computing the main metrics"
) )
pre_scores = explore_preprocs(selected, preprocs) pre_scores = explore_preprocs(selected, preprocs)
pre_scores.to_excel(prescorefile) pre_scores.to_excel(prescorefile)
...@@ -70,58 +79,142 @@ pre = preprocs[pre_key] ...@@ -70,58 +79,142 @@ pre = preprocs[pre_key]
# %% # %%
# explore the clustering space # explore the clustering space
geo_out = raw.loc[selected.index, sez_cols]
models = get_algclusters(preprocs=pre)
sc, fi = explore_models(
("n_clusters", (5.0, 15.0)),
# silhouette_score: The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1.
# Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters. Negative values generally
# indicate that a sample has been assigned to the wrong cluster, as a
# different cluster is more similar.
("silhouette", (0.5, None)),
# davies_bouldin_score: The minimum score is zero, with lower values
# indicating better clustering.
# ("davies bouldin", (None, 0.6)),
# calinski_harabasz_score: higher Calinski-Harabasz score relates
# to a model with better defined clusters
# ("calinski harabasz", (10, None)),
# mean_el_per_cl: if you need to filter clusters with a mean
# number of elements
# ("mean_el_per_cl", (10, None)),
# % covered by clusters: percentage o, f elements that have been assigned
# to a cluster
("% covered by clusters", (50, None)),
# split file to make them not too heavy if clfile.exists():
cc = [c for c in geo_out.columns if c not in sez_cols] print(f"File: {clfile} exists load cluster from the file")
algs = sorted(set([c.split("__")[0].split("_")[-1] for c in cc])) print("WARNING: clusters read from file, not computed from scratch!")
geo_out = gpd.read_file(clfile)
for alg in algs: # force index to mantain consistency with raw and selected DF
acols = [c for c in cc if alg in c] geo_out.set_index("SEZ", drop=False, verify_integrity=True, inplace=True)
if len(acols) > 20: print(f"Reading clusters' scores from: {clscorefile}")
kl = [c.split("_")[0] for c in acols] sc = pd.read_excel(clscorefile, header=0, index_col=0)
for k in kl: print(f"Reading feature importances from: {fimpfile}")
klfile = report_dir / f"clusters_{alg}_{k}.gpkg" fi = pd.read_excel(fimpfile, header=0, index_col=0)
kcols = [c for c in acols if c.startswith(k)] else:
print(f"Saving {klfile} with cols: {kcols}") print(f"File: {clfile} does not exist. Start computing the clusters")
geo_out.loc[:, sez_cols + kcols].to_file(klfile, driver="GPKG") geo_out = raw.loc[:, sez_cols]
models = get_algclusters(preprocs=pre)
# save all columns to open all the clusters
clfile = report_dir / f"clusters_{alg}.gpkg" sc, fi = explore_models(
print(f"Saving {clfile}") data=selected,
geo_out.to_file(clfile, driver="GPKG") cldf=geo_out,
clscorefile = report_dir / "scores_clusters.xlsx" models=models,
sc.to_excel(clscorefile) n_jobs=-1,
fimpfile = report_dir / "feature_importances.xlsx" ("n_clusters", (5.0, 15.0)),
fi.to_excel(fimpfile) # silhouette_score: The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1.
# Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters. Negative values generally
# indicate that a sample has been assigned to the wrong cluster, as a
# different cluster is more similar.
("silhouette", (0.5, None)),
# davies_bouldin_score: The minimum score is zero, with lower values
# indicating better clustering.
# ("davies bouldin", (None, 0.6)),
# calinski_harabasz_score: higher Calinski-Harabasz score relates
# to a model with better defined clusters
# ("calinski harabasz", (10, None)),
# mean_el_per_cl: if you need to filter clusters with a mean
# number of elements
# ("mean_el_per_cl", (10, None)),
# % covered by clusters: percentage o, f elements that have been assigned
# to a cluster
("% covered by clusters", (50, None)),
# %%
# Export the clusters into separate files
# split file to make them not too heavy
scs = sc.set_index("label", drop=False, verify_integrity=True).loc[
sc.selected.values, :
algs = scs.groupby("model")
for alg, adf in algs:
if len(adf) > 20:
for k, kdf in adf.groupby("n_clusters"):
klfile = report_dir / f"clusters_{alg.lower()}_k{k:03d}.gpkg"
print(f"Saving {klfile}")
geo_out.loc[:, sez_cols + list(kdf.index)].to_file(
klfile, driver="GPKG", index=True
# save all columns to open all the clusters
print(f"Saving {clfile}")
geo_out.to_file(clfile, driver="GPKG", index=True)
print(f"Saving {clscorefile}")
print(f"Saving {fimpfile}")
# %%
# Select cluster to be selected
# Select the cluster id that need to be compared
# the ID can be taken from the `clscorefile`
sel_clsts = [
# label
# "hdbscan__mcs-15_ms-05_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # k06 @51.6%
# "hdbscan__mcs-15_ms-05_m-sqeuclidean_csm-eom", # k07 @50.2%
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-05_m-sqeuclidean_csm-eom", # k09 @60.3%
# "hdbscan__mcs-10_ms-01_m-euclidean_csm-eom", # k12 @74.5%
# "hdbscan__mcs-07_ms-05_m-chebyshev_csm-eom", # k15 @77.5%
if len(sel_clsts) == 0:
f"You must select the clusters to be analyzed from {clscorefile} "
"using the cluster label as UUID"
sccols = [
"% covered by clusters",
"davies bouldin",
"calinski harabasz",
# save the default value
old_max_rows = pd.get_option("display.max_rows")
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
"Available clusters are:\n",
sc.loc[sc["selected"] is True, sccols].sort_values(
by=["n_clusters", "silhouette", "davies bouldin", "calinski harabasz"],
ascending=[True, False, True, False],
# save default value back
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", old_max_rows)
for clname in sel_clsts:
if clname not in geo_out.columns:
raise ValueError(
f"The selected cluster is: {clname!r} but "
"it is not available. Select one of the "
f"following: {geo_out.columns!r}."
