# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
- org.label-schema LABELs for version, build-date, vcs-url in docker images
- explicit CATALINA_PID path
- build and install Apache Tomcat Native Library
- increase java memory settings for tomcat (just-in-case)
- use regular start/stop/run commands (which in turn considers
- ContacPerson(s) in SP definition
- own (use dist versions)
- tomcat8 init.d script (wasn't used)
- (automatic redirects to) not working
## [1.3.4] - 2019-10-14
Alexander König
### Added
### Changed
- use kube-lego for TLS certs for clarin(-dev)
- disable k8s-internal secure TLS communication: getting rid of the necessity
to (re-)create valid/self-signed certs
Note: using HTTP over port 443 for internal communication (Shibboleth mishap)
- add IdP metadata from CLARIN server later in docker build build
- Some changes to the liveness probe / "cronjobs" (see #60)
Alexander König
### Removed
### Fixed
## [1.3.3] - 2019-07-23
### Changed
- adapted healthcheck "cronjob" to force exit in case it hangs for some reason (#60)
## [1.3.2] - 2019-06-27
### Added
- added liveness probes for DSpace and nginx pods (#53)
- added DSpace cronjobs to generate statistics, solr index etc. (#48)
### Changed
- upgraded DSpace to 2019.01 (#56)
## [1.3.1] - 2019-02-25
### Fixed
- oai sample identifier is now pointing to an existing record
- fixed typo to make content negotiation work for application/x-cmdi+xml
- fixed get URL for xerces
- IdP metadata from CLARIN are now downloaded during Docker build and not only once the container is running
## [1.3] - 2018-09-05
### Added
- added robots.txt to the expected place and made sure that sitemap was properly generated (#49)
- added some python modules to the DSpace Dockerfile that are needed by DSpace healthchecks
### Changed
- adapted some configuration to preserve the real IP addresses of visitors (#35)
- added configuration to enable DSPace to send Java errors to us by mail
### Fixed
- Made sure that tomcat is stopped with `-force` in entrypoint script to ensure that only one instance is running
## [1.2.2] - 2018-08-31
### Fixed
- Changed the DSpace config to use the production handle prefix and not the staging one
Alexander König
## [1.2] - 2018-08-27
### Added
- Added aa-statistics script to help aggregate statistics about IdP/SP Interoperability for LINDAT (see
- Added the shib testing page as required by CLARIN (#10)
- Adapted item view to also show dc.relation.isbasedon if it is available (in [clarin-dspace repository](
Alexander König
- Made DSpace user configurable through environment variable (#45)
- Docker Image naming convention has been changed
- Upgraded tomcat to version 8.0.52
- Changed links to licenses to https (in [clarin-dspace repository](
### Removed
- Removed link to Anonymous Privacy Policy from Shibboleth Metadata
Alexander König
### Fixed
- Shibboleth build script now uses fixed version numbers instead of latest
- Super short session timeout will no longer happen (#44)
## [1.1] - 2018-06-15
### Added
- Added a link to the issue tracker to FAQ
### Changed
- Mails are now sent with a no-reply reply-to address to make it more obvious that you cannot reply to them.
- Exchanged example item in various documentation pages with PAISÁ.
- Changed Dockerfile to pre-fetch Maven dependencies. This should reduce build time for most cases.
### Fixed
- Citation is now correctly showing authors and title in addition to the PID.
This is the first release. It all starts here.