# select only the cluster of interest
clsts = geo_out.loc[
+ [
print(f"Saving selected clusters {clsts}")
clsts.to_file(selclfile, driver="GPKG", index=True)
for clname in sel_clsts:
print(f"Reporting: {clname}...")
cdir=report_dir / clname,
...@@ -145,6 +145,34 @@ wcols = np.array( ...@@ -145,6 +145,34 @@ wcols = np.array(
dtype=float, dtype=float,
) )
# define nice text label to not expose the internal nomenclature
conv = {
# air quality: Street canyon risk per census unit [%]
"P_Area_r1": "area very-low AQ-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r2": "area low AQ-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r3": "area medium-low AQ-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r4": "area medium-high AQ-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r6": "area high AQ-risk [%]",
"P_Area_r9": "area very-high AQ-risk [%]",
# carbon
"finale/m²": "Carbon emission building [ton CO2/m²]",
"kgCO2/m²": "Carbon absorption vegetation [kg CO2/m²]",
"P_Prot_are": "Protected area [%]",
# spatial
"P_area_300": "Accessibility urban green areas (<5 min) [%]",
"MEAN_Resul": "Walkability Index",
# temporal
"P_Area_dif": "Soil sealing between 2022 and 2018 [%]",
# thermal
"mean_norm": "Surface urban heat island",
# socio demographic
"indice di vecchiaia": "Age Index",
"%stranieri": "Foreign population [%]",
"%con figli": "Families with children [%]",
"%senza figli": "Families without children [%]",
"%Single": "Families with one component [%]",
# %% # %%
# Define function to read files # Define function to read files
...@@ -153,6 +181,7 @@ wcols = np.array( ...@@ -153,6 +181,7 @@ wcols = np.array(
def read_data(): def read_data():
aq_scr = gpd.read_file(paths.aq_scr_shp) aq_scr = gpd.read_file(paths.aq_scr_shp)
co2_ab = gpd.read_file(paths.co2_ab_shp) co2_ab = gpd.read_file(paths.co2_ab_shp)
co2_ab["SEZ"] = co2_ab["SEZ"].astype(int)
co2_ab["kgCO2/m²"] = co2_ab["CO2"] / co2_ab.area co2_ab["kgCO2/m²"] = co2_ab["CO2"] / co2_ab.area
co2_em = gpd.read_file(paths.co2_em_shp) co2_em = gpd.read_file(paths.co2_em_shp)
co2_em["finale/m²"] = co2_em["finale"] / co2_em.area co2_em["finale/m²"] = co2_em["finale"] / co2_em.area
...@@ -188,4 +217,6 @@ def read_data(): ...@@ -188,4 +217,6 @@ def read_data():
], ],
axis="columns", axis="columns",
) )
raw.index = co2_ab["SEZ"] = None
return raw return raw
...@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ def model_worker( ...@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ def model_worker(
if rdir is not None: if rdir is not None:
clcount.to_excel(rdir / f"{long_label}.xlsx") clcount.to_excel(rdir / f"{long_label}.xlsx")
fimp = feature_importances(tdata, labels, label) fimp = feature_importances(tdata, labels, label)
return long_label, labels, xcores, fimp return label, labels, xcores, fimp
def apply_filter( def apply_filter(
...@@ -13,3 +13,12 @@ tem_ss_shp = rawdata_dir / "Temporal" / "soil_sealing.shp" ...@@ -13,3 +13,12 @@ tem_ss_shp = rawdata_dir / "Temporal" / "soil_sealing.shp"
thm_sh_shp = rawdata_dir / "Thermal" / "suhi.shp" thm_sh_shp = rawdata_dir / "Thermal" / "suhi.shp"
socio_gpkg = rawdata_dir / "Socio" / "bz_pop_2021.gpkg" socio_gpkg = rawdata_dir / "Socio" / "bz_pop_2021.gpkg"
# main outputs into the report folder
# - pre-processing
prescorefile = report_dir / "scores_preprocess.xlsx"
# - clustering
clfile = report_dir / "clusters_all.gpkg"
selclfile = report_dir / "selected_clusters.gpkg"
clscorefile = report_dir / "scores_clusters.xlsx"
fimpfile = report_dir / "feature_importances.xlsx"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.